This. Ayh believed this already existing automated generation of content they branded AI was both a cash grab AND a psyop to have us be more comfortable and adopt automated content in our every day lives ie news, money, kiosks, etc. It can also then be a scape goat for actual human corruption ie oh no the market crashed, dang AI.
users does not equate to viewers
Ayh had to look up your Telegram number bcz ayh did not believe and holy shit, ayh did not realize. Here is the thing, ayh do not know a single person who uses it, has the app, likes it, etc. Which is why ayh was surprised.
Of course you will believe that. Ayh never thought ayh could change the mind of some one who so aggressively believes in a fanaticism that failed.
Ayh do not wave the flag of losers. Ayh do not believe Jewish stories of Germany nor do ayh believe most German stories of Germany. Ayh have watched enough Riefenstahl films to know how well they over hyped Hitler.
Ayh live in the present.
You live in the past.
Pick a better hero bcz ghosts do not wage war.
Ayh took all the offense :)
Ayh saw the she did it her self bit and having been around a British mother who worshipped the royals, ayh know their inner workers too well. A waste of knowledge but ayh know how many handlers they have so no ayh do not fall in to the crowd you seem to have wanted me to participate in.
Here is the thing tho in what ayh phrased --> ayh stated how terrible of a job it was that even a novice could see it. The mistake ayh made for you is then joked that a handler would be quartered when ayh shd have stated "why go so hard on inferior?" how ever ayh chose to care less bcz ayh care, less.
Now to shit on you --> you mocked me by offer NO SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM as if credibility that you are wiser than ayh.
Take a step back, get off the soap box, breathe, go get laid. You are too tense.
100% and this is why he was easy to align in to a path of globalism. Go back to his earlier years and he was openly globalist. In the span of a year he flips, buys Twitter, plays our guy to feed us in to the abbitoir bcz he was convinced this is what must be done to convince stubborn peasants to comply "for their own good".
That is what is hard for angry peasants to often rationalize, that those who conspire against us very likely believe they are creating a utopia for our benefit. This has been true with every regime and every empire. Rome saying, look at you filthy mongrels, we will civilize you.
The issue is that they are willing to sacrifice certain freedoms to achieve this bcz they believe it to be the only way -- bcz we are stubborn. Bcz we are. :)
Human civilization is only ever about who is in control.
Places like 4chan next ~(o.o)~
Thing is tho.. aym sure they recognize that when you take away all the places for nationalists to commune online, they lose track of what nationalists think, see and do. They have to leave some "churches" standing so they can monitor.
sure of probabilities
Ayh am not dumb enough to not see that as an oxymoron :)
If we did apply statistical information to power outages and EMP or EMP similiar disruptions, 99.9% of them favor not solar but instead human manufactured events. Thus aym statistically favoring a local event (DARPA?) as opposed to seeing every thing go black and an aurora overhead.
6 terrorists on one article
:/ ..a clue how you know there a lot of (((focus))) from within to play TikTok "spying" narratives
Fact is that ayh have seen more pilled shit on TikTok at a higher velocity than any other platform -- and this may be result of the fact that you can not censor visuals as well as text -- especially at this volume. The false rate of automated blocking would be catastrophic to the platform.
Ayh do not think they can control it by design and this is why they are so inorganically trying to be destructive about it.
It would be worth keeping any eye on ByteDance executives.
His drug records are freely available. His own physicians spoke of it after the war -- unless of course you like to shill me on how every single person after the war was some (((actor))).
What about his offer for peace with Stalin.. before he marched towards Moscow?
Very simply -- if Hitler is so great, why is Germany of today a homosexual Muslim Jewish shit hole?
Hitler lost. Hitler was no where near the best of us. You could aspire after leaders who ruled for a dynasty -- there are 108 other generations of leaders that removed Jews. Kings, Queens, Dictators..
Swastika was a symbol of the sun, and he did not even pick it. You give far too much credit to Hitler himself when a vast majority of NAZI party activities were manufactured by his advisors. You shd know this considering your user name.
It is funny actually that they do not take the "internet shopping for all" more boldly than they do -- bcz it would appear more convincing.
Bezos is now launching satellites (3,500 of them) and if between Elon and Bezos they said "We want to connect more people to make more consumers" (only more elegantly) then we would all just go "of course" and chalk it up to greed per usual. --> but they don't. They do not say any thing in that context so we are left to assume that Starlink and etc are for cruise ships and airplanes and people in RVs? GTFO :/
Its bad PR bcz then we make comparisons to other programs ie CBDC and Digital Identity at the same time and we can not help but associate those needing an always-on global network.
But then again.. they can do what ever the fuck they want bcz we don't do shit and keep waiting for the next shoe to drop -- right in to slavery.
...before we have to fuck up the whole electrical grid and internet ~(o.o)~
He thought religious artifacts would protect the Third Reich.. yes, he was a bit off kilter.
Funny you did not focus on the drug addled claim.
Why can you not aspire to some one better? History is littered with better champions of peoples -- Hitler lied to the Germans to fund the war effort no one knew was coming. He manipulated Germans to fight a scale of war that was well beyond the means of success of the Germans which is why he had to remove so many Generals who tried to convince him to stop.
Hitler sucked. Want better!!!!
We will not see one in our life time. There is no evidence of drastic instability on the surface of the Sun and besides the fact we still do not know the actual composition of a star's interior, we can not actually predict with any credibility about solar events when our technical observations are both still fairly primitive and novel. Sure history has solar anomalies but those lack data. Our recent data for patterns is on par with Climate Change idiots presuming their science is indicative of history.. 150 years at best.
A: No bcz then (if he was not complicit) he would either have to admit he failed with CoHoax, was manipulated by CoHoax conspirators, and/or was a trusting fool.
With his enormous ego -- he can not even admit his 13 bankruptcies exist due to him having invested in fleecing people.
Is he did not run for Prez as a Republicans and did not "mean tweet" then with his history he would be treated in the same perspective as Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates or any other complicit Epstein Clinton pedo wife cheat arrogant elite.
mean tweet
does nothing and/or complies with (((conspirators)))
Okay but maybe next 4 years. He was clearly being blocked.
(now do Elon) Sigh.
That would be bcz AI is ONLY generated content from existing content. AI aka automated generated images and video will ALWAYS look like some thing from before.
That said --> film studios have had sophisticated CGI for more than a decade plus -- it was fairly standard for most content to look plastic over the last few decades.
Taking France and Belgium and Poland sent a bad signal. So did moving in to Hungary, Lithuania, Middle East. The agreement was to not take territories near Russia and he did. Hitler broke the truce as Russia agreed to only taking land to a point east. Its idiotic to think they believed at-war Europe would be an ideal time for Russia (which was not healthy at the time) to "invade" Europe. Hitler fucked up. He over reached and now he's dead and shd not be celebrated. He was a drug addled religious nut who did not even accomplish what Hitler zealots claim he did. Did he "kill the Jews" or was it just work camps with luxury amenities? Make up your minds.
Aym not even certain if any were not a saline shot. Ayh never once saw some one sincere and unfunded take a vial and microscopy in real time. Ayh even tried to acquire one since ayh have a descent scope, but no luck.
Then there is the reality that its still too soon to know. Trials run 5 to 10 years for a reason. 2020G was 10 years from 2030G for a reason. Myocardial damage takes time to fail. Typically 5 to 7 years which would mean not until 2026G to 2028G would we see upticks in heart failure.
Oops :)
Ayh saw a poignant post last night that shd be our response to such things:
Which, yeah, if she died or Charles died, good. Fuck 'em. But we (every one from critical thinkers to Housewives show watchers) gravitate to conspiracies and the conspirators have long taken advantage of that.
Civilization has never been about what we do but about who is in control.