posted ago by OnlyRetardsGetTheJab ago by OnlyRetardsGetTheJab +6 / -3

If people want to kill themselves with fentanyl, more power to them.

If homeless people are willing to purge themselves from our streets using fentanyl, more power to them.

It's been a looong time since I've seen such a strong effort to convince the right that they care about something they literally don't care about at all.

MTG was one of the first politicians tasked with heavily pushing this bullshit and if you think she genuinely gives a rat's ass about fentanyl overdoses, I've got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.

So what's the angle?

A vehicle for increasing border security and cartel crackdowns you might be thinking? Nope.
There are far worse drugs (and other things) coming over the border.

So what is the angle then?

My best guess is that it is, once again, the same corrupt military/CIA assholes who keep getting caught seizing and trafficking opiates during all of our wars.
I think the fentanyl is probably cutting into their opiate profits.

I think the corrupt military/CIA drug runners may be using Trump (and other Republicans) to eliminate a competing product.