If people want to kill themselves with fentanyl, more power to them.
If homeless people are willing to purge themselves from our streets using fentanyl, more power to them.
It's been a looong time since I've seen such a strong effort to convince the right that they care about something they literally don't care about at all.
MTG was one of the first politicians tasked with heavily pushing this bullshit and if you think she genuinely gives a rat's ass about fentanyl overdoses, I've got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.
So what's the angle?
A vehicle for increasing border security and cartel crackdowns you might be thinking?
There are far worse drugs (and other things) coming over the border.
So what is the angle then?
My best guess is that it is, once again, the same corrupt military/CIA assholes who keep getting caught seizing and trafficking opiates during all of our wars.
I think the fentanyl is probably cutting into their opiate profits.
I think the corrupt military/CIA drug runners may be using Trump (and other Republicans) to eliminate a competing product.
Translation: “White genocide is good.”
No, they run it. They pulled out of Afghanistan because they no longer need agricultural opium or third world governments be propped up to grow and distribute it. Fentanyl is ten times as damaging and can be synthed in a lab for a hundredth of the cost. They’re done with Afghanistan, et al. It's meaningless to them now.
I think we imported several thousand out of those millions who can teach and spread the manufacturing of all kinds of drugs, and now, society won't need to import as much since the immigrant drugs are strong, cheap and easy to make.
I don't know much about "immigrant drugs" so feel free to school me, but I think it's gonna be an increase in DIY drugs.
They are somewhat honest in that in the sense (i used hash this year to soothe a mind numbing pain) that the stuff they sell you is the exact same they sell to their own bros. Usually they just hamper with quantity if you aren't their friend.
Then again hash is their go to drug, i'm pretty sure there are drugs they don't use but sell that are heavily modified or bad quality.
Of all racial groups in the US, whites are probably the ones least likely to be dying from fentanyl.
This reminds me of the people saying abortion is about white genocide even though it is predominantly brown people who get abortions and Planned Parenthood literally had a goal of exterminating blacks.
I'll watch for indicators that this is the case.
In that scenario they could still be the culprits, trying to shut down competing foreign fentanyl.
However, the repubs (and MSM) are clearly tasked with destroying the reputation of fentanyl in general; not just foreign/china fentanyl.
I don't require them to be the culprits though. I'm trying to determine the actual angle, not cling to a possible angle.
Thanks for your thoughts on the matter.
??? The ✡Sacklers✡ sure seem to think otherwise.
Abortion doesn't exterminate blacks.
Abortion just translate some kids that will be replaced by more breeding into cute fleshy lab material, paid by welfare.
It won't change black birthrate much, it will only raise lab resources.
Also the chance encourage females to be sexually open (oh i can always get an abortion)
This post is clearly written by a retard…..lmao.
Out of touch doesn’t even explain your lack of understanding
So, a change of hands from the hands that control fetenal to the hands that control opioids? I think you're right. I also want to add, I think we are slaves, and we are experiencing a change in slave managers. The masters are the same for everyone, US as they are for Russia, Mexico, etc. but the slave population sectors are pretending to be sovereign nations.
Well, the scamdemic certainly seemed to indicate that nearly every single country is already under the same master.
Putin, in lock-step with all the globalist 'leaders', painted this fake pandemic as real and put people to work producing a 'vaccine' for the Russian people.
Most of the reasoning and motivation given in news are lies to cover the true ones.
Indeed, majority of black ops funding for int agencies used to come from drug /gun running. So perhaps it is that.
The more obvious point is that a worldwide debt/currency reset is coming, and the negotiations about it are going furious in the background. All the tariffs, claims of taking land masses and other silliness are about these negotiations : forcing counterpartiea to the negotiation table, accept he terms and mask the public from the truth.
Fentanyl is the same: theatre and at the same time send the gullible masses a fake signal that "we care".
Fentanyl is an enormous problem that the majority of people care about.
Fentanyl is great for the organ harvesting business