I saw an obvious shill post on LOP promoting this titled: "BREAKING: World leaders combine to issue SHOCKING rebuke of Trump". That led me to four observations...
This demonstrates a multilayered social media program that includes "conspiracy theorists".
Certain world leaders demonstrate that they respond instantly to a hidden puppeteer.
You've gotta be incredibly brainwashed and ignorant to think the world works according to the way we're all supposed to think it works, with a free press and democratically elected leaders.
I’ve been trying to figure these comments out for the better part of a year and I think I understand what you’re trying to do in that you’re showing where the meanings come from of the words they use or the actual message in what they’re saying? Maybe a bit of both? I just don’t understand how to see what you’re trying to directly get at yet, if that makes sense
a) That's the issue...nature moves inspiration through you; others suggest you to hold onto information. The latter you call "meaning", which restricts you from utilizing former. As in...you can't hold onto information, while drawing from moving inspiration. Holding onto restricts movement.
Nature doesn't define meaning...nature moves; which permits being to shape.
The trick...nature moves sound; beings trick each other with shaped words to ignore sound. That's spell-craft.
Being implies expression (life) within impression (inception towards death) aka expressed growth within impressed loss aka living within the process of dying.
In regard to senses...each ones perception separated from one another within all perceivable. It's the separation from one another which allows suggestion of information, which when consented to distracts one from all perceivable inspiration. Consent representing ones choice to hold onto a shape within a moving process. That's the self inflicted corruption of ones mind, and few trick many to choose that willingly.
trying to figure out
A rhetorical trick tempting you to ignore being a formed figure (life) within flow (inception towards death). Trying to figure out establishes intention towards suggested outcome, while ignoring perceivable origin. This intention permits few to direct many followers.
I think I understand
As long as you "stand-under" you cannot think freely. Understanding is shaped by ones consent to suggested information by another. Thinking implies adaptation to moving inspiration...something one cannot hold onto; only draw from and shape by free will of choice.
you’re showing where...come from
There's only one source (perceivable) for each one (perception) within. I try to break apart the suggested SHOW by few, which many are willingly watching and confining themselves to.
That cave represents the mind/memory of each consenting being. Others cannot enter (suggestion) your mind unless invited (consent).
where the meanings come from of the words they use or the actual message in what they’re saying?
a) Actual sound moves forwards; fictional words tempt ones consenting mind into circular thinking (logic); which outwards turns one against others (reason).
Few are not restricted by words. Few freely shape within sound, while tricking many with shaped words to turn away from sound and against each other. A distortion.
b) Message/mittere - "to release" implies flow (inception towards death) releasing form (life) by separation each one from one another, hence each ones FREE will of choice.
Ones consent to a suggested "message" implies holding onto its meaning, thereby contradicting "release".
Sharing messages with one another represents the game "Chinese Whispers; Telephone; Stille Post"...sharing distorts shapes; few exploit distortions among many sharing information with one another.
Maybe a bit of both?
Both implies "two"...being implies one (partial) within oneness (whole). There can be only one whole, hence the sleight of hand: "hole/whole in one".
Golf btw distorts gulf; noun - "profound depth" as in gulf of the sea/see aka profound depth (all perceivable) of sight (ones perception).
Putting a ball/baal into the hole/whole implies the establishment of circular logic within ones perception.
I just don’t understand how to see
a) Acknowledge for your self that "standing-under" prevents you from growing. You cannot seek understanding without curtailing your growth by intending to "stand-under" someone else.
b) Don't implies "doing nothing". That's a contradiction in itself, since everything perceivable does each ones perception before ones senses can perceive anything.
Nothing implies suggested nihil-ism (nihilo; nothing) tempting ones de-nial of perceivable. Few invert reality (everything) with fiction (nothing) to tempt many in-vert aka into turning (verto) against (versus) each other within conflicts of reason.
"The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) in Hebrew, is a mystical symbol used in the Kabbalah of esoteric judaism to describe the path to HaShem and the manner in which he created the world ex nihilo (out of nothing)."
Nature doesn't create out of nothing; nature transform everything into each thing by internal separation of action into reactions aka loss into growth aka flow (inception towards death) into form (life).
Each one can discern self to be within all...utilizing DON'T prevents self discernment.
to directly get at
You try to GET, which represents your choice to want to take into possession and hold onto by means (meaning) through the suggestion of others.
I try to describe all perceivable each ones perception GOT before coming into being.
Suggestion tempts one to GET; while ignoring where one GOT perception from.
All perceivable directs each ones living perception from inception towards death; the suggestions by another misdirect one into a "circle of life; a wheel of fortune; a leap of faith; the band of hope"... https://genius.com/Elton-john-circle-of-life-lyrics
I saw an obvious shill post on LOP promoting this titled: "BREAKING: World leaders combine to issue SHOCKING rebuke of Trump". That led me to four observations...
This demonstrates a multilayered social media program that includes "conspiracy theorists".
Certain world leaders demonstrate that they respond instantly to a hidden puppeteer.
You've gotta be incredibly brainwashed and ignorant to think the world works according to the way we're all supposed to think it works, with a free press and democratically elected leaders.
Most of the world still actually thinks that.
They care so much they couldn't even be bothered to come up with 140 chracters of their own.
New “I have covid but thankfully I got the vaccine” just dropped.
666 aka Carbon (6 Protons, 6 Neutrons, 6 Electrons) aka motion (proton/protos/first) balance (neutron/neutral) choice (electron/elect/to choose)
I’ve been trying to figure these comments out for the better part of a year and I think I understand what you’re trying to do in that you’re showing where the meanings come from of the words they use or the actual message in what they’re saying? Maybe a bit of both? I just don’t understand how to see what you’re trying to directly get at yet, if that makes sense
a) That's the issue...nature moves inspiration through you; others suggest you to hold onto information. The latter you call "meaning", which restricts you from utilizing former. As in...you can't hold onto information, while drawing from moving inspiration. Holding onto restricts movement.
Nature doesn't define meaning...nature moves; which permits being to shape.
The trick...nature moves sound; beings trick each other with shaped words to ignore sound. That's spell-craft.
b) Let's look at the etymology: Meaning; noun - "sense, that which is intended to be expressed"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/meaning
Being implies expression (life) within impression (inception towards death) aka expressed growth within impressed loss aka living within the process of dying.
In regard to senses...each ones perception separated from one another within all perceivable. It's the separation from one another which allows suggestion of information, which when consented to distracts one from all perceivable inspiration. Consent representing ones choice to hold onto a shape within a moving process. That's the self inflicted corruption of ones mind, and few trick many to choose that willingly.
A rhetorical trick tempting you to ignore being a formed figure (life) within flow (inception towards death). Trying to figure out establishes intention towards suggested outcome, while ignoring perceivable origin. This intention permits few to direct many followers.
As long as you "stand-under" you cannot think freely. Understanding is shaped by ones consent to suggested information by another. Thinking implies adaptation to moving inspiration...something one cannot hold onto; only draw from and shape by free will of choice.
There's only one source (perceivable) for each one (perception) within. I try to break apart the suggested SHOW by few, which many are willingly watching and confining themselves to.
It's the allegory of the cave... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_cave#/media/File:An_Illustration_of_The_Allegory_of_the_Cave,_from_Plato%E2%80%99s_Republic.jpg
That cave represents the mind/memory of each consenting being. Others cannot enter (suggestion) your mind unless invited (consent).
a) Actual sound moves forwards; fictional words tempt ones consenting mind into circular thinking (logic); which outwards turns one against others (reason).
Few are not restricted by words. Few freely shape within sound, while tricking many with shaped words to turn away from sound and against each other. A distortion.
b) Message/mittere - "to release" implies flow (inception towards death) releasing form (life) by separation each one from one another, hence each ones FREE will of choice.
Ones consent to a suggested "message" implies holding onto its meaning, thereby contradicting "release".
Sharing messages with one another represents the game "Chinese Whispers; Telephone; Stille Post"...sharing distorts shapes; few exploit distortions among many sharing information with one another.
Both implies "two"...being implies one (partial) within oneness (whole). There can be only one whole, hence the sleight of hand: "hole/whole in one".
Golf btw distorts gulf; noun - "profound depth" as in gulf of the sea/see aka profound depth (all perceivable) of sight (ones perception).
Putting a ball/baal into the hole/whole implies the establishment of circular logic within ones perception.
a) Acknowledge for your self that "standing-under" prevents you from growing. You cannot seek understanding without curtailing your growth by intending to "stand-under" someone else.
b) Don't implies "doing nothing". That's a contradiction in itself, since everything perceivable does each ones perception before ones senses can perceive anything.
Nothing implies suggested nihil-ism (nihilo; nothing) tempting ones de-nial of perceivable. Few invert reality (everything) with fiction (nothing) to tempt many in-vert aka into turning (verto) against (versus) each other within conflicts of reason.
Creatio ex nihilo (creation out of nothing)... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creatio_ex_nihilo
"The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) in Hebrew, is a mystical symbol used in the Kabbalah of esoteric judaism to describe the path to HaShem and the manner in which he created the world ex nihilo (out of nothing)."
Nature doesn't create out of nothing; nature transform everything into each thing by internal separation of action into reactions aka loss into growth aka flow (inception towards death) into form (life).
Each one can discern self to be within all...utilizing DON'T prevents self discernment.
You try to GET, which represents your choice to want to take into possession and hold onto by means (meaning) through the suggestion of others.
I try to describe all perceivable each ones perception GOT before coming into being.
Suggestion tempts one to GET; while ignoring where one GOT perception from.
All perceivable directs each ones living perception from inception towards death; the suggestions by another misdirect one into a "circle of life; a wheel of fortune; a leap of faith; the band of hope"... https://genius.com/Elton-john-circle-of-life-lyrics
It's kinda funny how these links say they're broken but tomorrow it'll load just fine. I'll check back tomorrow when I see more than the thumbnail