Notice first how Netanyahu is wearing the red tie and cuckold Trump the blue one. Indicating the Jew is the one running the show.
After everything Trump has done to Jews. Going as far as the very likely conversion to Judaism in 2017. And agreeing to murder more and more Americans to progress Jewish goals in Gaza and the middle east. His Jewish owners wanted to remind him they will kill him if he deviates one inch from their orders.
Agreed. The chair one is more of an entertainment BUT still! When you are with a Male friend. Do you go on pushing chairs for him and opening doors? Maybe fags. But with normal men if you push his chair you are his valet or minion.
White House footage gets directed; edited and vetted for release to enter and tame the minds of those watching it to imagine but/butan - "outside".
Adding any "buts" to suggested information tempts one to ignore that ones consent invites suggested information INTO ones mind...nature abhorring a vacuum then uses imagination to fill in what happened OUTSIDE.
Got any sources that aren't jewish? Both videos that guy cited as evidence cite a goldberg, who cites an anonymous White House source. Far as I can tell, he's just a standard boomer shabbos goy who believes all the old atrocity propaganda.
Sorry, those are the sources I have. That and him not putting his hand on the Bible. That said, it's really not an issue worth investigating to me. Either way, he will just do what Jews tell him to do whether a Jewish convert or not.
Notice first how Netanyahu is wearing the red tie and cuckold Trump the blue one. Indicating the Jew is the one running the show.
After everything Trump has done to Jews. Going as far as the very likely conversion to Judaism in 2017. And agreeing to murder more and more Americans to progress Jewish goals in Gaza and the middle east. His Jewish owners wanted to remind him they will kill him if he deviates one inch from their orders.
Jewish latest trend is handing out pagers as threats:
Twitter source:
Jewish news website source:
This guy gets it. The chair one is stupid.
But yes, Trump (and the US) is cucked as is everyone else. Netanyahu is just a pawn. The real controllers don't show their faces much.
Agreed. The chair one is more of an entertainment BUT still! When you are with a Male friend. Do you go on pushing chairs for him and opening doors? Maybe fags. But with normal men if you push his chair you are his valet or minion.
That's fair. It can be interpreted both ways.
White House footage gets directed; edited and vetted for release to enter and tame the minds of those watching it to imagine but/butan - "outside".
Adding any "buts" to suggested information tempts one to ignore that ones consent invites suggested information INTO ones mind...nature abhorring a vacuum then uses imagination to fill in what happened OUTSIDE.
^ braindead analysis as usual from you, sub-Manosphere level
Wait, what? Orange man apostate?
This guy wrote a good article about it:
Got any sources that aren't jewish? Both videos that guy cited as evidence cite a goldberg, who cites an anonymous White House source. Far as I can tell, he's just a standard boomer shabbos goy who believes all the old atrocity propaganda.
Sorry, those are the sources I have. That and him not putting his hand on the Bible. That said, it's really not an issue worth investigating to me. Either way, he will just do what Jews tell him to do whether a Jewish convert or not.
How did “That was a great operation,” become "It was a brilliant operation"? I guess we'll never know.
Why gold for Trump? Malleability (capability of being shaped or stretched by pressure)!
Please kill yourself already.
Aka pleading for consent...the hunter of minds sets the trap of suggestion.
While you play with suggested fiction; I remain ready (perception) within all (perceivable)...zayt moykhl
No, faggot. I didn’t ask for your autistic pedantry. And neither has anyone else — ever!
This isn't true, right?
Joogle: netanyahu trump pagers gift