Yep I remember what like a year ago when there was that big story about these internet carpet bomb campaigns, I would put nothing past them, especially the flower industry. It's like what the diamond industry would do if diamonds crumbled to dust after a few days after buying.
Nice try Big Flower sponsored reddit posts!
They're clearly trying to create another tulip bubble.
That might not even be so far fetched. Could be another manufactured consent campaign. Or just redditors being bitches.
Yep I remember what like a year ago when there was that big story about these internet carpet bomb campaigns, I would put nothing past them, especially the flower industry. It's like what the diamond industry would do if diamonds crumbled to dust after a few days after buying.
I never want flowers. They die. Does that mean you want me to die? Buy me an entire plant with the roots so that both the plant, and I will live.
And, that probably a marketing campaign to sell more flowers.
I was just thinking this, men probably want a garden or something.
My son just asked me for a book, and a video game the other day. My sons don't want any fucking flowers!
Plants! Tending ground, that's not lame like dead flowers.
Some plants are even edible. Or like weed multi purpose!
Po tay toes, boil'em, mash'em, stick'em inna stew! And a bit of ol' toby, eh?
Potato, and tomato stew is a favorite of mine. My kids like to add chicken. It's simple but tasty.
I might check that out, thanks
Hell yeah. I’d take a packet of vegetable seeds over flowers anytime!
The comment is from this popular (botted?) post pushing the same agenda.
That man holding the flower looks, scared and confused before I'm not sure if he wipes tears from his eyes!
Ghislaine Maxwell (Jewish) and MOSSAD agent frequently posted to the front page of Reddit.
Who nose if this is rael?