The Moors and the Jews of Spain felt the weight of the oppressive hand of Obscurantism no less than did the Kabalists and Alchemists of the Middle Ages. One would think Esoteric philosophy and especially the Occult Arts, or Magic, were an abomination to these good holy fathers? And so indeed they would have the world believe. But when one studies history and the works of their own authors published with the imprimatur of the Order, what does one find? That the Jesuits have practised not only Occultism, but BLACK MAGIC in its worst form, 4 [Footnote 4. Mesmerism or HYPNOTISM is a prominent factor in Occultism. It is magic. The Jesuits were acquainted with and practised it ages before Mesmer and Charcot. –ED.] more than any other body of men; and that to it they owe in large measure their power and influence!
"Theosophy Or Jesuitism" From H. P. Blavatsky Theosophical Articles, Vol. III 1888
Hypnotism, so early mind control attempts. They truly embody the CIA in almost every aspect. Except they serve Rome.
Mind you Blavatsky was herself an occultist (arch witch) so this is one of those "takes one to know one" kind of things. Despite the in-fighting they all serve the same master, their demon Lucifer.
She was a decent soul.
Misguided often imo, but she was brilliant.
I always like to suggest her 'black magic in science' article.
Besides, occultist is really a bad definition. An occultist hides; an anti occultist penetrates the first dungeon to bring stuff out into the light. She was more of the second.
And good people also resorted to occlusion to hide good shit from psychos.
There is black and white, but most high knowledge has to hide itself to prevent access to the other side and the whites can only risk sharing a part publicly.
She was a luciferian who practiced witchcraft (an abomination). It really is that black and white.
For a diehard Christian maybe
On the contrary, the Society of Jesus serves Jesus. Ritualized child abuse goes back to Abraham (though the exoteric Genesis does not describe the effect the pretended sacrifice was supposed to have upon Isaac, anyone who has studied the Illuminati method for creating undetectable mind-controlled slaves knows what was going on; the barbaric practice of circumcision has a similar intent, splitting the mind through extreme sexual trauma as early as possible). Jesus himself was arrested in the middle of the night in the company of a naked boy (found in the Gospel of Mark, the earliest gospel, but redacted by the other writers from their accounts).
Blavatsky served the Mahatmas, the Secret Chiefs, not any Abrahamic entity of evil. Take the time to read her work and you'll find her morals of the highest nature. She was the editor of a periodical entitled "Lucifer" but that title was chosen for extremely complex and nuanced reasons, as discussed at great length at the beginning of the first issue:
and reminder that the (((vatican pope))) is nothing but an employee of the black pope, supreme master of the jesuit order.
we are living through the final stages of a multi millennial spiritual war, 6k or even 12000 yo war
The Jesuits are master manipulators and have successfully programmed the entire human experience.
Accord; verb - "come into agreement" that's a) how ones consent to the suggestion of another occults ones mind from perceivable, and b) a hidden contradiction aka agree-MENT implies mind, while ac-CORD implies heart.
The foundation of black-magic is about tempting the mind to ignore (black) discernment (white)...meanwhile, ones heart cannot ignore anything.
Ones consent to suggested information obscures ones perception of all perceivable inspiration.
Ignorance represents the scurus/skeu - "cover" one imposes willingly over ones discernment.
Eso implies internal (ones perception) Exo implies external (all perceivable)...the suggestions by another represent an internal cover over ones sight within external.
Only within foundation can one's "looking for" which tempts one to ignore foundation aka origin.
Magic/magh - "to be able"...that which WAS enables that which IS. Suggesting each other what IS tempts one another to ignore what WAS perceivable.
Magic (being able) isn't the issue...disabling self by enabling others is.
Consenting to suggested "blankets" ones perception, hence keeping one asleep.
I wonder if FE shill Jeranism was under hypnosis by his Jesuit handlers. And that isn't speculation, I saw a video where he admitted to being Jesuit trained. They taught him Flat Earth.