Well this is irregular warfare, a war for our minds, so if he plans on declaring war, he'd have to create some kind of chip to control your mind from a satellite or something.
Reality forwards input (perceivable inspiration) through each ones mind...ignoring this by holding onto output (suggested information) like pluralism (our) establishes a fictitious war (reason) within reality.
to create some kind of chip to control your mind
Suggested creation-ism implies a chip of another ones block, which ones consent implements into ones mind/memory, while permitting others control.
If one believes in creation, then one blocks transformation. The block implies ones ignorance; the chip ones consent to the suggestion of another.
It's called "chip off the old block" because ignorance tempts one to ignore new/now (perceivable) for holding onto old (suggested).
But he fixed things for Amber Heard.....so there's that.
Somebody tell Elon that half the problem was the insertion of disloyals into governmental and agency positions in the first place.
And some of them were even foreigners.
Kalergi Plan aims at Europe...US aka UNITED STATES aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one) is it's own plan aka it's own variation of tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together).
Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi was just a mouthpiece for the world-wide unification of gentiles under each jew...a mouthpiece used to obscure the plan/plane/plain aka hidden in plain sight.
Government implies mind being governed by outside influence, hence by inserted influence through separation (dis) of outside (perceivable) into inside (perception).
It's ones consent to a suggestion, which establishes loyalty to another, while ignoring that loyal/legal aka natural law separates each one within from one another.
agency positions
Being implies reaction (life) positioned within action (inception towards death) aka regent within agent aka reactor within generator aka growth within loss.
some of them were even foreigners.
Being implies different from one another, hence native (one) within nature (all) and foreign to one another.
What a fucking dork. I don't understand people who think he's cool
Puppets are not real people, so when they say and do things, that's not real either, it's part of the show
a) Only within reality can each free person be puppeteered with fiction.
b) Real implies ones RE-sponse to AL (all)...responding to one another, by consenting to a suggestion, attaches strings to a puppeteer.
One can only say within sound, and do while being done. Fiction simulates reality...it cannot replace it.
Being implies partial within whole...while being tempted by what other partials are showing.
Well this is irregular warfare, a war for our minds, so if he plans on declaring war, he'd have to create some kind of chip to control your mind from a satellite or something. Oh...shit..................wait.....
Reality forwards input (perceivable inspiration) through each ones mind...ignoring this by holding onto output (suggested information) like pluralism (our) establishes a fictitious war (reason) within reality.
Suggested creation-ism implies a chip of another ones block, which ones consent implements into ones mind/memory, while permitting others control.
If one believes in creation, then one blocks transformation. The block implies ones ignorance; the chip ones consent to the suggestion of another.
It's called "chip off the old block" because ignorance tempts one to ignore new/now (perceivable) for holding onto old (suggested).
Oh my, the "boy genius" sounds angry. We better all be scared.
Another storm in a teacup Psyop Narrative drill coming...
But he fixed things for Amber Heard.....so there's that.
Somebody tell Elon that half the problem was the insertion of disloyals into governmental and agency positions in the first place. And some of them were even foreigners.
He's a jew. He is here to ensure that the political backlash against open borders doesn't interfere with the Kalergi Plan.
Kalergi Plan aims at Europe...US aka UNITED STATES aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one) is it's own plan aka it's own variation of tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together).
Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi was just a mouthpiece for the world-wide unification of gentiles under each jew...a mouthpiece used to obscure the plan/plane/plain aka hidden in plain sight.
Government implies mind being governed by outside influence, hence by inserted influence through separation (dis) of outside (perceivable) into inside (perception).
It's ones consent to a suggestion, which establishes loyalty to another, while ignoring that loyal/legal aka natural law separates each one within from one another.
Being implies reaction (life) positioned within action (inception towards death) aka regent within agent aka reactor within generator aka growth within loss.
Being implies different from one another, hence native (one) within nature (all) and foreign to one another.
Whose face looks fucked?
Hence war (reason) being based on will (choice)...
A (one) MER (to get a share of something) ICA (of, like, related to, pertaining to)...