Well this is irregular warfare, a war for our minds, so if he plans on declaring war, he'd have to create some kind of chip to control your mind from a satellite or something.
Reality forwards input (perceivable inspiration) through each ones mind...ignoring this by holding onto output (suggested information) like pluralism (our) establishes a fictitious war (reason) within reality.
to create some kind of chip to control your mind
Suggested creation-ism implies a chip of another ones block, which ones consent implements into ones mind/memory, while permitting others control.
If one believes in creation, then one blocks transformation. The block implies ones ignorance; the chip ones consent to the suggestion of another.
It's called "chip off the old block" because ignorance tempts one to ignore new/now (perceivable) for holding onto old (suggested).
Well this is irregular warfare, a war for our minds, so if he plans on declaring war, he'd have to create some kind of chip to control your mind from a satellite or something. Oh...shit..................wait.....
Reality forwards input (perceivable inspiration) through each ones mind...ignoring this by holding onto output (suggested information) like pluralism (our) establishes a fictitious war (reason) within reality.
Suggested creation-ism implies a chip of another ones block, which ones consent implements into ones mind/memory, while permitting others control.
If one believes in creation, then one blocks transformation. The block implies ones ignorance; the chip ones consent to the suggestion of another.
It's called "chip off the old block" because ignorance tempts one to ignore new/now (perceivable) for holding onto old (suggested).