I can’t believe people can’t figure this out.
I truly am shocked.
First, there’s the FED whitepaper about creating crypto in the 1990’s and one of the FED AGENTS’ signed name was almost identical to Satoshi Nakamoto.
Second, please compare the “bitcoin revolutuon” adherents and propagators to any MLM-scheme, Ponzi scheme, or fanatical religion. Make notes comparing and contrasting the behaviors, mannerisms, writings, characters, etc.
Not what they say, and HOW they say it.
Thirdly, the largest owner of bitcoin is the United States Government.
Bitcoin and other cryptos’ function is the same exact function of the Vietnam, Afghanistan, and South American entanglements: Heroin. Cocaine. Black market goods to create black market money for black budget operations.
So BTC was created by the government agencies and the military? You mean like the DARPANET you're using as we speak brought to you by the wireless 4/5G infrastructure they also created?
You're running on fiat USD which has an all-seeing eye and Novus ordo seclorum written on it and is controlled by the most corrupt cartel of bankers in human history that run the printers day and night inflating that debt bubble. You're probably using digital banking too. But at least you're not getting scammed with the giant BTC scheme that is the best bet at a decentralized and secure limited money system.
Talk about lack of awareness by most of the guys here who are convinced BTC is the mark of the beast while being entirely dependent on a type of a beast system.
Maybe Bitcoin will be used to eradicate all US debts the same way the worker’s mark saved the german economy after the Deutschmark went Weimaronic.
You can make money off of a Ponzi. You can buy in and get out at different PP. No shame in that, get you some cous.’
But it’s the religious fervor of the BTC bros, and their constant pushing shitcoins, and pretending they know ANYTHING about blockchain technology. It feels like tulipmania all over again, but it might not be.
I played in the cryptospace for a while. But it’s gambling. You can say, “Well so is wall street, so is everything!” But anyways…
I’d rather buy land, guns, commodities, ammo, tools, vehicles.
Remember the stock market crash of 1929? It was manipulated so that
mega-1%’rs could buy up billions of shares. It was a dump&pump instead of a pump&dump. These same mutual fund and ETF niggas are now pro-bitcoin after screaming to shut down silk road, imprison the founder, and how dangerous crypto was for the black market heroin jihadists who will rape and kill your kids and now a complete 180?
Something stinks.
Here’s what i really think.
Crypto is the new Drug Operation for black market spook operations.
No more fucking around and staging coups in the opium triangle (vietnam and afghanistan)
No more Iran-Contra, etc.
The natural ebb and flow that is possible when US GOV is the major shareholder.
Options markets for crypto?
It’s fucking insane.
Everybody talks about black rock State Street in Vanguard owning collectively 30% of the entire market, board positions in every company and how easy it is for them to manipulate in their interests, yet they lack the capacity to understand
That this market manipulation could be possible with crypto because MUH BLOCKCHAIN TEKNOLOGIE
Fair enough. I don't trust it 100% either because there are things we don't know. I have zero trust in shitcoins too, but BTC seems different. It's definitely not my religion because I don't believe the problems of humanity can be resolved through economics.
Haha Kosher Dyer. Did you know the Orthodox are like the real Jews because they dress like Pharisees and hold real temple services with accurate litergy?
I love to hear about my religion from an atheist. Of course I know Orthodoxy is grounded in true unchanged apostolic tradition. I just came back from the liturgical service and yes, the priests dress appropriately and not in a suit and bow-tie.
I can’t believe people can’t figure this out. I truly am shocked.
First, there’s the FED whitepaper about creating crypto in the 1990’s and one of the FED AGENTS’ signed name was almost identical to Satoshi Nakamoto.
Second, please compare the “bitcoin revolutuon” adherents and propagators to any MLM-scheme, Ponzi scheme, or fanatical religion. Make notes comparing and contrasting the behaviors, mannerisms, writings, characters, etc. Not what they say, and HOW they say it.
Thirdly, the largest owner of bitcoin is the United States Government.
Bitcoin and other cryptos’ function is the same exact function of the Vietnam, Afghanistan, and South American entanglements: Heroin. Cocaine. Black market goods to create black market money for black budget operations. ————
Synagogue of Satan’s new Tulip mania,
wrapped in promise,
Iconography of gold
and coolfactor.
Let it be known unto me, cryptobros,
are you the purchaser
Or are you the product?
So BTC was created by the government agencies and the military? You mean like the DARPANET you're using as we speak brought to you by the wireless 4/5G infrastructure they also created?
You're running on fiat USD which has an all-seeing eye and Novus ordo seclorum written on it and is controlled by the most corrupt cartel of bankers in human history that run the printers day and night inflating that debt bubble. You're probably using digital banking too. But at least you're not getting scammed with the giant BTC scheme that is the best bet at a decentralized and secure limited money system.
Talk about lack of awareness by most of the guys here who are convinced BTC is the mark of the beast while being entirely dependent on a type of a beast system.
Then you just keep on HODL’ng my friend.
Maybe Bitcoin will be used to eradicate all US debts the same way the worker’s mark saved the german economy after the Deutschmark went Weimaronic.
You can make money off of a Ponzi. You can buy in and get out at different PP. No shame in that, get you some cous.’
But it’s the religious fervor of the BTC bros, and their constant pushing shitcoins, and pretending they know ANYTHING about blockchain technology. It feels like tulipmania all over again, but it might not be.
I played in the cryptospace for a while. But it’s gambling. You can say, “Well so is wall street, so is everything!” But anyways…
I’d rather buy land, guns, commodities, ammo, tools, vehicles.
Remember the stock market crash of 1929? It was manipulated so that mega-1%’rs could buy up billions of shares. It was a dump&pump instead of a pump&dump. These same mutual fund and ETF niggas are now pro-bitcoin after screaming to shut down silk road, imprison the founder, and how dangerous crypto was for the black market heroin jihadists who will rape and kill your kids and now a complete 180?
Something stinks.
Here’s what i really think. Crypto is the new Drug Operation for black market spook operations. No more fucking around and staging coups in the opium triangle (vietnam and afghanistan) No more Iran-Contra, etc. The natural ebb and flow that is possible when US GOV is the major shareholder. Options markets for crypto? It’s fucking insane.
Everybody talks about black rock State Street in Vanguard owning collectively 30% of the entire market, board positions in every company and how easy it is for them to manipulate in their interests, yet they lack the capacity to understand That this market manipulation could be possible with crypto because MUH BLOCKCHAIN TEKNOLOGIE
Fair enough. I don't trust it 100% either because there are things we don't know. I have zero trust in shitcoins too, but BTC seems different. It's definitely not my religion because I don't believe the problems of humanity can be resolved through economics.
Haha Kosher Dyer. Did you know the Orthodox are like the real Jews because they dress like Pharisees and hold real temple services with accurate litergy?
I love to hear about my religion from an atheist. Of course I know Orthodoxy is grounded in true unchanged apostolic tradition. I just came back from the liturgical service and yes, the priests dress appropriately and not in a suit and bow-tie.
haha just because I'm not christcuck doesn't mean I'm atheist bud
So you're either a pagan larper like Adam Green or a gnostic new ager. No difference really.