and, if not faked, it would have been the highest altitude that a human being had ever reached (other than the non-existent fake Apollo missions) . the ISS space station is at about 395-400 kms; this faked event was pretending to be at 420 kilometres.
If they want me to believe in "space", those thousands of 'scientists' and 'engineers' can figure out how to install a front-facing dashcam on that multi-billion dollar shuttle.
What I find baffling to this day is the fact that some of these events are fake and some are real, there being numerous examples of both types. (Those who argue for purely one or the other seldom address themselves to counterexamples.)
The point is, if they can do certain things for real, then why bother with the fakery? It's hard to believe it's for the purposes of psychological manipulation. Is anyone going to, say, turn in their guns because of a fake spacewalk? Really, few are paying attention to any of these events in the first place.
A shitty band once sang, “Space may be the final frontier, but it’s made in a Hollywood basement.”
It’s all fake. It’s TeeVee programming.
and, if not faked, it would have been the highest altitude that a human being had ever reached (other than the non-existent fake Apollo missions) . the ISS space station is at about 395-400 kms; this faked event was pretending to be at 420 kilometres.
If they want me to believe in "space", those thousands of 'scientists' and 'engineers' can figure out how to install a front-facing dashcam on that multi-billion dollar shuttle.
What I find baffling to this day is the fact that some of these events are fake and some are real, there being numerous examples of both types. (Those who argue for purely one or the other seldom address themselves to counterexamples.)
The point is, if they can do certain things for real, then why bother with the fakery? It's hard to believe it's for the purposes of psychological manipulation. Is anyone going to, say, turn in their guns because of a fake spacewalk? Really, few are paying attention to any of these events in the first place.
The point is they can't do both. They can only do one.
O.K. We will. But must we continue to have gay sex? My Butt hole is starting to chafe.