Instead of selling weed on the Street corners like teens on bicycles, these BigPharm drug pushers wear white coats and can afford to rent little offices, to push Pharma drugs which are patented
In an interview on Children’s Health Defense’s “Vax-Unvax” bus, Dr. Paul Thomas exposed the financial incentives pediatricians receive for administering vaccines, including kickbacks of up to $240 per visit.
But his trophy wife needs an E class Mercedes and their kids can't go to public school. They also need to live in a gated community (I wonder why).... So fuck your kids
Nowadays I see the top of the line Teslas in the "doctors only" shades parking spots outside of doctor offices.
And some nicer sports cars. But lots of Teslas
They don't really work for you then....they work for the people who pay them the essentially they're big pharma's doctor.....
They are nothing but street level drug pushers.
Instead of selling weed on the Street corners like teens on bicycles, these BigPharm drug pushers wear white coats and can afford to rent little offices, to push Pharma drugs which are patented
In an interview on Children’s Health Defense’s “Vax-Unvax” bus, Dr. Paul Thomas exposed the financial incentives pediatricians receive for administering vaccines, including kickbacks of up to $240 per visit.
We get paid to poison your kids' is what I'm reading
Blood money.
But his trophy wife needs an E class Mercedes and their kids can't go to public school. They also need to live in a gated community (I wonder why).... So fuck your kids
Nowadays I see the top of the line Teslas in the "doctors only" shades parking spots outside of doctor offices. And some nicer sports cars. But lots of Teslas
"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" Mark 8:36