Previously I have made a post regarding an old version of a propaganda manual Jewish miltias use called: "Luntz Report Global Language Dictionary The Israel Project 2009"
It was archived on
Guess what happened to it? It disappeared.
So in short, they heard us all into using which is controlled by them so they can easily delete the important stuff they want expunged or altered. Any alternative can't compete because gets all the money. is their tool.
BTW this is the manual they really wanted to disappear: Please try to spread it far and wide to teach Jewish militias they can't make things disappear.
Edit: Just to be more clear. The website is more or less working but what I mean by scam is that you shouldn't really trust it or trust that your links are safe there. They are most certainly not. If you care about something save it on your drive as well.
Or just save it by Print -> Save as PDF
Yes, that will work too, if PDF is suitable for you.
review the PDF first or use a special extension
there are a few of them PDF prettifier or something like that
when printing the background image can become black and it can be black on black or white on white or fucked up in some other way. so you always want a human to look at it first before you export a webpage to a PDF.