I agree 90%. The thing that separates BG from the average failed cubicle nerd is (in addition to being groomed to the position and being born rich) is the fact that he is clearly psychopathic, with no moral qualms.
And thus, he is 10000x more connected to other rich psychopathic assholes and that gives him extra leverage.
It's not just what you have on your bank account, but WHO you know and how willing they are to go the extra mile with no restrictions on their activities.
This, lack of code, morals and ethics, is also their weak point, as long as normal people recognize it and act against it.
Not holding my breath on that.... used to believe in the power of awareness and knowledge.... 30+ years ago... as a young and idealistic lad. Not so much anymore :)
Aka being (life) advanced (inception towards death) which implies one needing to resist wanted temptations by others.
Notice now that ones suggestion tempts others to "take", which then advances them towards death.
EN'ERGY, noun (Gr. work) - "internal or inherent power"...force within work implies action (inception towards death) and reaction (life) aka loss and growth; flow and form; velocity and resistance; motion and matter; balance and choice; need and want etc.
Joining a suggested "workforce" tempts one to ignore being set apart within whole force of work.
Not holding my breath on that.... used to believe in...
Can one hold breath without needing to let go? Why would holding onto beliefs be different? What forces one to breathe, and what forces one to let go of any and all beliefs? Could it be the same force (inception towards death) differentiating (life)...
to believe in the power of awareness and knowledge
Do awareness (perception) and knowledge (perceivable) need ones belief in suggested?
It's the far more subtle cultural engineering that's the problem, and nearly universal these days. Ask anyone you know who they admire, whose principles they follow, and whose life they wish to emulate, and there is a virtual certainty they will name a rich person.
Tell them they can't say Jesus, either, but I suspect most won't even think of him.
“You know that Daniel Radcliffe has declared himself an atheist?” Kasich said, apropos of nothing, according to a report in the Concord Monitor. “I’m serious. What a weird thing. Why would a guy who has had all that success just, I mean, what the hell is wrong with him?”
Radcliffe, the successful former child actor, has made no secret of his atheism, telling Esquire Magazine in 2009 that “I’m an atheist, but I’m very relaxed about it. I don’t preach my atheism …”
I like how my ancestor put it.
That the soule of a childe of God is safe, in the worst estate he can be in, in this life; but a wicked mans soule is in most danger when his estate is at best.
Let the Lord speake for both, out of his blessed word, we know he will not, nay, cannot but say true for either side. For the faithful and their safety first. Christ foretells Peter of as much misery as might befall him, when he signifies unto him that [Satan had a desire to wynnow him (with the rest) as wheate] that is, throughly, exactly, to the utmost; by which words he meant to give Peter to understand what miseryes he was like (for the truthes sake) to undergoe, and how it came to passe accordingly, by Gods permission of the Devil, and the power, and malice of his adherents, the story of his denial before Christs death; and the relation of his life, and death, in the book of the Acts of the Apostles, doth abundantly evidence, and declare. But wherewith did Christ comfort Peter, when he tolde him of this outward discomfort and danger? why even with this very thing,
*[but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith faile not] which was as much as to say; though many persecutions, and perills may surprise thee, to the endangering of thy life, even unto the death, yet know, thy soules estate shall be secured, the power of grace in thee, the assurance of glory to thee, shall in no wise faile, that shall stand fast for ever, whatsoever becometh of thy temporal part, which will perish.
Man hard to understand stuff people wrote 400 years ago, but I think what he means is that god saves the hardest trials for those who would be tempted by the devil the most.
Having material things is no different, its just another temptation in this world and most of our leaders have failed this test. All they want to do is horde piles of shiny stones.
Thats why I say, I kinda hope jesus does exist. And I hope he would judge the human race accordingly. We have lost our way.
Who measures/evaluates the suggested values by few? It's the free will of choice by many, which in return makes few rich and many poor.
Meanwhile...being implies evaluation (perception) within value (perceivable). Consenting (to buy) to suggested (to sell) devalues being, which permitting a merchant to set the prices.
I consider wealth as a form of solitary confinement if the person is shitty and hordes it to themselves they are separating themselves from humanity at large and likely are surrounded by people with material motivations no one who can be trusted.
Turd burglar thinks his wealth affords him the right to dictate others lives. He attempts to mimic butch lesbian women so as to avoid violent confrontation.
I agree 90%. The thing that separates BG from the average failed cubicle nerd is (in addition to being groomed to the position and being born rich) is the fact that he is clearly psychopathic, with no moral qualms.
And thus, he is 10000x more connected to other rich psychopathic assholes and that gives him extra leverage.
It's not just what you have on your bank account, but WHO you know and how willing they are to go the extra mile with no restrictions on their activities.
This, lack of code, morals and ethics, is also their weak point, as long as normal people recognize it and act against it.
Not holding my breath on that.... used to believe in the power of awareness and knowledge.... 30+ years ago... as a young and idealistic lad. Not so much anymore :)
“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:16
Aka suggesting others to consent.
Aka being (life) advanced (inception towards death) which implies one needing to resist wanted temptations by others.
Notice now that ones suggestion tempts others to "take", which then advances them towards death.
EN'ERGY, noun (Gr. work) - "internal or inherent power"...force within work implies action (inception towards death) and reaction (life) aka loss and growth; flow and form; velocity and resistance; motion and matter; balance and choice; need and want etc.
Joining a suggested "workforce" tempts one to ignore being set apart within whole force of work.
Can one hold breath without needing to let go? Why would holding onto beliefs be different? What forces one to breathe, and what forces one to let go of any and all beliefs? Could it be the same force (inception towards death) differentiating (life)...
Do awareness (perception) and knowledge (perceivable) need ones belief in suggested?
It's the far more subtle cultural engineering that's the problem, and nearly universal these days. Ask anyone you know who they admire, whose principles they follow, and whose life they wish to emulate, and there is a virtual certainty they will name a rich person.
Tell them they can't say Jesus, either, but I suspect most won't even think of him.
That's very true
Yea, just like how these religious mafia types, like ohios governor dewine, think that being rich is a measure of gods love for you lmao.
Thats why the previous religious mafia leader of ohio, kasich was dissing the harry potter star.
I like how my ancestor put it.
Man hard to understand stuff people wrote 400 years ago, but I think what he means is that god saves the hardest trials for those who would be tempted by the devil the most.
Having material things is no different, its just another temptation in this world and most of our leaders have failed this test. All they want to do is horde piles of shiny stones.
Thats why I say, I kinda hope jesus does exist. And I hope he would judge the human race accordingly. We have lost our way.
Who measures/evaluates the suggested values by few? It's the free will of choice by many, which in return makes few rich and many poor.
Meanwhile...being implies evaluation (perception) within value (perceivable). Consenting (to buy) to suggested (to sell) devalues being, which permitting a merchant to set the prices.
I consider wealth as a form of solitary confinement if the person is shitty and hordes it to themselves they are separating themselves from humanity at large and likely are surrounded by people with material motivations no one who can be trusted.
Turd burglar thinks his wealth affords him the right to dictate others lives. He attempts to mimic butch lesbian women so as to avoid violent confrontation.