i don't, i'm merely speculating on past events and past actions.
how was it like when trump became president the first time, or obama, or george w bush? i remember there being so much division on racism, rich vs poor, right vs left, terrorism vs west, etc. when i was a kid
what was it like when clinton, george hw bush, and the like before him became president? that was before my time but i imagine it was not too different based on past records. how was it after biden became president?
same elsewhere. how did things change when trudeau became prime minister? or recently when putin just got re-elected? immediately a "terror" attack happened, and now there's talk of more active russian military push westward in europe, with leaders claiming this is "concerning".
why do you keep asking loaded questions? is there a purpose to showing bias and then devaluing your original post when you question the people who disagree with you and the people who agree with you?
if you want to keep doubted people, even yourself, then please state what you think the answers to all your questions are. if not, then this is not being helpful at all
do you think things will improve if the correct leader, or a good leader is "elected" into that kind of position?
theatrics to create maximum division and instability. instability is highly profitable. it’s not that fucking complicated. this shit goes on all the time in other countries, often times due to the interference of american intelligence agencies. they’re just running their game IN AMERICA now.
Because one side has infiltrated all branches, and they have the bankers behind them – with the goal of creating a uni-party as in most of the communist countries.
They used DJT to lump all the nationalists into one party and demonize them.
I think we probably agree right in the middle of the issue, because the game has changed pretty radically now and since 2020. Part of my point is that the fact the Joe Biden is president proves that it doesn't matter who's in that position. He can't smell his own farts, let alone make executive decisions without being told what to do.
why would one side be attempting to imprison the other side
"Lock her up" vs "Lock him up"...both sides where suggested to tempt ones consenting choice into a conflict of reason (versus)..which implies mind (ment) within (in) confine (prison) aka im-prison-ment.
Rothschilds, et. al.
You think the Rothschild's want Donald Trump as president?
"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws" ~Mayer Amschel Rothschild
They want the figurehead that causes the most internal division, so yes
You think you know the motives of the Rothschilds?
i don't, i'm merely speculating on past events and past actions.
how was it like when trump became president the first time, or obama, or george w bush? i remember there being so much division on racism, rich vs poor, right vs left, terrorism vs west, etc. when i was a kid
what was it like when clinton, george hw bush, and the like before him became president? that was before my time but i imagine it was not too different based on past records. how was it after biden became president?
same elsewhere. how did things change when trudeau became prime minister? or recently when putin just got re-elected? immediately a "terror" attack happened, and now there's talk of more active russian military push westward in europe, with leaders claiming this is "concerning".
why do you keep asking loaded questions? is there a purpose to showing bias and then devaluing your original post when you question the people who disagree with you and the people who agree with you?
if you want to keep doubted people, even yourself, then please state what you think the answers to all your questions are. if not, then this is not being helpful at all
do you think things will improve if the correct leader, or a good leader is "elected" into that kind of position?
I think they know it doesn't matter who's POTUS.
If it didn't matter why would one side be attempting to imprison the other side?
Don't fall for the theatrics. Read this: https://coronacircus.com/2020/11/07/dusty-finish/ He was right about this one except the timing.
theatrics to create maximum division and instability. instability is highly profitable. it’s not that fucking complicated. this shit goes on all the time in other countries, often times due to the interference of american intelligence agencies. they’re just running their game IN AMERICA now.
Because one side has infiltrated all branches, and they have the bankers behind them – with the goal of creating a uni-party as in most of the communist countries.
They used DJT to lump all the nationalists into one party and demonize them.
I think we probably agree right in the middle of the issue, because the game has changed pretty radically now and since 2020. Part of my point is that the fact the Joe Biden is president proves that it doesn't matter who's in that position. He can't smell his own farts, let alone make executive decisions without being told what to do.
"Lock her up" vs "Lock him up"...both sides where suggested to tempt ones consenting choice into a conflict of reason (versus)..which implies mind (ment) within (in) confine (prison) aka im-prison-ment.
He did so much that they despised, like build the wall, drain the swamp, and locked her up.
Oh wait, he did none of that. In fact, he did the complete opposite.
He didn't start any wars and to me that's a big deal
Kind of lit the match for a second civil war, which IMO is far worse than shelling the shit out of sand land.
He did build the wall. You're such a dumbass that you missed it.