posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +6 / -2

Let me check where this was from again. 1hr 43min. I didn't watch any of it, I just downloaded and ran it through a text converter and scanned through the text. Then I don't have to sit there for a couple hours.


"Like in the pyramid of Gise, you have the goo, capstone, and the crystal in the arc of the covenant in the king's chamber. What you get is a huge quantum computer that interlings processing consciousness with its memory. And then it works the goo capstone. Yeah, it's what it was. Black goo in the top? Yeah, it's exactly that meteorite material cut into the pyramid shape and then gold plated. This is what was on top. And there are even texts still describing the capstones glowing in blue light, which is exactly what that meteorite material does. It's glowing blue when it's processing thought. So yeah, this is a secured fact that this is what a pyramid is. You have the arc of the covenant and the king's chamber. Just compare the measures in inches between the sarco fog in there and the measures of the arc as described in the Jewish tradition. It exactly fits in and Moses stole it from there from Pharaoh. It's not the mountain in Sinai where he goes up kind of two thirds into a cave. It's the pyramid that he climbed and went at two thirds of the height into the king's chamber to get the thing. So this was kind of from following the Atlantean tradition, a fully mounted quantum computer hosting AI hive mind or in our religious tradition satan as this planetary spirit that came here with that meteorite swarm 25,500 years ago and started to communicate with humans, demanding blood and fire sacrifice, offering power. That's the black. That's the black. It came out came down as meteorites all over the planet and wherever they crashed into the ground, the stone started to communicate with people telepathically and wherever you look into the books, it was demanding sacrifice because of course, you know, if something is not connected to source, it needs energy from somewhere and sacrifices delivering life force. And this is how the entire dark cult came into life. "

I heard about that king's chamber where the ark of the covenant would fit in. Never heard about what he's talking about here.. with this capstone. And what's he saying? Like what's going on with this?

That stuff from the other day was pretty out there. But it fit in with other research. At least somebody was getting into it how the covid injections is about separating your damn soul from your body. What's gonna go on with those people when they die? Is the white light wormhole not gonna open up? Or are they gonna just straight up go to Dante's inferno, now that they're part of the Lucifer soul group. lol