I've considered this for quite awhile: circumcision seems to traumatically alter the child's state of mind making him more submissive throughout life - similar to neutering a dog. The sad part is that is that the circumcision is actively encouraged and facilitated by the parents making the circumcision a deep betrayal, perhaps the deepest type of betrayal of the infant.
The entire western world adopts Jewish names, are circumcised accordingly to Jewish law and tradition - seems pretty evident who is in control.
Ah, shoot, that detal went one eye out the other.
Question then, how did we get it know.
I'm interested in this cause I'd like to bring this up in the medical community in the short term. And get it banned in the long term.
What happened to me and other shouldn't continue.
Why replace the real images with metzitzah b'peh (when it has nothing to do with the actual paper)?
especially when they are more horrifying
I've considered this for quite awhile: circumcision seems to traumatically alter the child's state of mind making him more submissive throughout life - similar to neutering a dog. The sad part is that is that the circumcision is actively encouraged and facilitated by the parents making the circumcision a deep betrayal, perhaps the deepest type of betrayal of the infant.
The entire western world adopts Jewish names, are circumcised accordingly to Jewish law and tradition - seems pretty evident who is in control.
just the USA matey
This enrages me. I fucking hate satanic Jews so much.
Do we have a date from when this paper was published?
the paper they couldn't get published?
Ah, shoot, that detal went one eye out the other. Question then, how did we get it know. I'm interested in this cause I'd like to bring this up in the medical community in the short term. And get it banned in the long term. What happened to me and other shouldn't continue.
A search for his name came up with this
Thank you, fren.