posted ago by ZyklonShower ago by ZyklonShower +10 / -0

Normies attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. Covid lasted from early 2020 to late 2021 but the Ukraine war only retained normies attention until about July.

The Gaza genocide won’t keep their attention as long because Israel genocide nag the Palestinians isn’t anything new and doesn’t pose an obvious existential threat to the normie. With Covid there was “the deadliest pandemic in human history killing six million people” (in reality a flu with the victims being mannequins). With the Ukraine war there was a superpower fighting a nato backed proxy government in Europe.

With Israel/Palestine it’s really something that’s multiple times and doesn’t imminently threaten the normies the normie should forget it quickly. Every few years the Jews bomb Palestinian children.

So what’s the next current thing that will actually be presented as an existential threat in a way that Moshe burning kids isn’t?