Not to mention its a language so advanced that only what a hundred people now can even read it? Maybe not even that, could just be a couple dozen. I actually had a really good friend with 2 siblings. One was a scientist working with dna and molecular structures using a electron microscope and the other one was literally a researcher of dead languages.
A language so advanced they had to use a AI to quickly decipher it.
Sitchin's translations are crap. Read better ones:
You know what I love about these cylinder imprints?
Alot of them are pictures, and the pictures alone are worth a thousand words...
Not to mention its a language so advanced that only what a hundred people now can even read it? Maybe not even that, could just be a couple dozen. I actually had a really good friend with 2 siblings. One was a scientist working with dna and molecular structures using a electron microscope and the other one was literally a researcher of dead languages.
A language so advanced they had to use a AI to quickly decipher it.
I agree that the seal imagery can be revealing. However, the details are in the cuneiform Sumerian.
Anton Parks didn't take a no for an answer or accept the High Academic Degree entry card.
He did the translations himself.
So did Mauro Biglino.
The results did not go through / via the gatekepers of knowledge.
Also, GNN translations work if we have ground truth to compare to, during training. If not, it can be just as gobbledygook as Sitchin.
And we don't have that ground truth for Sumerian, which died as a language a few thousand years ago and for wich no big enough Rosetta stone exists.
Knowledge implies perceivable...don't (doing nothing) represents a suggestion. Can one perceive "doing nothing"?
Consider if everybody knows (perceives)...