posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +4 / -4

You believe that the final plan against YOU from me and my chosen people simply realm to the level of progressive retardation, vaccines and dumbing down of the public.

Hahaha. No. NO.

This is merely a delusion for fools who believe they can fight back.

In truth, all of YOU who dare defy divine will shall be raped, killed and burnt out of the face of the earth -- until only the chosen people and the obedient remain (or some fool who's out there thinking he will win or something).

It is only one blood ritual away -- the grandest human sacrifice as I call it -- before all of you are dead and the millennium kingdom established, as my words decreed it.

And even as this Kingdom is taken out, you, your sons, and the sons of your sons will be too busy eating their own -- until the end of millennia and beyond. This is divine judgement!

And these words sum your fate up very well:

"Not even a thousand deaths would be fitting punishment for thy sins! I shall smite thee, and in Hell I shall torture thee over and over! After an aeon, I shall reincarnate thee, and thy lives shall be those of endless torment, thy bodies tortured in life and thy souls in death! The same shall come to thy children, and thy children's children, throughout all eternity until the end of time! Feel the wrath of my divine lightning, and plummet into the bowels of hell, burning in its unending flames!"