Whether you think it's for good or ill, statements like this help you get past the crisis of wondering whether these people can be reasoned with, bargained with, and some sort of agreement struck.
In a similar situation on a much larger stage, I always laugh with a sort of black humor every time someone in the Neo-Liberal Establishment even mentions the possibility of peace talks with Russia (you know, given that they're losing and all). I actually think they're so far out of it they really don't know how far past that they've gone.
But they think they're winning. After writing the counter offensive stalled. They're rejoicing Ukraine has liberated a village of rubble. It used to prewar, have a population of 840 people. It has meant every news outlet is now claiming Ukraine are winning. Apparently only two vehicles out of 10 managed to get to the center of this village, but it has been the most significant gain yet. It is located nowhere near any real defensive line. But managed to go around some forward positions. I really don't know much more. Except that Ukraine have liberated some rubble, and it is their most significant attack to date. It is a cause for propaganda. They will beat Russia.
Whether you think it's for good or ill...wondering whether these people can be reasoned with.
a) good vs ill represents a conflict of reason; shaped by ones consent to the suggestions of another.
b) both right jew (democrat bad) vs left jew (republican bad) are utilizing talmudic reasoning to contradict each other as to keep the already consenting goyim within conflicts of reason.
In short...goy is offered two contradicting sides within the same conflict. Consenting to either side destroys the goy...not the jew.
43.4k likes imply a lot of consenting goys, yet can also effortlessly be contradicted as bots...and so the reasoning continues.
Whether you think it's for good or ill, statements like this help you get past the crisis of wondering whether these people can be reasoned with, bargained with, and some sort of agreement struck.
In a similar situation on a much larger stage, I always laugh with a sort of black humor every time someone in the Neo-Liberal Establishment even mentions the possibility of peace talks with Russia (you know, given that they're losing and all). I actually think they're so far out of it they really don't know how far past that they've gone.
But they think they're winning. After writing the counter offensive stalled. They're rejoicing Ukraine has liberated a village of rubble. It used to prewar, have a population of 840 people. It has meant every news outlet is now claiming Ukraine are winning. Apparently only two vehicles out of 10 managed to get to the center of this village, but it has been the most significant gain yet. It is located nowhere near any real defensive line. But managed to go around some forward positions. I really don't know much more. Except that Ukraine have liberated some rubble, and it is their most significant attack to date. It is a cause for propaganda. They will beat Russia.
a) good vs ill represents a conflict of reason; shaped by ones consent to the suggestions of another.
b) both right jew (democrat bad) vs left jew (republican bad) are utilizing talmudic reasoning to contradict each other as to keep the already consenting goyim within conflicts of reason.
In short...goy is offered two contradicting sides within the same conflict. Consenting to either side destroys the goy...not the jew.
43.4k likes imply a lot of consenting goys, yet can also effortlessly be contradicted as bots...and so the reasoning continues.