Another loser leftist with the coward account, Your input is absolutely fucking useless, why did you bother to write this stupid ignorant tripe?
You obviously know nothing about the piece of shit in context, nor anything the criminal has said, nor do you have a clue about the individuals that have trained this criminal, why are you here spewing stupid useless shit?
Go learn to understand where these criminals are at, don't bother posting your stupid nonsense fail assertions to me.
Defensive much? You got called out on your bs, and the only way you can justify your unfounded belief to yourself, and manage your cognitive dissonance, is to (incorrectly) smear me as a leftist coward. Lmao.
A lot of you rightys really aren't that different from the left you claim I am a part of.
The left calls me a righty, and the right calls me a lefty.
All I was asking for was actual evidence that he said what you claimed he said.
Lying Anti-Christ Jews are not welcome in any nation of mine. Be tolerant and accepting and diverse and equal and accept my view, kike.
Impaler for world leader
USA must declare itself independent of zionist rule and manipulation and control.
I would be happy if we hold khazarian fake jew criminals accountable, be a good start.
Then we must destroy the demoKKKrat and RepubliCON parties. Both parties serve the satanist anti-Christ Jew.
This mini NPC believes himself to be the final boss.
Bring It Faggot...
Come at me bro!
We are all cheap knockoffs of our fathers.
Little men always seem to have big ambitions. 🤔
Piano wire
An internal net (internet) implies luring surrounding in for consumption...not conservation. Food for web-crawlers.
Uhhh he didn't say that.
What's with all the NPCs in here acting like this is true?
I am not able to verify the words he used, each reference I can find to the conversation is merely a breakdown using select portions of his words.
I would suspect he has said much worse than this given his mental state and belief set.
I don't doubt that he holds such beliefs and has privately said such things.
But the point is, this exact quote is fake....
The part where he is quoted as saying "I am 100x worse than my dad" ?
As that is the only 'quoted' portion of the text, there is plenty of evidence to suggest he said something of the like. Do you have the transcript?`
Plenty of evidence to suggest he said something like that? What does that even mean?
Either there is evidence he said it, or there isn't.
It seems as though you don't even have the transcript, so why are you pretending as if you know that he said this?
Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.
But there is no proof that he did.
Another loser leftist with the coward account, Your input is absolutely fucking useless, why did you bother to write this stupid ignorant tripe?
You obviously know nothing about the piece of shit in context, nor anything the criminal has said, nor do you have a clue about the individuals that have trained this criminal, why are you here spewing stupid useless shit?
Go learn to understand where these criminals are at, don't bother posting your stupid nonsense fail assertions to me.
Defensive much? You got called out on your bs, and the only way you can justify your unfounded belief to yourself, and manage your cognitive dissonance, is to (incorrectly) smear me as a leftist coward. Lmao.
A lot of you rightys really aren't that different from the left you claim I am a part of.
The left calls me a righty, and the right calls me a lefty.
All I was asking for was actual evidence that he said what you claimed he said.
And you can't provide it.
So you just resort to ad hominem attacks.
What a fucking idiot.
Refer to my previous post to you, pretty sure this communication is complete.
A headline appealing to confirmation bias. It is likely fake news since it is from a known fake news website.
There is more than enough information available from many sources that will enforce the headline.
The content of the image is also just as easy to validate when compared to the words in the annals of history from these criminals.
Even if it is not words for word, the point is made.