A friend was trying to convince me about germ theory and my response is that it explains cause and effect pretty well even if it's lacking evidence. I have a feeling the truth is somewhere in between
There are many books against germ theory, full of evidence.
Even this entire documentary is cited throughout with evidence.
Our human brains are easily programmed. If you dont realize you are programmed, then you are easily suseptiple to deception and you wont be able to easily break out of cognitive dissonance.
This is a straw man. He just makes germ theory look strong by degrading some general video about fake viruses or whatever.
Its much more than just some videos. You have to imagine that it takes real science to convince a person to consider that virus theory is a elborate hoax.
I consider it 90% Terrain 10% Germ theory. Yes, you can be infected by this genetic debris, and some of them can reproduce within your cells, or cause a catalytic effect. But no, they are not living entities, and they are mostly poisons and toxins.
How do groups of people become sick with the same symptoms? How did all these people become toxified with the exact same thing, and experience the same 'body detox' symptoms...... doesn't seem logical.
I don't think it's all one way or the other. I have definitely experienced getting the same sickness as others when forced into a confined room with them for days and being stressed out. My bf also got the same thing when he was forced into the same room with the same people a few days later.
I've also experienced infections and taking antibiotics made a noticable difference within hours. Same with topical.
I don't blindly believe the doctors/scientists but I also don't think absolutely all of it is untrue. Mostly I experiment on myself and figure out what works for me.
Its absolutely untrue. You dont need to believe it, you just need to prove that virus theory is why you were ill and it wasnt toxins.
But good luck with that. The waters are too muddy to get a clear answer from a google search. At first, I couldnt find any good sources that would explain why so many people have rejected virus theory, so i kept digging and ended up having to read a few books that debunk virology and explain what actually makes us ill beforw i could confidently say i dont beleive in viruses anymore.
I know viruses exist, i see images. But that doest mean they cause illness.
It is really no different from vaccines. I certainly don't believe those do anything they say.
I wish I was smart enough to figure out virus vs terrain or maybe even something else.
I certainly wouldn't be surprised that they were poisoning us at work. One of the reasons I started working from home was because of the horrific reactions I was having to the chemicals they were using in one office I worked in. My eyes would swell shut, my skin would be covered in hives, blisters on my hands. My boss heard from my colleagues and called me and told me to work from home since we worked from separate states anyway.
I don't have the money, time, or smarts to figure it all out. I just know what I can do to fix myself based on experiments and blood tests (I am lucky and can order my own). I haven't had hives in about 4 years. My thyroid antibodies are reasonably stable. All from experiments I have done. I'm just lucky I have a naturepath who will listen to me and place scripts for stuff if I ask and can't get it from India myself.
Youre on the right path. But ya, everything around us is responsible for illness. Not viruses or bacteria. Clothes, detergents, soaps, foods, 5G, EMFs, water, OTC and perscription meds, etc etc. Are all part of the causes.
Detox metals, eat only wild meats and fruits, walk barefoot in nature daily, you can drink RO water that is re energized if you cant get spring or glacial water....and you will see
I've only drank distilled water or RO for the past 20+ years. Fluoride was one of the first things I ran from (I have moderate dental fluorosis) when I was able make my own choices.
Its really easy actually. I agreed with your side. The whole things sounded unlogical, until i read "what really makes you ill". Real scientific investigation.
My comments about this book are deleted, even on this board. So you know its worth looking into
Some have suggested that seeing as we are social creatures, maybe the same way a yawn can br contagious, bodys poison toxin detoxification is maybe contagious also
So I can bang the stripper with herpes on her puss?
The herpes virus isn't real?
A friend was trying to convince me about germ theory and my response is that it explains cause and effect pretty well even if it's lacking evidence. I have a feeling the truth is somewhere in between
There are many books against germ theory, full of evidence. Even this entire documentary is cited throughout with evidence.
Our human brains are easily programmed. If you dont realize you are programmed, then you are easily suseptiple to deception and you wont be able to easily break out of cognitive dissonance.
The first part of recovering from alcoholism is admitting you have a problem drinking too much alcohol.
The first part of becoming a truther is admitting you don't know the truth.
I wouldn't. It's a risk vs reward gamble and my money is on germ theory
Virus vs Terrain - The Dirty Hot Hooker Paradox https://www.bitchute.com/video/DBFqcyZv5Rpt/
This is a straw man. He just makes germ theory look strong by degrading some general video about fake viruses or whatever.
Its much more than just some videos. You have to imagine that it takes real science to convince a person to consider that virus theory is a elborate hoax.
Terrain theory would explain why herpes comes back when your immune system is stressed, it could actually be a bacteria or fungus.
I consider it 90% Terrain 10% Germ theory. Yes, you can be infected by this genetic debris, and some of them can reproduce within your cells, or cause a catalytic effect. But no, they are not living entities, and they are mostly poisons and toxins.
Yeah i dont get this either...
How do groups of people become sick with the same symptoms? How did all these people become toxified with the exact same thing, and experience the same 'body detox' symptoms...... doesn't seem logical.
I don't think it's all one way or the other. I have definitely experienced getting the same sickness as others when forced into a confined room with them for days and being stressed out. My bf also got the same thing when he was forced into the same room with the same people a few days later.
I've also experienced infections and taking antibiotics made a noticable difference within hours. Same with topical.
I don't blindly believe the doctors/scientists but I also don't think absolutely all of it is untrue. Mostly I experiment on myself and figure out what works for me.
Its absolutely untrue. You dont need to believe it, you just need to prove that virus theory is why you were ill and it wasnt toxins.
But good luck with that. The waters are too muddy to get a clear answer from a google search. At first, I couldnt find any good sources that would explain why so many people have rejected virus theory, so i kept digging and ended up having to read a few books that debunk virology and explain what actually makes us ill beforw i could confidently say i dont beleive in viruses anymore.
I know viruses exist, i see images. But that doest mean they cause illness.
It is really no different from vaccines. I certainly don't believe those do anything they say.
I wish I was smart enough to figure out virus vs terrain or maybe even something else.
I certainly wouldn't be surprised that they were poisoning us at work. One of the reasons I started working from home was because of the horrific reactions I was having to the chemicals they were using in one office I worked in. My eyes would swell shut, my skin would be covered in hives, blisters on my hands. My boss heard from my colleagues and called me and told me to work from home since we worked from separate states anyway.
I don't have the money, time, or smarts to figure it all out. I just know what I can do to fix myself based on experiments and blood tests (I am lucky and can order my own). I haven't had hives in about 4 years. My thyroid antibodies are reasonably stable. All from experiments I have done. I'm just lucky I have a naturepath who will listen to me and place scripts for stuff if I ask and can't get it from India myself.
Youre on the right path. But ya, everything around us is responsible for illness. Not viruses or bacteria. Clothes, detergents, soaps, foods, 5G, EMFs, water, OTC and perscription meds, etc etc. Are all part of the causes.
Detox metals, eat only wild meats and fruits, walk barefoot in nature daily, you can drink RO water that is re energized if you cant get spring or glacial water....and you will see
I've only drank distilled water or RO for the past 20+ years. Fluoride was one of the first things I ran from (I have moderate dental fluorosis) when I was able make my own choices.
Its really easy actually. I agreed with your side. The whole things sounded unlogical, until i read "what really makes you ill". Real scientific investigation.
My comments about this book are deleted, even on this board. So you know its worth looking into
Some have suggested that seeing as we are social creatures, maybe the same way a yawn can br contagious, bodys poison toxin detoxification is maybe contagious also