What is drawn child porn? Porn isn't for children. There's huge differences between a drawing and a sexual act.
There are artworks and statues costing multimillions of cherubs, of naked children. These are priceless heritage. Tell me about these paintings? Michaelangelo, Da Vinci, etc etc etc?
Are you suggesting they should be destroyed because a drawing is pornographic if it shows nudity?
You're suggesting that because there is artwork there are pedophiles?
It's a topic I don't want to get into. But it is obvious they won't destroy priceless artwork.
I miss the point about artwork of nudes. I miss the explicit point of how drawings are classed as pedophilia?
You've turned it into a conspiracy, instead of it being another day at the art gallery. Those nudes are everywhere. They mean nothing else. They're a drawing.
Yes there are evil people, but not everything represents them.
No, I don't want it taken out of context. Stop inserting context. It's a drawing of who the hell cares.
No they're not because there's a mental block and conscience. That's a painting, and that's a little kid. Painting nothing. Kid block. It doesn't appeal to a sane person's psyche. It's repulsive.
a) suggested is (want) vs isn't (not want) tempts one to ignore what was perceivable (need) before suggestions can be made about what it is or isn't.
b) before suggested temptation (porn) exists ones responsibility to resist perceivable temptation (lust).
c) is porn for adults or does it destroy adults; which in return destroys children? How does an adult protect children from temptation by simultaneously subjecting oneself to it?
d) PORN aka pornē (bought; purchased) from -per (to traffic in; to sell)...ones consent to the suggestions of others implies buying/purchasing by consent, that which is trafficked/sold by others...both adults and children represent free will of choice to transact like that.
If one watches porn, then one consents to purchase others, who were trafficked to supply ones lust.
a sexual act
ACTION (inception towards death) to SEX (division of male/female) to REACTION (life)...intercourse among reactions doesn't represent a sexual action; yet others suggest the brand "sexual act" to distract one from reacting.
Ones reaction (choice) implies being sexually enacted (balance) upon within motion.
Nature (born; produced) Implies energy (work)...others suggest artificial to tempt one to ignore naturally perceivable. Artificial can only be shaped within; out of and in response to natural, yet oneself represents the free will of choice to ignore either side.
costing multimillions
a) nature sets evaluation (perceivable partials) into value (perceivable whole)...others suggested prices to tempt one to ignore that.
b) nature divides itself from whole (perceivable) into each partial (perceiving)...others suggested CO- (together; with) to tempt one to ignore apartheid.
c) to be implies temporary form (life) within ongoing flow (inception towards death)...others suggest -STA (to stand, make or be firm), which tempts one to ignore perceivable flow-state.
d) others suggest MULTI- (many) to tempt ONE (singular partial within whole) to ignore self...multiculturalism; multitude; multiplex; multi-millionair etc.
Ask yourself if a multitude of energy can exist or if energy (internal/inherent power) implies all in one?
The banning of drawn child porn is not a sign of elevated morals (which we have less).
It is to make sure everyone is accountable and guilty.
It's the elephant in the room that is never spoken of...as the elites continue to touch and rape actual children like they did since Ancient Israel.
What is drawn child porn? Porn isn't for children. There's huge differences between a drawing and a sexual act.
There are artworks and statues costing multimillions of cherubs, of naked children. These are priceless heritage. Tell me about these paintings? Michaelangelo, Da Vinci, etc etc etc?
Are you suggesting they should be destroyed because a drawing is pornographic if it shows nudity?
You're suggesting that because there is artwork there are pedophiles?
It's a topic I don't want to get into. But it is obvious they won't destroy priceless artwork.
They can't and they won't.
The goal is to make sure anyone and everyone is accountable as a pedophile...but them.
And you bet that your neighbours will be enforcing their laws.
I miss the point about artwork of nudes. I miss the explicit point of how drawings are classed as pedophilia?
You've turned it into a conspiracy, instead of it being another day at the art gallery. Those nudes are everywhere. They mean nothing else. They're a drawing.
Yes there are evil people, but not everything represents them.
No, I don't want it taken out of context. Stop inserting context. It's a drawing of who the hell cares.
Because the goal is more control, that anyone on the streets can be a depraved pedophile monster.
Most people aren't Illuminati boy rapists.
No they're not because there's a mental block and conscience. That's a painting, and that's a little kid. Painting nothing. Kid block. It doesn't appeal to a sane person's psyche. It's repulsive.
The problem is those other sickos. No conscience.
It's irrelevant according to elite/UN logic.
The goal is to plant the seed that everyone on the side walk can be suspected as a kid raping monster. Not them, though. Just all of us.
Sick world.
Suggested temptation "drawing" in.
a) suggested is (want) vs isn't (not want) tempts one to ignore what was perceivable (need) before suggestions can be made about what it is or isn't.
b) before suggested temptation (porn) exists ones responsibility to resist perceivable temptation (lust).
c) is porn for adults or does it destroy adults; which in return destroys children? How does an adult protect children from temptation by simultaneously subjecting oneself to it?
d) PORN aka pornē (bought; purchased) from -per (to traffic in; to sell)...ones consent to the suggestions of others implies buying/purchasing by consent, that which is trafficked/sold by others...both adults and children represent free will of choice to transact like that.
If one watches porn, then one consents to purchase others, who were trafficked to supply ones lust.
ACTION (inception towards death) to SEX (division of male/female) to REACTION (life)...intercourse among reactions doesn't represent a sexual action; yet others suggest the brand "sexual act" to distract one from reacting.
Ones reaction (choice) implies being sexually enacted (balance) upon within motion.
Sameness implies huge (perceivable whole); difference implies small (each perceiving partial).
Nature (born; produced) Implies energy (work)...others suggest artificial to tempt one to ignore naturally perceivable. Artificial can only be shaped within; out of and in response to natural, yet oneself represents the free will of choice to ignore either side.
a) nature sets evaluation (perceivable partials) into value (perceivable whole)...others suggested prices to tempt one to ignore that.
b) nature divides itself from whole (perceivable) into each partial (perceiving)...others suggested CO- (together; with) to tempt one to ignore apartheid.
c) to be implies temporary form (life) within ongoing flow (inception towards death)...others suggest -STA (to stand, make or be firm), which tempts one to ignore perceivable flow-state.
d) others suggest MULTI- (many) to tempt ONE (singular partial within whole) to ignore self...multiculturalism; multitude; multiplex; multi-millionair etc.
Ask yourself if a multitude of energy can exist or if energy (internal/inherent power) implies all in one?
More to the point. You can't blackmail, control or extort people if no children are actually harmed.
People have been imprisoned for their drawings
That last part.
Good. People would do well.to remember suffering