I like how the manufacturers are immune from liability and the profits are privatized and the losses are socialized through VICP it makes it extra science-y and mor helth
When people are found with pikes shoved up their ass through their mouths and they are dead, remember, correlation is not causation. They could have died from natural causes and then grew a tree out their ass.
I like how the manufacturers are immune from liability and the profits are privatized and the losses are socialized through VICP it makes it extra science-y and mor helth
Death gel
So much science, I can’t decide. And the science cultists will regurgitate that “cOrRelLaTiOn iZ NaWt CaUsAtIoN”!
When people are found with pikes shoved up their ass through their mouths and they are dead, remember, correlation is not causation. They could have died from natural causes and then grew a tree out their ass.
Blah blah meme spam sliding
Upvote the memes like a retard, if you want to.
If you’re stupid enough to think obviously sliding content is good, then fuck you.
Fuck your stupid meme sliding and containment bullshit.
Why don’t you go back to defending the meme sliders, fucking moron lol.
I believe you are a boomer tbh.
Fuck off, fagbot.
Congrats on being a low IQ useful idiot.
Explain to us the ingredients in the Pfizer Covid jab. Or are you a low IQ useful idiot?
There's no sign of any individual unique thought. No honor.
Free will of choice just slings definitions and thesaurus bot crap but shows sign of humanity from time to time.