posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +20 / -4

This information took me many years to figure out and I’m going to state is as my belief. It is up to the reader to believe any or all of it.

The Deep State shouldn’t be defeated with evil. They use evil. Fighting a war is fighting evil with evil. Even if an evil person passes away, he is not truly dead. He merely changes form. Jesus knew he would be crucified if he went back to Jerusalem that last time but he also knew his death would prove that death isn’t real. He merely changed form and the others didn’t recognize him until he started talking to them after his death. The only way to defeat evil (dark) is to transform it into light.

There are 3 main ways to defeat evil on Earth. Love, good vibes and prayers. This hasn’t been understood by most but as you can see we have been at a stand still for a long time. I will explain it here.

  1. Love. There is a reason the Deep State panicked during the 1960s love movement. They used all kinds of psyop to destroy it. This is because Love dismantles their mask of evil. Evildoers are wearing a Spiritual Mask of sorts. They aren’t behaving naturally. It’s like taking a rubber band and force stretching it. It takes energy but once that energy is released, the rubber band goes back into natural form. This is the same with evil People. All morals stem from the Soul which stems from God. The more disconnected the Soul is from the body, the easier it is to commit evil however the body is always trying to reconnect and never stops. Evil doers eventually reconnect but when they do, they experience great regret. Love is the natural state of everyone. So when acts or words or even thoughts or vibes of love are directed towards evil People, it helps reconnect their soul to their body which helps dismantle their fake, evil mask. Some of the extreme evil doers like Archons are afraid of this so they would literally escape this World if it was filled with Love which would free us all.

  2. Positive vibes stem from the inner self. It is again natural and stems from the Soul. The vibes enter ones aura which extends up to 50 feet and heals everyone it touches including evil doers again dismantling their fake, evil ego mask. Again some might feel squeamish just around good vibe People and decide to leave. They are afraid of the mask falling off.

  3. Praying for evil People to be blessed by God is asking for God’s perfect loving vibe to touch them. This has the same effect but can be done from long distance. Yes, we should pray for Hillary and the deep state to improve all the time. This is how you defeat their evil mask.

Ultimately they all reap what they sow. Karma is simply an auto correct tool. It shifts young, ignorant souls towards eventual perfection after many lifetimes. It’s not a punishment or a reward but it feels just like it. It’s more of a guide.

This is one reason the Deep State are so afraid of a Spiritual Awakening which is happening now because the World’s vibe skyrockets destroying their low vibes.

Long story short, we are doing all this for many reasons including to experience a battle between good and evil. One day it will all make sense. Also most World’s aren’t this difficult. 3D Earth is meant to feel like being on the front lines and it is best to have fun with it and hold faith in good no matter what you see before you if you want to come out a winner.

Even if one person practices the 3 techniques, it helps a lot because good is invariably more powerful than evil so a little good goes a long way.