In any large scale war were Christians and/or Muslims are killing each other, you will usually find the bankers (jews) hand in instigating it.
The crusades are no different.
Interesting facts:
One of the key instigators of the crusades were Peter the Hermit, Peter came from the Orval Abbey in Stenay in the Ardennes.
Who funded that Abbey? The crypto jewish Merovingian family of Lorraine!
Guess who was the first king of Jerusalem during the Crusades time? Godfrey of Bouillon who was taught by none other than Peter the Hermit.
He was put as king of Jerusalem due to his jewish lineage as king of the jews. He was also a descendant of William of Gellone.
Also worth noting how the Venetians (crypto jews who came from Spain/Portugal), sponsored and profited from the crusades, Webster Tarpley's work is valuable on this matter.
I'm not convinced on the whole.
This much is true, at least.
Even the lowest level, most ignorant, low IQ and unskilled Jew, such as Michael Rappaport, still gets millions of dollars laundered to him. The jew proxy to jew power and jew banking puts the jew at a huge advantage over the competition.
Gentiles must exchange labor for the fiat jew currency. The jew must never have to serve physical labor to gain access to fiat currency. They are supplied with jew capital financing for any endeavor they so choose as long as it enriches jew power.
Everything Jews claim to be "white privilege" is actually jew privilege.
If the fiat jew federal reserve prints money, it launders and distributes the newly printed fiat jew money to jew banks which then can steer the fiat currency into hands of jews. If a jew puts a fiat dollar into a jew bank, then the jew bank gets to then lend out 12x that much to other jews. They can multiply the fiat currency over agan and over again until every jew has borrowed what he desires. With borrowed free nearly 0% interest jew money, the jew can buy up all corporations, media, publishing political parties labor etc.
Also, jews consider themselves to be elite and God's chosen people. This means they are indeed racists. Look how Israel refuses to allow caravans of migrants to be dumped into their own nation. Jews ban gay marriage in their own nation but promote it in yours. Jews ban abortions of jew babies in Israel but promote abortions of your gentile babies in your gentile nation. The hypocrisy is endless.
The jew guilt trips the white man for trans-Atlantic slave trade that was the Jew's doing. While Jews call you an evil white colonialist, they are colonizing and settling the west bank in 2023 in the present day. Jews are the settlers and attempt to infiltrate and colonize every nation with a central fiat bank.
This is hilarious, even moreso for the fact that you actually believe it.
What’s hilarious is how fake that dialogue is.