OOPS!!! I Forgot To Subtract 6 Million! Oh Well. #HoloHoax
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I remember looking at census info in a high school history book and getting curious at the number of Jewish people before and after the Holocaust after learning they are such a small percentage of the population. I thought it might have contributed to WHY they had such small numbers. Then I saw there was essentially no change. Very interesting that was
The demographics of 6 million killed was always way to high. Yea, lots of people died in the camps, those photographs of dead bodies stacked up like corkwood weren't all fake, I don't care what some say, but the demographics never add up for 6 million. And never mind all the POWs, gypsies, disabled, and political prisoners who also were part of all those killed.
How many Palestinians do you believe were murdered to establish the occupation of Israel? Or are we to believe that they all forfeited their land peacefully and without a fight?
It wasn't their land, it was Britain's. You're never get me to give much of a shit about Mohammedians, who are worse to the minority Palestinian Christians than the Brits. Yea yea, Israel is genociding them now, I agree.
Ive heard that much of the region was vacant of barren was sporadically occupied then when the european "jews" started building it up farming etc other groups moved in to benefit' true?
The only information I know about this, is that the Jews tried a form of collective farming, called a Kibbutz, that was an utter failure because collectivism always fails.
The thought of Jews doing manual labor under hot sun in a field makes me laugh out loud. It's so ridiculous to believe lazy greedy lying jews would actually perform hard grueling labor. Even at the end of a whip they'd sooner lay down and die.
thank you
They weren't fake, but they aren't what you think they are.
Because their were 5.5 million births to Jews in that war time period /S
You are joking but that "concentration camps" did have maternity wards. The Red Cross reported it.
Apparently, Germans were so committed to murdering Jews that they were helping them have safe pregnancies and give safe birth in modern facilities.
Yeah its amazing how great the manipulation is on this subject .A few years ago I found the interview videos in Auschwitz and showed some people how they had amenities currency etc all they said was people died thats all that matters
It’s the World Almanac they quote and, it gets its figures from the American Jewish Committee (AJC.)
Pre war the numbers in both the Almanac and AJC say 9,739,200 Jews lived in Europe
In 1946 (as there was no census made from 1940–1945 due to the war) the AJC stared that the Jewish population of Europe had been reduced to 3,642,100. The Almanac did not pick up on this until years later.
In the meantime, the inaccurate non updated version of the World Almanac was touted to be the gospel despite the fact that it had yet to go to it’s normal source to get the correct figures. This slight of hand by Deniers is typical of the dishonest examination of facts they are well known for. Other example number in the hundreds or more ranging from the similar Red Cross misrepresentation to the idiocy of the Auschwitz swimming pool.
With enough abortion and contraception and assisted suicide, we can get the number of jewish people down to zero, which will help reduce climate change.
On an interesting not, Jewish intermarriage and law birth rates have very significantly cut into their population, except for the Orthodox Jews.
But, Jews will always be with us I think, in that the early church fathers were convinced that the final anti-Christ will be a Jew (this is admittedly an unknown).
I'll agree with Bill Gates on this one: vaccines would also help get the jewish population down to more manageable levels.
Make it more obvious you’re a shill.
Is this not what Jew media tell white people? Don't have children. Children are a nuisance. Take this birth control pill invented by Jews. We built abortion clinics nearby your black neighborhood for your errrrr convenience? Have less children to save the climate? Yes. Jews push this depopulation on to whites and also report with GLEE and BIG SMILES on their faces the declining white population in America, then tell us, after telling us NOT to have our own children, that we now need to bring in third world brown people to fill the jobs after you told white people not to have children. LOL FRAUDS!!!! YOU ARE EXPOSED!!!!!
Paid shill confirmed. Fuck off.
Another suspect account engaging in low quality spam.
hahhaha I missed you rabbi.
Find any handsome boys at the recent bar mitzvah?
Looking at page 1 of your account comments, why don't you take a look in the mirror lol