What happened to those demoKKKrats who were so brainwashed by the war propaganda that they voluntarily went to Ukraine to fight?
There was one or two of them. I think they either got killed or turned tail.
I remember there was a corporate news reporter pretending he was in a hot gunfire situation in Ukraine and it was larpy as hell. Fake as a tranny's axe wound. These corporate fake journalist propagandists have been faking and lying about being reporters in the danger zone of war for decades. We could make a long collage video of all the times. That guy Brian Williams comes to mind. https://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2015/02/05/brian-williams-admits-to-lying-about-facing-rpg-fire-in-iraq-pundits-react
"let's pretend we're at war so we can loot hundreds of billions of dollars from these populations of low class peasants and launder it to our friends!"
Fly semitic population out of country at the onset of war.
Kill off most of the fighting age males.
Return semitic population.
Russia is still the main supplier of the Ukranian effort’s oil/gas. It’s a total racket. https://off-guardian.org/2023/02/13/war-certainly-is-a-racket/
Good article.
What happened to those demoKKKrats who were so brainwashed by the war propaganda that they voluntarily went to Ukraine to fight?
There was one or two of them. I think they either got killed or turned tail.
I remember there was a corporate news reporter pretending he was in a hot gunfire situation in Ukraine and it was larpy as hell. Fake as a tranny's axe wound. These corporate fake journalist propagandists have been faking and lying about being reporters in the danger zone of war for decades. We could make a long collage video of all the times. That guy Brian Williams comes to mind. https://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2015/02/05/brian-williams-admits-to-lying-about-facing-rpg-fire-in-iraq-pundits-react
yeah the political theater gets old quick, no different then wwe keyfabe
"let's pretend we're at war so we can loot hundreds of billions of dollars from these populations of low class peasants and launder it to our friends!"
Jew high fives Putin
It's a shame that Christian churches never teach young men not to kill fellow Christians in war and never heed orders from Jews.