Imagine, truly and deeply, that you were the only user on here, and that this forum was a Slowloris style attack on you, tailored for you, by AI, to keep you coming back, the AI watching you all day, and unavoidable (e.g., with VPN, ad blockers, etc.). No other humans around; just you and a simulated experience.
I just described the future of the Internet.
Google has already outlined the framework of this with their Selfish Ledger policy. The idea is that with the data they’ve stolen about you and your preferences, combined with 3D printing and cheap manufacturing, they will be able to tailor an ad designed specifically so that the product is exactly what you want–making you far less likely to not buy it–and which also collects datapoints on you that they still lack, enticing you by catering to your tastes in doing so.
Now imagine this, but with pure text and no purchases/manufacturing, simply to give each person the semblance of “being among others like him” and solely to steal his full spectrum of thoughts.
That's terrifying. It sucks that the Internet and its available tools (Google, et al) have already moved so far in this direction. I stopped using Google in 2013, but, at this point, I can barely find anything I'm looking for, with search engines. I've gotten to the point where I rarely even use them.
Thank Obama for it.
Read this.
Now just imagine they are able to combine this with the genetic profile they have on so many people through 23 and me and the possibilities are pretty much endless.
This is the future where we're heading to, and there is nowhere else to go.
Question, would there be more shills? or less shills? would it remain the same?
A shill in this regard someone who is against the obvious information.
It depends on your preference. If you call one of the AI characters a shill, it might call you one back, and similar such simulacra might materialize to fill any perceived market gaps in your endocrine economy.
Odd perspective to attempt to hold and project.
Anyone devoid of enough mentality to recognize which issues matter vs those that do not, are already in peril.
I agree. It's also nearly impossible to tell who is genuinely concerned and who is messing with you. We all need less internet and more IRL interaction in our communities, even if it just means chatting with randos in a local coffee shop or whatever other social-esque place you frequent.
Not convinced, there are topics of concern, then there is water cooler banter.
I feel that if the only thing produced is banter then it is clear they are a 'detractor'
Being a part of the community is a great idea if you are in a community that needs help, or is doing something you align to.
The one and only future as we call it.
Try shutting off the suggested long can you keep looking at it without ignoring the perceivable reality all around it? Afterwards question what others are suggesting that draws you to keep looking at the screen while ignoring the perceivable reality all around it?
a) what does one use the suggestions of other ones for?
b) how can something suggested on the screen tempts you to believe in ONLY, adjective - "this and no other", when everything perceivable surrounds oneself?
c) if one chooses to respond to a suggested screen, then that implies one "re-uses" it. How can choice ever use if it implies a reaction to?
Main character syndrome