Burn in hell, you fucking communist. Q-LARP doesn’t exist. It never existed. There are no white hats. There never were. There is no plan. There never was. No one is in gitmo except enemies of the ZOG. No one is in prison except the cowardly neocon “rioters” who refused to actually fight for their country on January 6.
holy shit in 2 more weeks we will get the real epstein logs.....maybe even get a "list" from this turned over former intel agent? The hopium is stronk in you bro.........I suspect she isnt gonna name/do shit. This is/was always a psy-op she was "allowed" to be caught.......she is a pawn.........
Bs. If she did that she wouldn't pre-announce it. That would be signing her death warrant. Even is she's suicidal, there are easier ways in a low security prison.
really? OP thinks any major network is going to broadcast genuine information that would be of real use to average Americans?
"We've got the evidence and you're gonna get to see it real soon." -media when they have nothing and you'll never see anything
Go the fuck away, Qultist. No one believes this social media spam.
It's refreshing to see how retarded you are.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Burn in hell, you fucking communist. Q-LARP doesn’t exist. It never existed. There are no white hats. There never were. There is no plan. There never was. No one is in gitmo except enemies of the ZOG. No one is in prison except the cowardly neocon “rioters” who refused to actually fight for their country on January 6.
No one is coming to save you.
Fuck off, child. Your spam isn’t welcome here.
twitter for iphony
Finally a sane person
holy shit in 2 more weeks we will get the real epstein logs.....maybe even get a "list" from this turned over former intel agent? The hopium is stronk in you bro.........I suspect she isnt gonna name/do shit. This is/was always a psy-op she was "allowed" to be caught.......she is a pawn.........
Bs. If she did that she wouldn't pre-announce it. That would be signing her death warrant. Even is she's suicidal, there are easier ways in a low security prison.
Coming “soon”.
This twitter user doesn't even exist, as far as I am able to discern. Got a link?
The image is a hoax. Note the “Twitter for iPhony” badge.
noted. Since the user posted a fake tweet with intention to troll I gave a 3 day ban.
What if she tries to say its trump lol they might make a deal with her to implicate him
So something is spilling on the "Jizz Lane" and the Big Guy will be implicated...huge announcement or juvenile writing?