I once posted this years ago on Twitter and was immediately attacked by shills who coincidently were experts on this subject. Meanwhile most People have never even heard of it.
The original Jews were Hebrews who were guided into Monotheism by the great Moses. Monotheism was basically Spiritual evolution that helped the whole world to drive us away from polytheism.
Around 100-200 years ago, a devil worshiping Mafia claimed to be Jewish but were actually Satanists. They did this because they wanted to use antisemitism as a shield in case anyone wants to call them out. They adopted the Seal Of Solomon because it has occult properties. I don't think the ancient Hebrews ever used that as a symbol. They just called themselves Jewish and often warred with the devil Canaanite cults of the past.
I read years ago that the Deep State plan since the 1800s was to promote atheism and then when People see how bad it was, they would push Raelism on them.
Not that I trust Wikipedia 100% but it says that Raëlism hasn't been around that long:
Raëlism,[a] also known as Raëlianism or Raelian Movement is a UFO religion that was founded in 1970s France by Claude Vorilhon, now known as Raël
I'm a Raelian. The Elohim aren't to be "worshipped," but only respected and trusted for being 25K years older than we our as a global race.
I'm wondering where you heard this, because I'd be very surprised to see governments, the MSM, Hollywood or anything/anyone else start pushing real Raelism – unless of course as an attempted hijacking of the movement to pervert the messages and intent. I think this was just the strange synchronicity of Kanye being an idiot and his stumbling upon that symbol, but it's also pretty awesome.
I read it in an Illuminati book possibly by Henry Mackow long ago. When I posted it on Twitter, the shills were paged and attacking me. That was 2 years ago.
That makes sense. Henry trashes or is suspicious of anything remotely anti-Christian, which can often put someone on the correct side of human values, but not always. Raelism is considered to be a continuation/expansion of the guy we call Jesus Christ and his teachings.
Anon: "alright...so which one do you not believe in?"
It doesn't matter which -ism one reasons over, only ones consent to a suggested -ism matters, because it implies ones consent to submit to the suggestion of another.
Good vs bad represents the conflict of reason, no matter if it's about suggested atheism; raelism; scientism (1800 his-story) or politicism (deep state).
a) suggested symbolism tempts one to ignore perceivable SYM'METRY, noun - "adaptation of the dimensions of the several parts of a thing to each other; or the union and conformity of the members of a work to the whole"
Living within the process of dying implies being the temporary partial within an ongoing whole, so there's a perceivable symmetry going on. Why reason about suggested symbolism instead?
b) look at the symbol and apply "ashke-nazi" to it...
I once posted this years ago on Twitter and was immediately attacked by shills who coincidently were experts on this subject. Meanwhile most People have never even heard of it.
Both groups are like the same. German Nazis just migrated there from Khazaria originally.
Ya I don’t trust any of them really. All seem shady has hell even though they say some good things at times.
jews are nazis = realism
The original Jews were Hebrews who were guided into Monotheism by the great Moses. Monotheism was basically Spiritual evolution that helped the whole world to drive us away from polytheism.
Around 100-200 years ago, a devil worshiping Mafia claimed to be Jewish but were actually Satanists. They did this because they wanted to use antisemitism as a shield in case anyone wants to call them out. They adopted the Seal Of Solomon because it has occult properties. I don't think the ancient Hebrews ever used that as a symbol. They just called themselves Jewish and often warred with the devil Canaanite cults of the past.
Something about it is wrong. They want it tattooed on a bald head. Lol
Ya but pushing Raelism is still a deep state psyop.
The symbol can also be viewed as equating JEWS and Nazis or as one in the same. Everything I can see with Jews is they are GERMANS that practiced DRUIDISM/Judaism(Druidism) .. https://www.google.com/search?q=jewish+priest&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiioee_hd77AhXIxykDHT_TBT0Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=jewish+priest&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgAEIAEEBg6BggAEAcQHlD4CliYEWDgEmgAcAB4AIAByAGIAbwFkgEFMS41LjGYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=p5CLY-KxBsiPp8kPv6aX6AM&bih=967&biw=1920#imgrc=Fb0oiGyalV_F8M
Not that I trust Wikipedia 100% but it says that Raëlism hasn't been around that long:
Raëlism,[a] also known as Raëlianism or Raelian Movement is a UFO religion that was founded in 1970s France by Claude Vorilhon, now known as Raël
That’s right. It is meant to trick people into worshiping aliens like the annunaki.
I'm a Raelian. The Elohim aren't to be "worshipped," but only respected and trusted for being 25K years older than we our as a global race.
I'm wondering where you heard this, because I'd be very surprised to see governments, the MSM, Hollywood or anything/anyone else start pushing real Raelism – unless of course as an attempted hijacking of the movement to pervert the messages and intent. I think this was just the strange synchronicity of Kanye being an idiot and his stumbling upon that symbol, but it's also pretty awesome.
I read it in an Illuminati book possibly by Henry Mackow long ago. When I posted it on Twitter, the shills were paged and attacking me. That was 2 years ago.
That makes sense. Henry trashes or is suspicious of anything remotely anti-Christian, which can often put someone on the correct side of human values, but not always. Raelism is considered to be a continuation/expansion of the guy we call Jesus Christ and his teachings.
Anon: "are you protestant or catholic?"
Other: "I'm atheist."
Anon: "alright...so which one do you not believe in?"
It doesn't matter which -ism one reasons over, only ones consent to a suggested -ism matters, because it implies ones consent to submit to the suggestion of another.
Good vs bad represents the conflict of reason, no matter if it's about suggested atheism; raelism; scientism (1800 his-story) or politicism (deep state).
a) suggested symbolism tempts one to ignore perceivable SYM'METRY, noun - "adaptation of the dimensions of the several parts of a thing to each other; or the union and conformity of the members of a work to the whole"
Living within the process of dying implies being the temporary partial within an ongoing whole, so there's a perceivable symmetry going on. Why reason about suggested symbolism instead?
b) look at the symbol and apply "ashke-nazi" to it...