Stuff like this reminds me of when it became an upper middle class fashion trend to buy jeans with rips and holes in them and paying big price tags for the poverty "aesthetic", it's the exact same type of people still up to their same cringe shit years later, they just make it more and more ridiculous each time their pampered boredom returns
identifying as ‘trans-abled’ in 2020 🤣
Next up: trans amputees.
If people are willing to cut their own dicks off, why not a limb or 4?
All trans are disabled.
Stuff like this reminds me of when it became an upper middle class fashion trend to buy jeans with rips and holes in them and paying big price tags for the poverty "aesthetic", it's the exact same type of people still up to their same cringe shit years later, they just make it more and more ridiculous each time their pampered boredom returns
Suggested IDEN'TITY, noun - "sameness" tempts one to ignore perceivable apartheid aka being partial (living) within whole (process of dying).
Every self represents a differentiated partial, hence "oneself"....self-identified aka different-same represents a suggested contradiction.
Differences (partials) exist within sameness (whole); hence only within sameness (process of dying) can there be differences (living).
One doesn't need to identify as anything; one needs to sustain self (apartheid) within everything.
I self identify as a gay handicapped transracial transsexual jewish black woman