Hubble photos are fake like colorized, old-timey B&W photos are "fake".
Comments (33)
sorted by: we go again -_-
whats next? am i really not real? and there's an alien in my head like men in black? ffs just stop this . it adds NOTHING to the discussion
i.e., not fake - just "colorized".
Space is real.
Earth is a globe.
The flat-earth "movement" is a psyop that has gotten way out-of-hand.
Demand more money for schools ...and less money for #Ukraine.
Technically the current heliocentric understanding is that the earth is an oblate spheroid... The heliocentric and geocentric mathematical formulas both can explain the earth, sun and moon. The bible refers to a firmament separating our waters from the waters above (Hebrews consider it as a solid supporting the waters above). And the sun, moon and stars being in the expanse of the firmament. Heliocentrism apparently didn't catch on till ~500 years ago. NASA is a government agency and the government has proven time and time again that it isn't trustworthy. Just food for thought.
derrr well technically you're just stating the obvious - what everyone already knows - just using douchey words.
good lord - really? the bible? you question NASA, but you don't question the bible?
Understood. I know the bible was written after the events took place. I also know that many of the people involved in NASA are Freemasons. Well I guess we'll have to leave it at a stalemate.
No. It's a globe.
PICTURE; noun - "captured moment" tempts others to ignore being within momentum. Now add suggested MOTION PICTURES and you have a suggested mimicry of perceivable reality. Why? Because since you're suggesting it and others consent to your can define; redefine and contradict the suggested meaning at will for all others.
In short...suggested pictures represent the idolization of perceivable; moving symmetry.
It seems i am being targeted by some kind of "wow, you are sooooo deep!" bot.
That fucking bot does this to everybody and the mods won't stop it. The other alternative explanation is it's some guy with schizophrenia and a fixation on definitions, using software tools to post. Either way it's nuts and pure word salad. Consider it to be an annoying feral chicken and don't feed it.
yea it's mildly interesting but... it should present itself as a bot:
DEFINE, verb - "to end". Doesn't that ignore being alive aka ongoing and therefore not ended yet?
Fuck you, you poor schizo bastard.
its a bot
bot or not it's annoying af
If a child begotten and born out of wedlock fucks itself; then would that represent a line of immaculate conception?
If poor can effort "bots" and "tools for commenting"; then what would the "rich" utilize?
SCHIZO; noun (Greek skhizo) - "split; divide"...being a perceiving ONE within the perceivable ALL implies being "split; divided" by perceivable into perceiving.
The parasitic few suggest the term "schizophrenia" to mean "mental disorder"; which tempts the many to ignore that their minds (ment) within the natural order are disordered; hence lacking comprehension of all perceivable. Why? To allow growth (living) within loss (dying).
Everything perceivable implies a moving difference aka a divided part of the whole aka a "schizo", and yet the ignorant many are being domesticated with suggested rhetoric to brand each other as "schizo" within conflicts of reason, which they do willingly aka by consenting to those suggested terms they use against others.
What if all suggested words parse into perceivable sound? Entrance the guy pulling at the strings of ignorance...
CON (together) SPIRE (breathing)...are we or must one breathe alone?
SPONTANEOUSLY, adverb - "by its own force" implies EN'ERGY, noun [Greek work.] - "internal or inherent power". It's the suggested "without" which tempts those "within" to ignore.
a) what if the repercussions of sound (echo) represents the dissonance (ignorance) of those within sound, who ignore to resonate with it?
b) the land (life) exists within the before (inception) and beyond (death); while the suggestion of "over the hinterland" tempts life (land) to go beyond (hinter) death.
a) notice that you acknowledge the ongoing (on and on...) while suggesting (there are) that the temporary (people; trees; environment) is defined by nothing (no)?
b) "no more" represents a contradiction in terms, since "more" implies the ongoing; while "no" denies it.
It's about ignorance...
"He said: I'm gonna take you high"..."Gonna take you low"..."Gonna take you everywhere I go" aka flow (dying) is gonna take form (living) high (growth); low (loss) and everywhere it goes (inception towards death).
"But I can't stand it no, no more" aka form falling for the temptation to ignore resisting flow aka the ignorance of everything perceivable; while tempted by suggested nothing from others.
Aka ignorance (dark) as the soil for suggested deceptions (tricks).
EVENT', noun [Latin eventus, evenio; e and venio, to come.] - "that which comes, arrives or happens" aka the perceivable momentum of ongoing motion for the perceiving form within. Ignoring this allows others to tempt with the suggested mimicry of captured moments (picture) in motion (film).
This is what then allows directors to utilize reactors who suggest to be actors, as to tempt the onlookers to ignore being reaction (life) within direction (inception towards death).
Another rhetorical inversion of being the reacting will (free will of choice) within the enacting (balance) of motion.
The suggestion that suggested outcomes represents a means to escape perceivable consequences of ongoing origin.
POSI'TION, noun [Latin positio, positus] - "state of being placed; situation"...that implies being temporary situated as the subject (reaction) through ongoing objectification (action).
POSI (positive; expressed) -TION (through action) aka the living represent the expression (POSI) within the impressing process of dying (-TION).
OR'GAN, noun - "a natural instrument of action or operation" aka action instructing the mind of reaction, yet LOGISTIC; from LOGIC (reason; calculation) and LOGOS (word; reason); from LEG; LOG (to collect; gather) implies as reaction in ignorance of action.
Reason represents a suggested conflict; calculation counts from a suggested 0; suggested words idolize perceivable sound, and collecting ignores that everything is available at any moment to each one within.
MAKE, verb - "to mold into shape". That's the suggested inversion of being within the mold (balance) while reshaping ourselves (choice). We represent the DRUM, noun - "a martial instrument of music"; hence the "mortal coil".
The ever changing circumstances you need to adapt to, as to sustain yourself, represent these repercussions of every choice made within sound. You ain't the fish being lured out of the water; but the human struggling to stay afloat; while being tempted to ignore struggling.
"need" implies "want"; which together (need/want) represent the balance for your choice at the center. Instead of CASK, noun - "a close vessel for containing liquors"; it's vessels (living) enclosed within the momentum of open spirit (dying).
Also; living isn't for keeping; but the process of growth (living) within loss (dying) for the self sustenance of energy.
And yet formed within the flowing source of heat.
"knowledge" implies perceivable everything; "nothing" represents a suggestion that tempts to ignore perceivable everything. All suggested words are designed to trick us into these rhetorical contradictions over and over again; which telegraphs the state of ignorance among the many to the few suggesting them words as tools of communication.
Notice that the most common defense of reasoning goes "no"...whatever they use to justify the no, not; nothing; nothingness is irrelevant to the outcome of ignoring everything.
I tried to rolling r thingy with my dog...he didn't like it. Me laughing while growling didn't ease his caution either.
That's simple...resist the temptation to suggest what "is" and instead express what you comprehend about what all that already "is" represents. Energy already is; I just write about how much I comprehend about its behavior, hence expressing myself as one behaving (or misbehaving) within.
What directions do those being moved from inception towards death need from others to sustain life? Why would the reaction (living) within direction (dying) suggest directions to others?
Let's look at another sleight of hand from the annoying ones...
"Only you can make all this change in me"..."For it's true, you are my destiny" "When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do"..."You're my dream come true, my one and only you".
The "one and only you" implies "me" aka the perceiving one within the perceivable all. The few suggest "me" vs "you" to tempt the many to ignore being one within oneness. For oneself, all the other ones represent moving differences aka inspiration caused by the self differentiation of oneness (energy). It ain't you and me; but differences (living) within sameness (dying).
As for resident...the sleight of hand from the few goes "Resident Evil" (nippon original; Biohazard)...that's how they brand the ignorant many who choose to reside in ignorance of the perceivable reality; hence representing a biological hazard to everyone else.
Ignorance represents ones choice of want (suggested) over need (perceivable); while the suggested message and the suggesting medium represent temptation for one to ignore need for want.
Your evaluation (good or better) implies consent to the suggested values of message and medium. Take any message or medium as perceivable inspiration and you can shape "good or better" growth out of it; which then doesn't require the "good or better" labels to reason over.
In short...whenever you find yourself tempted to evaluate anything suggested; take a breath and reevaluate your evaluating choice. The more you do; the more you comprehend about the origin of evaluating choice...the value of balance aka the only source of value for the choices within.
Would these tricks be amazing without amazed onlookers? In other tricks require choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law? Could this represent tricking oneself to ignore temptation?
Aka a suggested right of admission tempting others to seek more suggestions.
The few do this to double down on consent from the many to suggested self destruction. Same with side-effects and ingredient lists of pharmaceuticals in combination with a price-tag. It's the allegory of "sign on the dotted, down here; over there and twice underneath here". This is also one aspect of pushing regular updates for worse and worse products.
About six more weeks until harvest...
Who is to say one is wrong or right?
NASA is infiltrated with many masons. NASA is a government agency. Government has a bad track record of not telling the truth. How did we lose the ability to go to the moon when modern day technology is orders of magnitude more advanced than 1960's tech? Their story doesn't add up...