if germ theory is based on a false area of biology, that PROVES without a doubt that TPTB have so much influence that they can literally create FAKE areas of science. fake sciences that some of our brightest dedicate there life too.
its scary to think that someone who society has deemed an expert has no more idea then your average joe. we are taught from the get go, that if we need answers we seek out the advice of experts.
there is no area more prominently effected by this then medicine.
One might find them selves asking a question.. how could this even be? how could our best and brightest simply not know?
the real question you should be asking yourself is not weather this is possible, instead ask yourself what other "sciences" are based on unproven models.
Comprehension needs to be grown by adaptation to perceivable inspiration; while resisting the temptation to stand under (understanding) suggested information. Try taking anything I wrote about while putting it into your perspective of comprehension. To avoid "understanding" try using implication (if/then) over reason (want vs not want; true vs false etc.).
a) all that was implies as suggested by those who are...I resist that temptation for adaptation to all that is perceivable. In other words...I resist ignoring that which perceptibly is for that which others suggest was (past) or will be (future).
b) A'LIEN, adjective [Latin alienus, from alius, another.]...for the perceiving ONE within the perceivable ALL; everyone else represents "another". Others represent the aliens I can perceive and need to adapt to.
c) AD'AM, noun (heb; man) + MAN, noun [heb.species, kind, image, similitude.] Once again I can perceive similar behavior; shaped by choices responding to a balance based system.
d) EVE; noun - "even; level; balance".
e) "here" implies the momentum of motion aka the perceivable ever changing moment, while "not really" aka nothing reality represents your choice to ignore perceivable everything (reality) for suggested nothing (fiction).
f) "you could argue" represents you perpetuating reason (wanting vs not wanting a suggestion) by suggesting it to me. Do I need to argue with breathing; thirst; hunger or lack of shelter or do I need to adapt nonetheless? One doesn't need to argue over perceivable; yet one is tempted to ignore perceivable, while arguing about suggested.
GOVERN (to control) MENT (from Latin mens; mind; from Greek; memory)...it's your consent to the suggested information by others which gives them the power to define; redefine and contradict what you willingly put into your memory.
As for job...EN'ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] - "internal or inherent power"...that's where one works.
A question implies ones "want" for suggested answers; which ignores the "need" to adapt to everything perceivable as to grow ones lack of comprehension thereof. Everything is offered to you (perception); yet you are tricked to seek confirmation from others (suggestion). Only your free will of choice can change that.
Also; impression (perception) to compression (comprehension) for either expression (growth) or repression (loss). Madonna put it like this..."express yourself; don't repress yourself"..."and I'm not sorry; it's human nature".
What if one can adapt to inspiration which then allows less restricted expression of comprehension? What if others don't need to write for your want of confirmation; but can utilize you as a source of inspiration to adapt to for their own growth of comprehension?
I think there is a name for people like you..I don't want to get banned so I won't say it.
Meanwhile can I say you need to do some serious growing up
Nigger; don't be such a kike and fucking say it instead of being a cunt about it...anyway; does perceivable inspiration require suggested "names" to be perceivable?
On it...growing comprehension by adaption to perceivable inspiration. Btw growing up represents living life; maturity equals death.