Always was. DDG always used Google search database, just was some kind of proxy to "separate user from search engine tracking" in the name of privacy.
Rare search engines use their own database. It is Google, Yahoo, Yandex, Bing - all bigbrothers.
There is some attempts to create independent decentralized search engine, like YaCy, but as usual, that attempts are doomed to fail mostly due to usage of all that fat, ineffective and shitty hipster languages from Java to Go. Nobody want to install something that will eat all memory and CPU in background.
Exactly same thing happened with i2p when hipsters wrote a fat memory-hungry reference implementation in Java instead of C/C++. So, nobody could install it on routers or small servers, and good idea completely failed until some enthusiasts wrote i2p compatible i2pd in C++. But it was too late and now it is growing very slow.
If you use the Brave browse, you can add Presearch as your search engine.
Always was. DDG always used Google search database, just was some kind of proxy to "separate user from search engine tracking" in the name of privacy.
Rare search engines use their own database. It is Google, Yahoo, Yandex, Bing - all bigbrothers.
There is some attempts to create independent decentralized search engine, like YaCy, but as usual, that attempts are doomed to fail mostly due to usage of all that fat, ineffective and shitty hipster languages from Java to Go. Nobody want to install something that will eat all memory and CPU in background.
Exactly same thing happened with i2p when hipsters wrote a fat memory-hungry reference implementation in Java instead of C/C++. So, nobody could install it on routers or small servers, and good idea completely failed until some enthusiasts wrote i2p compatible i2pd in C++. But it was too late and now it is growing very slow.
Not sure why you got DVed. I found your comment interesting.
Not sure why, but DDG uses Bing results.
Startpage usees Google results but, like DDG, provides anonymity.
DuckDuckGo is Genocide Bill Microsoft Bing in disguise.
It’s coming up as normal for me when I search “the gateway pundit”
Same here.
It also has their Rumble on their top 3.
The Gateway Pundit is a pro-jew site, as are many "conservative" sites.
Censorship is still bad though
I literally searched "the Gateway Pundit" on DuckDuckGo just now, the first thing that came out is the site proper, the third is their Rumble.