Cold, dark, lost. Imagine hypothermia, freezing, getting colder and colder, seeing the light fade, flickering into nothing but just cold darkness. You would escape back to the light, warmth, your life, the memories of those you cherish.
Then as if by some divine comedy, you're still stuck in a purgatory, it is full of those memories replayed, shaping around you, but they're never the same, just another nightmare of what was lost. Because when you wake back up you're haunted by your mind and it is in some other hell.
Seriously the mind remains functioning after death. Didn't they just zap a mammoth's brain and get the activity of it never forgot.
There's always another side too any of it.
Horrible watching that light go out. The loosh. There and bam. Trapped. You see that brief light with those motor functions, functioning like a chicken without a head, and then it stops dead cold. Except that brain is still ticking, trapped unaware, last thoughts and dreams, as the eyes go black as coals permentantly staring into blank space, while the blood clots cold.
We've created entire fairytales surrounding it. The energy persists. It can never die. Until we experience those memories, that loss, they still persist, but does it still find a way across time and space manifesting in the whispering wind?
Believe in Santa. Whatever makes you sleep, the dreams of the dead. Remembering Santa promises that the good children go to heaven, and the bad children go to hell. See how easy that is. But it doesn't make much difference to how you die.
It's a bad topic.
Where you're looking for meaning because you need it more. Is it too much finding there is nothing? See how that profits more. Meanwhile those memories are always fraught, striving to believe, it was worth it. So fantasy becomes easier.
There is something but it's not what you think. I tried. But you listened to another faith healer promising resurrection. Study the bible. He didn't in an original print. Instead we had the Incan, day of the dead.
theres an account in this video of a woman who basically tells the light beings to get fucked, and gets sent to somewhere like that.
The light shit is bullshit. Santa fantasies.
Cold, dark, lost. Imagine hypothermia, freezing, getting colder and colder, seeing the light fade, flickering into nothing but just cold darkness. You would escape back to the light, warmth, your life, the memories of those you cherish.
Then as if by some divine comedy, you're still stuck in a purgatory, it is full of those memories replayed, shaping around you, but they're never the same, just another nightmare of what was lost. Because when you wake back up you're haunted by your mind and it is in some other hell.
Seriously the mind remains functioning after death. Didn't they just zap a mammoth's brain and get the activity of it never forgot.
There's always another side too any of it.
Horrible watching that light go out. The loosh. There and bam. Trapped. You see that brief light with those motor functions, functioning like a chicken without a head, and then it stops dead cold. Except that brain is still ticking, trapped unaware, last thoughts and dreams, as the eyes go black as coals permentantly staring into blank space, while the blood clots cold.
We've created entire fairytales surrounding it. The energy persists. It can never die. Until we experience those memories, that loss, they still persist, but does it still find a way across time and space manifesting in the whispering wind?
Whoops strayed into a bad topic.
Sounds like you’ve never looked into near death experiences.
Believe in Santa. Whatever makes you sleep, the dreams of the dead. Remembering Santa promises that the good children go to heaven, and the bad children go to hell. See how easy that is. But it doesn't make much difference to how you die.
It's a bad topic.
Where you're looking for meaning because you need it more. Is it too much finding there is nothing? See how that profits more. Meanwhile those memories are always fraught, striving to believe, it was worth it. So fantasy becomes easier.
There is something but it's not what you think. I tried. But you listened to another faith healer promising resurrection. Study the bible. He didn't in an original print. Instead we had the Incan, day of the dead.
Ok guy