posted ago by Elsest808 ago by Elsest808 +8 / -2

I will never join a Protest.

I will never donate to a Protest.

Why you might ask?

This response was all so painfully predictable.

Look at BLM. If you fight against a Protest you disagree with you will end up like Kyle Rittenhouse. Running away from Pedophiles and Domestic Abusers and then he gets charged with murder even though a FBI Drone was in the air, and multiple people Live Streaming from multiple angles. Supported by Governments, and media propaganda machine.

Look at the truckers protest something I support but will never donate to. Bank Accounts being frozen, Legitimately raised funds being frozen. Peacefully assembled for two weeks. What happened? The Leader of Canada leaves Canada BEFORE they got there claimed he got Chinese Virus despite being triple Vaccinated and called them Nazis, White Supremests, Racists, and Islamaphobic somehow. Calls in the fucking riot police after two weeks of less then 50 arrests. Businesses aren’t bordered up. Businesses weren’t looted. Businesses weren’t burned and people were not killed for two weeks.

However with this Vaccine shit. I can protest in other ways. I can protest by not taking the trash Gene Therapy. Dictator Biden tried to force my Company to force me to take it. Essentially holding my job hostage like I am 5 years old even though I am 30 year old man. I was 100% willing to walk away since there was a very obvious loop hole. All I needed to do was find a job with less then 100 people. That’s how I protest. Still a pure blood still have a job.

You have to be strategic when you fight against the Government. If it’s something they obviously don’t support, don’t make yourself a target. If it’s something they do support don’t join in. Be like Batman. Have a plan. Stay in the shadows. And Yes be Lazy.

Be Smart. Watch the News. Get a feel of who they support. Once you know who the News support you know what side the Deep State will be on.