posted ago by R_Hak ago by R_Hak +7 / -2

Just curious... Any thoughts?

In this manga/anime, we have a bunch of Pirates. Obviously when I was young I though well, how come pirates are depicted as good in here, while IRL pirates are bad. There must be something wrong with this anime.

A few years passed, shit has happened to me, to the world, I see things in a different way now... Plus I have seen more One Piece episodes and well, what do I watch? That there are lots of analogies between what we IRL call conspiracies, and the world of OP.

The consp. that there are reptilian/celestial elites behind the scenes in OP. is a truth. They are called celestial dragons.

Well, the world government isn't good. Earth has some particular/magical regions which only a few ppl know about.

Obviously, the general population is depicted as innocent, but also as imbeciles and weak. Aka blind to the truths...

Any thoughts? Are these things put in there intentionally, accidentally? Does the creator know stuff?

Another question arises, what is the perception of japanese or chinese ppl to the Western conspiracies?