My wife and I are (were) very close with another couple, hanging out with them at least once weekly. They have ghosted us the last few months. I talked to my friend (him and his wife are both double injected and boosted) and he informed me they have been hiding because she is pregnant, four months along now. I congratulated him and invited them over for dinner. He texted me the next day asking myself and wife and kids to take a Covid test prior to their coming, which he would provide. I told him no and explained how Kary Mullis the inventor of the test said it can’t be used for that, and I texted him the pdf of “Breaking the Spell” and referred him to the chapter debunking the Covid test which takes less than five minutes to read. He simply replied “then we will decline the invitation”. My wife is upset because we hung out with them all the time during Covid while she was pregnant with our most recent child. We also have several young children (vs. being pregnant with one) and we aren’t asking them to take a test.
Wouldn’t it have been more polite for him to decline the invitation outright, than ask someone to take a test to go to their house for them to make you dinner?!
I’m just venting to look for support and see what other people say about this situation and if I’m crazy for not wanting to talk to these people ever again. Thanks
You're not crazy for this at all. We all need to stop enabling mental illness. I had a family member sandbag me with this test bs at Thanksgiving. Drove two hours to see them and ten minutes out they called and said they wanted me to take a test in the driveway once I arrived. I was just like yeah come out when I pull up. He came out with a test and I calmly explained there'd be no test taking so he could either let me in or walk back in and explain my absence to the rest of the family but if my grandfather died before I had a chance to see him again I would blame him and never forgive it. He let me in but wasn't happy. Had a nice visit but I'm never going back.
At least he let you in.
I love this story. Good for you!
Clown World.
The worst for me is my current dental. I am having an operation where at hospitals, masks are still a policy for getting your teeth operated on. How does that work you damn stupid cunts?
So I get to the dental hospital, the door has masks, giving them out, sanitizer hands, wear a mask, but immediately inside the building is a cafe, by the reception. You fucking clowns, cafe, eating, drinking, talking, by the staff, dentists, nurses, and public. Reception are wearing the chin diapers. Thanks for the free mask but what is the point. I have my operation, my mouth is open for 3hrs. Afterwards the dentist asks me to wear a mask to leave the building.
These people are insane....
Exactly. Here. Does the local starbucks have some kind of high tech air filter.
Plus bare handed mask zombies grasping escalator handrails. I spotted that stupidity day one.
Since this has been going on for 18-24 months its apparent humanity very dumb.
Mass formation psychosis.
But don't you see how much the narrative provoked the magic cloak of vaxx passportation? Hence restriction are still being enforced. It wasn't about the fact the measures were useless. It was designed to be a gatekeeper, because where did COVID come from, anybody else not adopting the absurdity. In the idiocy, it becomes applied and sometimes even welcomed.
Perhaps they are AI or aliens or some sort of hybrid 🧐
They're that fucking stupid like the rest of COVID's bullshit. But I presume the nonsensical policy has put them into ethical and logical conundrums. But because they are so conflicted it is easier just to shun rationality, and blindly follow, no matter how illogical. This is the predicament, waking them up. Not happening when their paycheck demands the blind compliance.
Yes the aliens have done something to their brains. Mind control, fear, compliance through nonsense.
bby grrrl, miss u.
Here’s something my Dad says:
Me: I let my friend John borrow $20 and he said he’d pay me back on Friday. Well I asked about it on Friday, and he said he could get it to me in a couple of days. Well now, he’s avoiding me and won’t take my calls.
Dad: well... that was a bargain!
Me: what do you mean?
Dad: It only cost you $20 to find out what kind of “friend” he is.
That’s funny because someone else said this in thegreatawakening:
"A Bronx Tale" lesson- C: Louie! Louie: My grandmother's sick I gotta get outta here C: Where's my fuckin money?! You're fucking dead when I catch you! You piece of shit! (mob guys tell C to bash a bat over his head. Sonny, the mob leader walks with C and asks him what's the matter.) Sonny: what's the matter with you? C: This guy Louie owes me 20 dollars and every time I see him he's dodging me. And it's becoming a real pain in the ass. Should I crack him one or what? Sonny: what have I been telling you? Sometimes hurtint somebody isn't the answer. First of all, is he a friend of yours? C: nah I don't even like him Sonny: well there's your answer. For 20 bucks you get rid of him. He's never gonna bother you again, he's never gonna ask you for money again. He's outta your life for 20 dollars. You got out cheap. Forget about it. moral of the story; you got out cheap and it only cost you a PCR text
it is a well known tale
... a tale as old as time...
wait until the next gen can...
IMMA GO LEFT-FIELD... next 3 gens are FOOOKED (and by proxy, we are FOOKED, too) before things settle down.
That just mean they are not your friends and never really was.
Peoples' minds are fucking gone, dude, I'm sorry to read these things, multiple a day now, every day. The fact that the issue cannot even be marginally discussed is the greatest tragedy of it all. How the fuck are you supposed to grow and develop as a conscious entity with such effective suppression?
just know yer friend unknowingly & unsuspectingly 'bought' the lie as the truth.
the lie = billion-dollar global corps w/ fingers in all the power-positions + governments colluding hand in hand.
ill admit it. that ^^^ is a GOD-DAMNED power combo. so when i see my friends swindled by this con, i know if they "knew," theyd be just as outraged as us fringe-folk.
Yeah I don’t think I need to associate with people swindled, especially when I am sending them the info showing it.
rule 1: self-preservation is #1 always, forever, in perpetuity
rule 2: if you got rule 1 down, be christ-like
rule 3: at any point rule 1 diminishes, CRUB-STOMP ALL DEM MF'ERS till rule 1 is rolln steady
1st mistake, trying to reason with a pregnant woman and by extension her husband.
I absolutely agree with what you did. I don't think you have to hate them; they are just under the same spell as so many other lemmings are. It's really unfortunate that they fell for this plot, but the fact that they are in so deep that they want you to get tested to be around them… think about how many levels of stupid that is. They have taken a treatment that they think is so good that everybody should get it, but then they are afraid to be around people… because they don't think it works?
Don't ever lie to yourself; you know these people are not your friends.
The really unfortunate part about this situation is realizing that some folks are friendly but are not actually your friends. The same kind of people who would force you to get tested before hanging out with them would surely turn you into the police, to avoid persecution themselves, during or after a communist revolution.
Just be thankful you didn't have to pay with your life to learn that they are not your friends. (borrowing from the $20 comment in this same thread)
Yeah the Bronx take comment was clutch
No, you are right. You tried to open their eyes but none so blind as those who will not see
They are zombies now. Hopefully there is a cure.