What makes you do good things? Making "the right" choice, Having a positive(?) thought.
There needs to be a push from a balanced (that is in balance) reference point(?) of being/state of mind. Push towards the positive(?) (omnidirectional/infinite). Well most certainly it depends on which frame you choose, from where you look.
The realization simply being the acknowledgement of the existence of good. The potential. Hey, there's a possibility of/for good.
Does anyone practice/does breathwork/yoga/etc? Tounge on the palate and breathing modes/techniques to control the energy works best for me.
The source-code (flow) doesn't have a flaw to find; everything is offered through flow (need); the form within tempts stealing (want); the exploit (ones advantage) represents choice of response, and the fault represents lack of understanding flawlessness.
Hacking tempts one to seek faults within suggested information; thereby a) falling for want over need and b) exploiting others who also fell for want over need; while perpetuating the suggested system of mass exploitation and helping those who suggest it to change the perceived faults.
Math is about suggesting problems; then use the solutions provided by those consenting to it to suggest more sophisticated problems. Meanwhile; the majority of those unable to solve problems gets dumber and dumber; since they are kept along by regurgitating the already solved problems. The foundation for that deception is the ignorance of balance for conflict (problem solving).
The only number that mattes within ALL represents ONE; for ALL is ONE in energy...math represents the suggestion to count ONEs over and over again to "unlock" ALL; while the path towards that goal is corrupting the understanding of ONEself among the majority. Hilariously wicked; yet once again a suggestion met by willing consent.
a) what one represents is resistance to velocity; so that's what can be cultivated (growth) or ignored (loss) aka growing potential (comprehension) out of potentiality (perception).
b) the self represents that which remains of form within flow aka the blood (individual self) within the shared bloodline (collective self). You represent the accumulation of all that was; the choice to respond to all that is, and the gatekeeper for all that will be aka not his-story; but yours aka of ONE within ALL.
Increased resistance (potential) decreases the potency of suggestions by others. Once you perceive need/want of any suggested information (by definition a want over need; hence real communication representing resonance as choice to balance); you will be surrounded by mental impotence; substituted by physical potency directed at you. If you point out their wants over the collective need; they get offended about you not wanting, and if you question need; then their wants feel ignored; because they lack understanding of the needs you talk about.
This is btw why the few attack children; because they lack understanding; yet adapt less restricted to inspiration unless domesticated by suggestion; hence being corrupted into the ignorant adults.
They aren't for want tempts more want and nothing is ever enough for those who ignore everything. When I point out ignored needs; then I do it as adaptation to inspiration for the sustenance of self...not as a pointed out information for others; but it's their free will of choice to perceive inspiration over information. When someone responses I can then bring two perspective into balance; which helps me grow understanding immensely. All of this here represents on the fly adaptation.
Teach/learn represents balance within ALL for ONEs responding choice; hence to teach self represents to learn for self and vice versa. Teaching others represents suggesting information to others; while tempting them to perceived you as the source to learn from; hence causing a chain of command under a false authority. That represents ONE trying to be another ONE; while ignoring to grow ONEself out of ALL. Both teacher and students are corrupting each other through idolatry (cult of personality). The students are corrupted by the suggested information; while the teacher is being corrupted by the power of wielding suggested information over others. Look at the actor/audience relationship...the audience wants the actor; the actor wants the stage without the audience. Hollywood destroyed its actors; while using them to destroy the audience.
Balance (need) over outcome (want) is the understanding required to deal with others. If you try to change others by suggestion; you cause imbalance, yet struggle to resonate with balance grows oneself; which in return inspires others to choose to change themselves...yet you need to resist wanting that beforehand; otherwise you corrupt your own growth. Balance cannot be tricked by pretending to not care for outcome.
Everything I've ever wanted...
Plato: "Socrates...wtf?!"
Aristotle: "interesting suggestion..."
Socrates: "what if I control you both and you don't even realize it?"
Defining implies choice; boundary for choice implies balance (need/want); balance implies ALL value for each ONEs choice of evaluation within; hence defining implying ignoring need for want to define as suggestion for others.
The particularity of it moving on; while you try to slap the brand of "truth" on it; while ignoring that your perspective is that of the temporary within the ongoing. Your suggested brand will die with you; while motion continues to communicate its inspiration through constant change to the balance within (momentum); a balance one ignores when reasoning about suggested true vs false brands.
It's the suggested term "true" that implies the conflict of reason against "false". It's the rules of behavior of flow (river) that doesn't change for those within. For example flow causes momentum (balance); which for those within implies choice based existence in-between natural opposites. That represents a rule that cannot change within constant change.
Understanding this leads to further understand the source of flow/form aka energy (internal power); which changes understanding of flow/form into loss/growth aka ALL ongoing potentiality / ONEs temporary potential within.
Your river perspective lacks understanding of the momentum the river causes; which represents the self differentiation of ALL flowing into formed ONEs within momentum. You understand the river as the source of the form within; yet not the balance (momentum) that separates flow/form; a balance causes by the velocity of the river causing a momentum that allows growth within loss.
Try watching underwater currents and throw balls while questioning momentum. As for form growing within momentum...rotate a bottle half filled with water and watch the temporary growth within the momentum you caused by your mimicking of velocity. Alcohols works...temptation tho.
a) knowledge represents perception.
b) each ONE perceived ALL; yet lacks understanding of what it means. Growth potential...
c) loss of potentiality within energy (flow) causes growth of potential (form); loss/growth represents the internal balance of energy aka the self sustenance for the ONEs within ALL and the ONEness of ALL.
d) understanding cannot be shared; it has to be grown individually...ain't that a bitch?
Ever (everything); never (nothing)...another suggested inversion.
STOP, verb transitive - "to put an end to any motion or action"... aka a suggested rhetoric that ignores ones perspective as being moved; hence the reaction thereof.
Trying implies choice; yet choice represents the response to balance; hence bound to form. Choice represents a limitation for the ONE within ALL; not for the ONEness of ALL; which represents self sustenance; hence inherent generation of power (energy).
Accomplish implies choice of want over need; hence ignoring ALL aka everything already existing (energy); for suggested nothingness aka creationism. Try to create anything new without using everything perceived as inspiration to transmute out of...
Can you breathe the inside "emptiness"? That would imply exchange of input. Emptiness is based on suggested fullness; while ignoring the ONEness of ALL (energy) aka "is the glass half full or half empty?" It's all energy and full/empty represents your choice upon suggested amounts.
The deception underneath suggested "0" is that the one suggesting it defines it as a substitute balance for ones consenting choice. Suggested "off" represents transmuting something from one position to another within "always on".
USE, noun [Latin urus.] - "employment of". That implies ONE employing another ONE within ALL.
What if the real balance represents everything (ALL) and the lack thereof within (ONE)? How could you perceive "nothing" when perception implies reaction to input of something?
The suggested something or nothing balance represents the 1 (perceived reality) vs 0 (suggested fiction) of transhumanism.
a) the normal state represents a system not branding anything with words
b) digestible for others represents lowest common denominator
c) redefining simply represents shaping perceived based on workflow potential.
d) neither have I so far any problems following your perspective; nor do my own children have a problem following what I write. They simple put aside what the individually lack to understand; after which they collectively talk about their individual perspectives; followed by me getting poked mercilessly...this is part of our home-school curriculum.
It's not about others not understanding you; it's about them not being restricted by self imposed beliefs through consent to suggested information. Children viciously adapt to inspiration if allowed. Learn/teach yourself to adapt to inspiration and let them view your attempts...monkey see/monkey do will do the rest (mimicry).
That ain't new; it represents your less restricted consciousness roaming through ALL perceived; while bringing inspiration from different sources back; which ever so often connect more and more of your previous understanding aka the internal net of ONEs growth into ALL offered through loss. Writers blockage is about wanting that inspiration; while desperately trying to recreate what inspired it. The key is staying within momentum (adaptation to inspiration) to take the consciousness off the chain. It's a skill one can grow and also diminish by ignoring to adapt to balance.
Justification of the same choice of want over need. ONE cannot own any other ONE; only use ALL offered or ignore it for pretended ownership; while suffering the consequences.
This is where momentum comes in...I adapt to what others inspire me to think about on the fly; instead of putting my thoughts down. I utilize whatever inspiration comes to mind and write it out; which therefore reflects my current state of thinking within momentum.
When you suggest to others and they put you on a pedestal (cult of personality); then the lowest among them will corrupt your output towards all of them; by first sacrificing the higher minded; then slowly lowering your output to piss off the least; while the lowest wants the barrier lower and lower. This represents the hierarchy of setting wants into flow aka corruption. The few deliberately suggest those idols to corrupt all the followers through their ignorance of being form within flow.
Assumptions within movement require understanding of the foundation to build them upon (natural law). Others represent a response to movement; hence understanding of movement telegraphing their perspective through behavior.
This is why everyone reasoning about whatever is of no concern to those who suggested what they reason about. Why? Because their response to movement is ignorance; hence self destructive and distracted by conflicts with others about their ignorance; which they on top of that lack to understand.
Understanding isn't about seeing the others perspective; but about growing the ALL seeing "I" (not eye; since seeing already implies with eyes; but I as the implication of the ONE). If ONE sees ALL it implies inspiration over information; which makes those who respond to information more and more transparent; hence suggestive to the ALL seeing I. The parasites use that allegory for the inversion of corrupting others instead of growing self.
Responses to movement aka responsibility or lack thereof.
Choice shapes; inspiration represents ALL value offered to each ONEs choice for shaping by evaluation. Inspiration being shaped like implies you comparing it to information for only form holds shapes; while flow flows. This is also why liquid isn't flow; but the mimicry thereof within momentum.
It's our understanding of beginning (to rise out of) that is being corrupted by suggested creationism into out of nothing; then rise into everything. That represents the inversion of transmutation out of everything (energy); which then allows a beginning (inception) and end (death) for those within.
New to "nu" to Now implies balance and your understanding thereof; based on your choice based response. Great; yet the majority of all the others around you lacks that understanding, and suggesting new tempts them into their creationism beliefs. They don't understand balance; because they consent to believe suggested choices by others instead of responding as choice to balance.
Would exchanging new to now work to pull the rug from under ignorance and inspire questioning ones position as choice within balance or does the inversion of time (suggested past; present and future) tempt to discard now for new as now for present? The dipshit parasites put a lot of effort into covering all angles of corrupting understanding with suggestion...
Eventually I will make it to PIE and semitic roots...
Aka ongoing differentiation.
Like branding it a library; from liber - "free"; when all it contains are suggested words binding those who consent to the will of those suggesting...
Forms shaped within the momentum of flow (perceived inspiration)...until some annoying kid scribbles chemtrails all over the canvas (suggested information).
Resist showing the world to others; and struggle to express your potential in adherence to it...others will notice and respond. Your growth of potential represents the perceived differences that communicate inspiration to others; while ignoring that struggle for growth represents the temptation to conform within loss; hence obstructing communicated inspiration to others.
Adaptation over stagnation. It represents the balance point where need becomes tempting want aka the responsibility of choice to adapt.
a) free will of choice...the sole responsibility of each ONE within ALL. Inspiration or information is on each of us for self; not for others. The consequences of that individual choice are then collectively shared.
b) learn/teach yourself to let go of what you write the moment you're done adapting to inspiration. When I press save; I'm done with it and the choice is on others to shape it at will; which I had to learn by all the attempts at justifying what I wrote before aka stagnating growth by ignoring momentum.
c) wise or dumb; I'm get called endless variations of both constantly; which is what inspired me to comprehend that only balance defines value, and that my choice of evaluation within can be imbalance by falling for the temptations of others suggesting definitions to me. Like...I already am; I don't need to be redefined through suggestions, yet sharing this offends both sides who want me to be what they suggest I am.
d) as for danger (minefield)...ALL inspiration is offered through flow; which represents the power destroying each ONE within; yet also the needed source for growth. Balancing within motion implies danger, and each ONE within can take ALL offered...resist the temptation of danger tho aka seeking the high in the rush of loss.
Want over need represents idolatry aka holding onto meaning within form; while ignoring communicated meaning through flow. Punishment implies that very want over need choice aka wanting to punish form; while ignoring needed justice aka the balance that "just is". The "punishment" for form ignoring growth represents loss...self sustenance implies justice.
We do this as-well as consented to information within conscious memory aka self imposed restrictions to perceiving inspiration. Flow doesn't offer words; form thinking in words represents idolatry of affixed meaning.
Each ONEs choice is shared among all others; we simply lack understanding of each individual path before it reaches us. Instead we perceive ever changing circumstances; all causes by our choice based responses to balance in motion. Fundamentally; flow damages all form within; hence us representing temporary chaos within ongoing order.
The parasites suggest the inversion...that we can create order; hence tricking us to build our civilization sandcastles; and then wondering while its crumpling and falling away over and over again. Within momentum; one could be surrounded by constant beautiful growth; while establishing the resistance to not fall for the temptation to want to hold onto it; but to keep within momentum instead.
Consent to suggested information causes the chain of command under the suggested idol. Look at suggested scientism as the umbrella for all the suggested information underneath. No matter which scientific field you find yourself in; you are within the same chain of command under the few who suggest scientism. Only those who suggest the idol have the free will of choice to define it; because all under it have already consented to it; which implies ignoring to use their own free will of choice for adaptation to perceived inspiration in return for consent to suggested information.
Choice is defined as the response to balance; so every perceived inspiration implies the choice of need or want; while anything suggest (all idols) implies the choice of want or not want; hence already in ignorance of need.
Religion (religio; to bind anew) represents the exploitation of ignored need/want (original bond) for suggested want or not want (to bind anew); and the latter automatically implies want vs not want among all those who consented to suggestions; which is what those who suggest are calling "reason" aka division (reason) by suggestion (idol).
Every position within the chain of command represents a pedestal for those below; hence causing a pyramid hierarchy of kissing up; while kicking down behavior leading to a few over a many.
Wandering aka "I'm the type of guy who will never settle down...you know that I'm around...to me they're all the same...they don't even know my name...they call me the wanderer...I roam around around around"
The few are corrupting perceived knowledge with suggested knowledge; they tempt growth within needed balance towards wanted outcome, and suggest education through others as the path for self-cultivation. Their entire modus operandi is to suggest the inversion of everything at high frequency; hence mimicking the velocity of offered reality by burying us under suggested fiction.
Ongoing balance as the foundation that allows temporary assumptions to be build within.
That represents the assumption of those within samsara (distractions of temptations within the ever changing moment). It represents an exercise in reducing distractions by putting the mind to a blank state. The issue with that is that it represents the tempting assumption to ignore everything for nothing aka ignoring perceived moving inspiration for temporarily stopped information within ones memory.
First equals energy; equals everything...then loss; momentum; growth, and the opportunity to shape nothing by ignoring everything.
That implies remembering captured moments within memory, while ignoring the ongoing momentum.
Another self deception...movement out of stillness. In reality it's choice in response to movement that can shape stillness by reducing mimicked movement.
Both flow/form are energy; yet form (magnetic) is separated from flow (electric) through the momentum of flow. Form represents the core of flow; both together represent the core of energy (loss/growth).
What one perceives represents the response to movement; what one lacks to understand is source of movement. Transmutation implies the source to be everything (energy); creation implies the source to be nothing (ignorance of everything).
Every consented to and upheld information corrupts "looking around" (perception) into "through the (suggested) looking-glass" of beliefs aka perceiving reality through the idolized meaning (fiction) suggested by the will of others. The few call this state a "golem" aka a monster out of clay; controlled from outside.
The struggle of form within the temptation of flow represents resisting to ignore momentum (balance) for suggested choices by other form.
Aka suggested creationism. An ignored life being tricked to attempt to make his own living.
Re- implies in response to; hence out of. New implies coming into being through change; hence change (flow) being the prerequisite for anything to come out of. How would you describe "new" energy?
Aka as form within the momentum of flow.
Picking at temporary form within ongoing flow; hence being able to shape corruption by choice.
The ignorance of the many towards the system they set their choices into is what allows the few the racketeer the ongoing corruption of every form set into flow. Notice that the parasitic few are alleged to be destroyers; not creators; letting others work for something; instead of doing it themselves. What the many lack to understand is that the few nonstop shaping the self destruction of the many by suggestion...which works for the few. All the few suggest represents the theatrical story of human progress; which deceives the many who playact in it; to ignore resisting progress for their own self sustenance.
In short...the few deceive the many to perceive ongoing flow as the affixed stage of civilization; while behind the ignored scenes; flow is continuing to bring temporary chaos back into the natural order. It's not that the few are destroying every civilization they infest; it's that they exploit the ignorance of the many to build an hold onto form; while being flushed by flow. Their sleight of hand for that is "the house build on sand" aka a formation that ignores momentum of flow.
That represents you consenting to the suggested information "knowledge"; while ignoring that knowledge represents perceived inspiration. Perceived reality cannot be withheld from others; suggested fiction can; because one consented to want it as a suggestion from another one.
Knowledge represents perceived inspiration; truth represents wanted information (lies represent not wanted information) and wisdom represents wise (discernment of choice) and dominance (balance). Try putting the connotations of these terms into your understanding of the river.
The access of the few represents control over how much each ONE of the many consents to ignore of ALL offered. Suggested money represents the main culprit here; because it deceives those consenting to it; to ignore ONEs choice based evaluation of ALL perceived value (reality) for a suggested value (fiction), defined by another ONE. Self devaluation of choice based response to balance.
That's yet another sleight of hand for forms (masses) ignorance (un-) of flow (washed).
Which implies that they already took aka consent to speak suggested languages; within which they complain about being controlled; which then allows those suggesting to shut them up. Hate-speech only works if one consents to suggested speech first; which implies consenting to others defining meaning; and those who gained the power to define meaning; will redefine it at their will and by the consent of all those who agreed to let others define meaning for them.
Those who ignore perceived sound are at will of those who suggest words shaped out of sound aka being played by fiction within an ignored reality.
Control aka power over...velocity represents power incoming; resistance represents power responding to incoming by choice based adaptation to balance.
How to corrupt control over choice towards perceived balance? By suggesting choices so that choice consents to ignore balance; for whatever choices are suggested. The ONE lever of control represents the choice of need or want within ALL. Velocity pushes the lever; hence causing the need for resistance; while everything surrounding one is tempting (hence pulling) the lever towards ignoring needed resistance for wanted ignorance.
TRADI'TION, noun [Latin traditio, from trado, to deliver.] ALL is being delivered to each ONE; and choice can shape out of it. The only tradition is flow for the responding form within; hence delivering that which remains of form within flow (blood) from one to another (bloodline).
CONDUCT, noun [Latin, to lead] aka a suggested deception from the status quo of form being led by flow from inception towards death. Form represents the magnetic resistance to the electric velocity of flow.
Perception represents electric velocity (flow); comprehension represents growth of magnetic resistance (form).
Flow/form already represents the balance (momentum); which those within have to align (resonate) both mental/physical response aka mentally resisting to ignore need for want; while physically adapting to need. The difference represents "I'm totally gonna do it...later"
Yep...mental temptation and physical temptation. The mental temptation aims at those with growing comprehension to also ignore balance for origin (energy) instead of for suggested outcome (death). Understanding the ONEness of ALL (energy) also tempts the ignorance of being ONE within ALL aka responsibility of choice within temporary momentum; not mentally jerking yourself off over representing infinity of energy. This is where suggested Buddhism; meditation; self intoxication etc. are used as mental temptations. Your sitting on the mountain example represents that being above physical temptation; yet tempted to fall for the mental ones.
Great rhetoric...vote (choice) count (ignorance of being the ONE with the choice for counting others). Hilarious. Meanwhile on MSM: "vote counting irregularities?"..."Let's check dominion!"
Within the chain of command you represent an order follower; hence being in ignorance of representing the resistance to the natural order of velocity. It's hard to adapt to inspiration while simultaneously perpetuating suggested information and responding to those corrupted by it.
Mind of the students...throw it; paint it; break it; protect it; steal them all; leverage it; sneak out; how do I not fail this; lets work together and lay out a message; if elephants hold each others tails; do they fart in each others faces...
Those who want are tempted to want more. Their perceived way is towards outcomes and neither goalpost will satisfy them long; because they're going with the flow instead of resisting it within balance. They look towards death and any temporary form that can distract them from it is wanted; but never helps to avoid the ongoing outcome. The ignored need is where they are; but how could they grow within balance if they run after the temptations of loss? A more and more desperate situation; hence the want for any special achievement to "matter"; while lacking to understand that they always mattered (form).
If one consents to suggested captured moments; one corrupts understanding of what the momentum (balance) has to offer, as well as the need to respond to it by breathing (spiro; spirit) aka choice based resistance to incoming velocity.
Both represent choice of wanted outcomes (length of stay) over needed habitation. Your momentary surrounding within will inspire adaptation to need for preparedness (cold season).
I like that...short term usage of brands; while honoring ongoing flow; yet use of suggestion implies a trust contract between choices; which isn't honorable to balance.
Memento - "remember"; also "commemoration of death" aka ignoring that which is for the which was....boxed as a temptation waiting to be opened.
ONE implies within the momentum of velocity; hence separated from ALL into form within flow. Velocity just moves; momentum represents responding resistance to momentum (balance). Does the surfer mimic the water or does he pass it along?
Here's the parasitic sleight of hand for female resistance (ONEs form) to male velocity (ALL flow)... https://pic8.co/sh/n9gRGz.jpg
Knowledge represents the ongoing flow of inspiration towards each forms perception. Knowledge doesn't represents a sharing issue; but a balanced offering. Each ONE knows ALL...only within ALL offered knowledge can ONE grow understanding out of it.
As for sharing understanding...question how one got what he then suggests to others? It was choice adapting to perceived inspiration; and passing it along by suggestion undermines the choice of others by deceiving them to ignore perceived (need) for suggested (want). That's why our good intentions of "sharing is caring" are corrupting us and why the parasitic few are educating us through suggestion.
The suggested parasite inversion for that is "ask and you shall receive"; which suggests choice to choice (information); yet represents balance/choice (inspiration) for those with eyes to see. The choice of others run out of information quick; but balance will always offer inspiration for those who ask aka re-quest aka respond to search within.
The blueprint implies wanted outcome; reality already represents ALL potentiality offered to each ONE within. Going at the box of legos grows you; using a suggested blueprint corrupts your growth.
To want from others represents shaping sameness; while ignoring that all the others represent perceived differentiation as inspiration for ones responding choice. And this tempts then to blame the suggested materials; not the choice to ignore perceived inspiration. Differences need to be expressed; not suppressed by mixing them together; hence the parasites suggesting the one world government for all others; while themselves understanding the ONEness of ALL (energy).
Each ONE represents an expanding ecosystem; with shared needs of maintenance; hence the overlap when fertilizing the surrounding soil of ALL for ONEs seed of growth potential. Better implies the choice of growth of self (need) or better than others (want); the rest (farming tips; people; soil and weather) represents circumstances within the ever changing moment(um). The choice matters (form); while the rest is ongoing (flow).
Balance is in motion; hence responding choice in demanded responsibility. Being from implies trying self sustenance within flow; hence wanting to not choose representing ignoring need. ALL flow is what gets each ONE done...choice within balance (growth/loss) defines how long getting done will take.
I read the flow used to shape the words for inspiration...energy to flow to form to sound to response (resonance or dissonance) by choice; to choice to shape words (dissonance); to choice to suggest words as meaning towards choice of others; while using rhetoric to obfuscate sound. Every word has a track record...
Call empty (choice of evaluation); are full (suggestion of value); most people (response in the name of others). Was any of that needed for breathing air?
As deep as momentum aka the vessel that holds ONE within ALL.
Speed represents your evaluation of incoming inspiration aka counting the ongoing...you don't have to. Let inspiration fly by; while concentrating on the momentum for your choices at which point you utilize whatever inspiration that stands out; which is how you train your consciousness to drawn more connections for whatever you choose.
Counting speed doesn't represent resistance to velocity.
ONE represents the responding process to ALL...other ONEs represent inspiration/temptation; not obligation for regurgitation. Whatever you do already represents ONE expression of ALL for all others. Then don't need to understand you; they will mimic you as inspiration anyway (monkey see; monkey do). If you adhere to balance; they will mimic balance in accordance to their own potential of understanding. Meanwhile; your growth of potential will increase the resistance to those who use you as temptation to cause imbalance, and you will therefore be more efficient in resisting.
The remembering aspect represents holding onto inspiration as information (by counting) and then reasoning about the use of the information (stagnation); while ignoring the ongoing inspiration (adaptation).
The ongoing natural order (flow) causes balance (momentum) for the temporary chaos (form) within. You try to improve the quality of explaining order to chaos...aka polishing turds.
Order communicates balance to chaos by movement as perceivable inspiration; for the highest value in existence to respond to...free will of choice. ALL value is delivered to each ONE evaluation without a word...
Form represents the processed post within flow.
Aka tumbled (flow) in a drum (momentum) with a fistful of ball-bearings (all the other form).
Awareness to resonance can be grown; like "reading a room" just by entering. For me its about body language; while others told me about being able to discern moot from sound or even colorful auras.
Growth (form) is within loss (flow); yet choice of form to process flows offering is where the potential of vinegar operates.
Together (energy); breaking apart (flow causing form aka self differentiation); to break apart (form in response to flow aka transmutation out of base).
Corruption implies perceivable; hence as form (chaos) out of flow (order)...that's where it matters as inspiration for form to sustain self or as temptation to ignore doing so.
The entire beast system is suggested; hence wanted; therefore in ignorance of need. The few simply respond parasitically to the weakness of ignorance among the host many...aka host/parasite; a tool of balance for the responding choice within. Happy merchants of temptation...
That's the wanted exploitation of a host; but before that comes the needed self sustenance...both (need/want) represent choices responsibility to balance aka a response to being processed for growth and loss. Contribution implies form judging other form about behavior.
Ask yourself if self sustenance represents a contribution for form within flow or a responsibility? The former tempts to want outcomes (payment for contribution); the latter would make maintenance of ones surrounding a needed responsibility; hence lowering the temptation of everything around us by growing our resistance to it.
Which isn't against the parasites; but for self sustenance by adaptation to ever changing circumstances within momentum. Both learn from that.
How would you understand which weakness of yours is tempting others? How would others understand how to leech from a host?
By those who grew their comprehension thereof...not so much by those whose gardening skills amount to watching grass grow; while having a Mexican on speed-dial if uneven growth is inconveniencing the optics.
...to those who chose want over need to be able to consider to want or not want what they sell. Sages and scientist also already imply consent to those titles and the umbrella idols above them. Selling itself implies ignoring to be ONE being offered ALL for use to sustain self.
A response to ignored responsibility of choice to balance aka consenting to others implies ignoring oneself. We already share reality...what's there to consent to? Consider breeding...without consent; would it happen? Self sustenance is needed; so it's gonna go down anyway. The issue is that violation of will is being suggested to get the consent corruption going. Will needs to respond for self; not against others.
Insistence implies the use of frequency when suggesting submission; which only works when one ignores that consent to suggestion represents submission of will to will. Those who insist are either aware of the weakness; hence utilizing persistent frequency; or domesticated enough by others to perpetuate it.
Example...racism as an accusation. The few are aware that the many will submit to being accused of by defending themselves against it; hence affirming the suggested idol of racism. Meanwhile among the ignorant many...accusations are being wielded blindly against others to protect ones own ignorance from responsibility acting up aka fault within self reflected as accusations against others.
Responsibility (contract of choice to balance) of self sustenance through growth (tree).
Question the just. Why does flow (velocity) differentiate you into form (resistance)? To balance ongoing flow with temporary growth...like growing understanding of form through adaptation to perception through flow. You know ALL the river has to offer; but what you make out of yourself in it is based on your choice.
Does a seed show any indication of being intimidated by the soil offered or does it express exponential growth; while utilizing every aspect of the soil for self sustenance? Think from the perspective of an ecosystem radiating outwards...that's your growth potential; your responsibility to everything around you. Ask yourself how potentiality offered can intimidate the potential within to restrict growth?
What if ALL represents inspiration to each ONE for growth, while others suggest temptation to feel intimidated by everything? What if suggesting starvation tempts to ignore exponential fruits of labor? What if suggesting loss into nothingness tempts one to ignore growth out of everything? What if suggesting overpopulation or depopulation tempts one to ignore being within balance? What if suggesting exponentially increasing numbers (debt) and decreasing numbers (worth) tempts one to ignore the only number that matters within ALL...ONEself? How can one grow if he counts others? How can one respond to balance when he follows choices? How could one adhere to momentum if he remembers captured moments?
Who has a problem with all those miles? The "Proclaimers" thereof aka those who claim what is; while ignoring to grow what they already are instead? "When I wake up, well, I know I'm gonna be" aka I perceive that I am; yet..."But I would walk five hundred miles; And I would walk five hundred more;Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles" aka I perceive that I am; yet I want to be anything but what I am.
Was constant energy suddenly presented to you or was it already there? Surprise represents temporary response to the constant offering. How often can you steal your sons nose before he understands what you're up to? Eventually his potential grows and instead of being surprised he adapts and get your nose too.
Driftwood implies processed by flow; playing implies choice to respond to being moved. Utilize choice; build a raft; grow potential of choice; build a boat...shape (choice) driftwood (form within flow) for self sustenance.
https://ahdictionary.com/word/indoeurop.html ...got any better ones (older; cleaner; downloadable)?
To see implies ONE perceiving ALL; discernment implies growing understanding of being ONE within ALL; choosing to look represents perceiving the differentiation of the same as inspiration within temptation. The more one grows understanding; the more of ALL each ONE differentiation expresses.
I got it rougher...worked within; while protected by the beast; stepped on the wrong toes; got kicked out, and only then got inspired to question the who; where and why of what just happened.
Tempting consent to narrow ones own view by self imposed beliefs in mental restrictions. Why use unrestricted choice when others suggest me choices within restricted boundaries...why does me pointing this out sound less tempting than when others suggest it?
"I can't breathe" leads to death...any yet the majority consents to reason about breathing; while breathing. Is this really a "pay no heed" suggestion or are they just mercilessly rubbing our faces into our own ignorance with a sprinkle of cognitive dissonance added; just to stay under the plausible deniability clause?
The temptation to count the movement; by first branding everything within is what corrupts our understanding of the ongoing. After that the few then suggest past; present and future to distract from the momentum already ignored aka rebranding memories; while attaching corrupt meaning through suggestion.
Way simpler...the initial consent of choice to suggested choice exchanges understanding of sole authority over self (free will of choice) with submission to the will of others (their choice). At this point everything suggested represents an idol of authority with its own chain of command growth of corruption.
The simplicity represents want over need aka suggested choices over perceived balance; afterwards any suggestion adds complexity upon it; building by itself the same hierarchy; the same chain of command under false authority; the same pyramid scheme.
Also; having consented (want) to any suggestion; doesn't require the explanation thereof to hold up; because the conflict of reason (want vs not want) between both consenting sides will distract those who consent from those who suggest. And what does one do while reasoning about meaning of suggestion? One makes up endless more suggestions of why the suggested meaning means what one believes it means. There is your self perpetuating "comprehensive web of suggestion".
They all use assumptions upon suggested information; instead of upon perceived information through the foundation of natural law (flow to form). House of cards...the few tempt them by suggestion to keep building; while using stagecraft to sell them on the destruction of the collapsing cards (aka the civilization racket). The world's a stage they say...
Besides accidents; a certain type of skill-set is required to survive such an environment; which includes reading others.
Differences within potential imply form; the real current represents the potentiality of flow. The unit of electromotive force (volt) implies the resting force that can measure it; hence within form.
Is to is "less" represents loss of ALL potentiality; is less to is represents growth of ONEs potential. Both together represent balance (loss/growth) aka inherent power of velocity/resistance.
Perceivable voltage is based by us generating the current to measure it aka our movements in response to being moved. Balance (momentum) is what we ignore; hence being separated within the electric current; using magnetic resistance to channel it through each individual ONE into the momentum for self sustenance.
Comprehensible voltage aka electromotive force represents the velocity aspect of energies inherent balance aka the loss form ALL into the internal ONE; which in return causes the growth of ONE towards the external ALL.
Up to down; big to small represent internal differentiation (ONEs) of the same (ALL). The natural opposite of flow (velocity) represents internal form (resistance); which represents a balance (momentum) that allows free choice direction within dominating balanced direction.
Stop represents forms choice to ignore perceived inspiration (from within spirit aka moving) for suggested information (from within form aka affixed within memory). It's also the suggested word stop - "putting an end to motion" that stupefies our perception of ongoing movement. It's a distraction using measurement to trick us; like I can suggest you to throw a ball in the air and then stop its fall by catching it. Do the same with an apple; then wait a couple of weeks and try again to see that its getting inconvenient to attempt to stop what's already being moved; before your throw can mimic movement.
This is also where ignorance of momentum is being exploited by suggested past; present and future to make measurements that are used to reason "stop".
Everything (ALL) from the finite (ONE) perspective, and it also implies evaluation (choice) in response to value (balance).
That's counting of everything by first branding something in it to count; hence restricting perception of everything by suggestion of something countable. ALL already established the only ONE that matters; who has the choice to count others...yet also the responsibility to balance (need/want). Is counting to infinity needed?
Aka "in the beginning was the word"; a suggestion shaped out of perceived sound. Same with zero; a suggested point to count from aka the inversion of balance caused by everything...a balance defined as nothing (zero) through the choice of others.
Math; from root me- "to measure" ; which implies math to be suggested towards choice + MAG'IC, noun [Latin magia] - "putting into action the power of spirits" aka to deceive others to ignore representing a formed reaction to flow; hence adapting by breathing (spiro; spirit).
Always in and out of base; hence "the hill to die on" aka growth potential.
Hence more order (flow) than chaos (form); more need (balance) than want (imbalance).
All suggestions tempt to ignore the only way for form to flow.
Hence; PROTEST', verb intransitive [Latin protestor; pro and testor, to affirm it.] One needs to resist the temptation (want) to affirm suggestion by protesting it (not want); otherwise one consents to reason (want versus not want).
You put it on those you consent to suggestions from aka giving others authority to command you by suggested meaning; which you willingly follow even when reasoning against it.
When upheld information meets adaptation to perceived inspiration...suddenly all these wanted ideas turn out to be less needed than anticipated.
Aka resisting to be tempted out of momentum. Your growth will be the inspiration they can teach/learn themselves from if they choose so.
If only there was something akin to growth to gain from responsibility to struggle...could it be that the suggested extra want is what tempts one to ignore to understand ones own growth?
Allocation would imply emitting outwards the fruits of labor from ONEs ecosystem. This way it's not the temptation to share what one claims to own; but distribution of growth for expansion of self.
Let them call it bullshit; I take it as fertilizer any day.