If only Americans had dads anymore, they're really good at unfucking a fucked up situation. This is why you don't want your family's protector/provider to be absent/cucked.
This has been a huge campaign by powerful elites for decades: to get men and fathers out of households and demoralize them while “empowering” women. It’s a big reason why we are where we are today.
I don't know a one who "died at home". I personally know 4 who died in hospital and am acquainted with several more.
Always the same method: renal failure due to weeks on a vent on drugs (including fentanyl and Remdesivir). None of them died of Covid. They all died of kidney failure from the drugs. One had his lungs blown out by the vent and even HE died of kidney failure.
This 17 year old young lady went to the emergency room in Odessa, COVID positive, because she couldn’t breath. She was humiliated and dehumanized by the staff. Aside from the warning on the bag not to place this over your head, as it could cause suffocation, this is just wrong. The bag is labeled equipment cover and has your typical warning on it. The girls mother said she complained of not being able to breath well, taking off the mask, and was asked to put it back on. The bag was over her head for roughly 30 minutes and she was instructed to save the bag for future use throughout the hospital.
Honestly the last place I'd go if I thought I had the coof would be a hospital. Those places are like the euthanasia scene from soylet green. Except you don't get the nice music and video screen while they put you to sleep.
Hard to believe that's even legal, isn't it? Used to be that putting a plastic bag over someone's head was equated with MURDER, and how it's standard hospital operating procedure apparently.
I read about one family member that insisted family be allowed in to pray for their comatose/ventilated uncle. They were relentless about it and were finally let in. They told staff they needed privacy to pray. They rubbed ivermectin on the uncle's gums.
He got better. RARE. We all know that vents + drugs = death. So even in a dire stage like coma/vent...the ivermectin was still effective.
Read about Lou Gossett Jr's coof adventure. He saw that they were prepping people for death and noped the fuck out of the hospital. His son and friends hooked him up with a doctor that put him on a ivermectin treatment and he recovered.
If only Americans had dads anymore, they're really good at unfucking a fucked up situation. This is why you don't want your family's protector/provider to be absent/cucked.
This has been a huge campaign by powerful elites for decades: to get men and fathers out of households and demoralize them while “empowering” women. It’s a big reason why we are where we are today.
I don't know a one who "died at home". I personally know 4 who died in hospital and am acquainted with several more.
Always the same method: renal failure due to weeks on a vent on drugs (including fentanyl and Remdesivir). None of them died of Covid. They all died of kidney failure from the drugs. One had his lungs blown out by the vent and even HE died of kidney failure.
More at fagbook: https://www.facebook.com/TheGovernmentAccountabilityProject/photos/a.112915717253132/355935046284530
Honestly the last place I'd go if I thought I had the coof would be a hospital. Those places are like the euthanasia scene from soylet green. Except you don't get the nice music and video screen while they put you to sleep.
Yes. The last things you hear in this life are lies: that you will be able to sleep while your lungs heal.
I didn't see a mention of which hospital. I'm always curious as to which huge group these awful ones are a part of.
Isn't that a suffocation hazard?
Hard to believe that's even legal, isn't it? Used to be that putting a plastic bag over someone's head was equated with MURDER, and how it's standard hospital operating procedure apparently.
I read about one family member that insisted family be allowed in to pray for their comatose/ventilated uncle. They were relentless about it and were finally let in. They told staff they needed privacy to pray. They rubbed ivermectin on the uncle's gums.
He got better. RARE. We all know that vents + drugs = death. So even in a dire stage like coma/vent...the ivermectin was still effective.
Read about Lou Gossett Jr's coof adventure. He saw that they were prepping people for death and noped the fuck out of the hospital. His son and friends hooked him up with a doctor that put him on a ivermectin treatment and he recovered.
Isn't this one of the torture methods they used in Toul Sleng?
"You say warcrime, I say safe and effective!" -the enemy
Mask works right?