The whole aim of the vaccine was to be able to get to "herd immunity" and open up society again There are 10s of millions of Americans who cannot get the vaccine. There is a whole laundry list of conditions that make vulnerable people unable to get the vaccine, or make it not work well if they do get it!
How the fuck does this leaky vaccine work to those ends? If maskless vaccinated people are spreading this then it failed. Herd immunity is not possible
Backtrack, backtrack, move the goal post, rationalize "But I deserved it, he didn't mean to hit me, it's my fault", praise the abuser, praise the abuser some more, they just can't suck FauXi's dick too hard even when it's so deep down their throat that its head is starting to show out their assholes.
Ol Joe and the CDC said you wouldn't get covid with the vaccine
See what happens when Fauci says "we are back to stage 1" and forces everyone to lock down with masks on.
You will love it.
And the vaccinated will blame it on the conscientious refusers of vaccine.
Thinking of visiting houses of people that are behind this authoritarian nonsense.
actually, the death rate is 7%
actually, the death rate is 3%
actually, the death rate is 90% (yes, people have told me this)
actually, the death rate is 1%
actually the death rate is 0.1%
actually the deaths are everyone who died from covid
actually the deaths are everyone who died with covid
Well, what about the 80,000 who died from H1N1? Didn't you disrespect them by not wearing a mask or social distancing that year?
They are right, and all they had to do was change the English definition for vaccine bringing down every previous vaccine to their level.
Equality of Outcomes applied to vaccines
The whole aim of the vaccine was to be able to get to "herd immunity" and open up society again There are 10s of millions of Americans who cannot get the vaccine. There is a whole laundry list of conditions that make vulnerable people unable to get the vaccine, or make it not work well if they do get it!
How the fuck does this leaky vaccine work to those ends? If maskless vaccinated people are spreading this then it failed. Herd immunity is not possible
The herd also includes other animals.
Backtrack, backtrack, move the goal post, rationalize "But I deserved it, he didn't mean to hit me, it's my fault", praise the abuser, praise the abuser some more, they just can't suck FauXi's dick too hard even when it's so deep down their throat that its head is starting to show out their assholes.
If you could spread covid without showing any symptoms while having it, what will a vaccine do to stop it's spread?
I need this is in text. So I can copy and paste and send to friends.