Dr Shiva Ayyadurai goes through the increase of Covid-19 "vaccinations" (or jabs) - accurately really experimental biologics injections, and how after injections started the "case" counts have exploded in all countries EXCEPT Israel (and China) :
The relevant portion starts at the 38:30 minute mark:
If somebody can find a high quality web-page / PDF of all the graphs he goes through, please post here, the video is very low quality (due to Bitchute.com being total crap).
I plotted this myself for India, but it was so much hard work that I have not had the time to do it for all the other countries, but here it is in the above video.
The question is.
- What is Israel injecting, when their cases have NOT risen after jabs, whereas cases are rising in every other country?
Israel UK and America.
Also India only exports the jabs and has literally nothing for themselves.
But at the long run it does not matter because they can declare mutant virus pandemics for no reason and the whole thing is the final payload of a plan to reset and replace humanity outright. After the jabs, mechanical infusion is next.
There's a huge spike in India after jabs started, already posted elsewhere here at conspiracies.win
I had not heard of Jabs in India.
If they want to scaremonger the vaccines as a goalpost, why not scaremonger in America instead?
You can go to OurWorldInData and get the 1-2 week delayed data on "cases", deaths and jabs. Including India.
This was plotted a month ago:
This was totally against normal coronavirus seasonality in India : JAN-MAY are lowest months in India.
The death started plummeting again in India, when they did a nation wide recommendation of Ivermectin combination protocol on 20th of April:
Also, IVERMECTIN CLEARS OUT THE HYDROGEL in the jabs, as per the Slovak Republic study:
Are you sure that they just didn't bathe Ganges water and died and the government was taking this chance to fake Covid cases?
Also why attack India? Should be USA instead.
Not saying it is attack. The vaxx are everywhere.
Not sure, but it is not coro natural seasonal change.
Could be something else, but it doesn't track the same from year to year in the same time period, so it is unlikely to be related to festivities in the Ganges, because those happen the same times each year.
You know that most Corona cases are blamed onto deaths from other causes right?
Most likely this is what happens. The timing further reinforces the point.
They already did the case fabricating thing to America all the way until Biden replaced Trump and that is because they decided to and not because Biden is competent.
If they like it they can try that on the USA again instead of India to display a destructive message; "welcome to the new normal". USA, Japan, SK or Britain are all way better places to fabricate cases than India just because of the destructive message it spreads across.
Yep. As per the Salk Institute study:
Only placebo for the Ashkinazi, the Palestinians will get the real deal but they will cover up their deaths. Same way they have been experimenting on Palestinian prisoners, stealing their body parts, shooting and torturing children or kidnapping white European women and turning them into sex slaves without anyone saying a word.
Also to be noted, the Israelis can start fabricating any numbers, cases, etc... at any point in time if they feel people are noticing something fishy. And how can we verify? How hard would it be to verify even if given the resources? We all know how they pulled off the holocaust. This shouldn't be too hard for them.
Good point on faked stats.
Israel is Pfizer's showcase, they MUST show good numbers there.
Israel People's Comittee has claimed the official Israel Vaxx Adverse Reaction Stats are bunk: