Dr Shiva Ayyadurai goes through the increase of Covid-19 "vaccinations" (or jabs) - accurately really experimental biologics injections, and how after injections started the "case" counts have exploded in all countries EXCEPT Israel (and China) :
The relevant portion starts at the 38:30 minute mark:
If somebody can find a high quality web-page / PDF of all the graphs he goes through, please post here, the video is very low quality (due to Bitchute.com being total crap).
I plotted this myself for India, but it was so much hard work that I have not had the time to do it for all the other countries, but here it is in the above video.
The question is.
- What is Israel injecting, when their cases have NOT risen after jabs, whereas cases are rising in every other country?
Yep. As per the Salk Institute study: