Dr Shiva Ayyadurai goes through the increase of Covid-19 "vaccinations" (or jabs) - accurately really experimental biologics injections, and how after injections started the "case" counts have exploded in all countries EXCEPT Israel (and China) :
The relevant portion starts at the 38:30 minute mark:
If somebody can find a high quality web-page / PDF of all the graphs he goes through, please post here, the video is very low quality (due to Bitchute.com being total crap).
I plotted this myself for India, but it was so much hard work that I have not had the time to do it for all the other countries, but here it is in the above video.
The question is.
- What is Israel injecting, when their cases have NOT risen after jabs, whereas cases are rising in every other country?
Good point on faked stats.
Israel is Pfizer's showcase, they MUST show good numbers there.
Israel People's Comittee has claimed the official Israel Vaxx Adverse Reaction Stats are bunk: