I am a saved and born again Christian. Ever since I was a child I have found no value in this world. I see most things as vanity; pointless pursuits and possessions. It all decays and loses its luster. I have not wished to be here nor take part in the systems at work -- for as long as I can remember. It all fades.
These thoughts and feelings are not brought on simply by rejection or a psychological need for belonging, or fitting in.
This world is foreign to me -- from both a spiritual and physical aspect.
I believe the world was spoken into existence. But just the same, while tangible, is not quite real. To some degree I would argue that a manifestation is a dream and therefore, in many ways, a simulation. While there's much I could say, I simply feel that this world is temporary. It is a place, but not my final place. Is it real? Sure. Does it have significance to me? Not really.
Consider this...motion (like from inception towards death) corrupts everything set into it (like life).
loses its luster
Could flow applied to form represent a pull; a temptation; a lust; a want?
need for belonging
What if you already are within something (form within flow) and need to sustain yourself; but also have the choice (free will) to ignore needs (self sustenance) for wants (temptations aka ignorance of self sustenance)?
These thoughts and feelings are not brought on...
Perception (input); choice based comprehension (processing); action (output)...
This world is foreign to me
What if you feel alone; surrounded by others (foreign), because we're alone...ALL in ONE?
from both a spiritual and physical aspect.
SPIR'IT, noun (Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe)...and yet you breathe; because you need to; surrounded by the physical form that you perceive within flow.
I believe the world was spoken into existence.
Yet you never perceived nature defining itself through words; only ever those within nature using words to define it for each others as suggestions in exchange for consent to believe them.
How is that most lifeforms can perceive; comprehend and act upon "grass"; without anyone telling them that it's called "grass"? If "in the beginning was the word..."; then what did it describe, and who did it address?
Could it be that not one can create all, but that ALL is needed to allow the ONEs within to transmute out of?
a simulation
SIMULA'TION, noun [Latin simulation ] - "the act of feigning to be that which is not; the assumption of". To assume requires motion to perceive; comprehend and assume about the form within. Form isn't flow; yet form originates out of flow.
this world is temporary
Like the temporary momentum within ongoing motion? Like the temporary form resisting the velocity of ongoing flow? Like the temporary ONE potential within the ongoing potentiality of ALL energy in motion?
It is a place, but not my final place.
What if motion set momentum into place; and those within choose to ignore the need for ONEs self sustenance for wanting more than ALL offered to them?
What if life is not goal oriented (final place), since the outcome (death) is predefined at the beginning (inception); but a responsibility for the sustenance of balance in between beginning and end; through choice based (free will) actions as adaptation to motion?
Does it have significance to me? Not really.
Do you want to breathe or do you need to breathe? Try to mentally and physically resist the need for breathing (your spirit contract) to comprehend a little more about what "dominates" the "free" will of choice of yours aka free-dom.
One can "make" entire worlds. Be they tangible or intangible.
What ONE forms is within ALL flow, which is why we cannot create; we transmute out of base. Choice between adherence to that base or ignorance thereof define the consequences of our actions.
Motion applied to form represents both growth and loss in coexistence. Life is defined by the motion from inception (growth) towards death (loss). ONE has free will of choice over actions within ALL motion; because of that balance caused by motion...the momentum of motion; the moment that holds form within flow.
thrill and despair
EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.] Within motion "to move from motion" represents ONEs choice to ignore ALL within motion. This represents a temptation caused by the pull of flow onto form; which is why adherence to self sustenance within flow is what's needed to sustain form.
Seeking thrill; yet finding despair...sounds familiar; doesn't it? It's because emotion equals temptation, which we either fall for or resist by using it as inspiration to adhere to self sustenance.
the thrill IS life's purpose.
PUR'POSE, noun [Latin propositum, propono; pro, before, and pono, to set.]
Thrill represents sense based perception of ONE within ALL; purpose represents predefined function/process of ALL, which is why ONE needs to perceive ALL.
ONE within ALL represents potential within potentiality; segregated through motion (the loss of potentiality); causing momentum; within which the unification of potential recharges potentiality. Both loss/recharge together represent the function "self sustenance". Sustenance of what? Energy; the source of ALL information that allows the ONEs within to transmute (not create) out of.
Purpose is predefined; which is why choice within is between adherence and ignorance thereof.
Cant blame anyone for despair and overthinking it. Not now.
The few exploit the many's ignorance towards loss through flow; to get them attached (by consent) to form within flow, which attaches them to loss. They farm the ignorant, and harvest them periodically. While they're doing this; the destruction of information (which we hold onto as beliefs); will inspire those who do not restrict themselves with as many beliefs, to be less ignorant (want) and more in adherence with self sustenance (need).
Motion always defines the balance within momentum; no matter what our ignorance builds into it. Flow represents the natural order; form represents temporary chaos out of order, which the parasites inverted into order out of chaos (phoenix out of the ashes).
The natural order is always ongoing; yet our ignorance of the need to adhere to it is what causes all the stress, and that very same ignorance also not just cause those who ruthlessly exploit it; but inspires them to continue taking the piss of mankind.
PERSON, noun per'sn. [Latin persona; said to be compounded of per, through or by, and sonus, sound
Adherence to ALL through ONEs choice of action causes resonance; ignorance to ALL through ONEs choice of actions cause dissonance. Resonance sustains form of ONE (person); dissonance corrupts form of ONE (person) towards ALL flow (depersonalized).
RE'AL, adjective (Low Latin realis. The Latin res and Eng. thing coincide exactly with the Heb. a word). A word represents a suggestion in ignorance of motion, and consenting to it by free will of choice causes the two "dissonant" states (reality and fiction) to be in conflict within ONEs mind.
Within motion...fiction doesn't exist, and reality cannot be defined; because it's ongoing; in motion; a flow state; within which form temporarily sustains itself through struggle by choice of action.
Derealization represents comprehension of the above; of real and fiction representing suggested beleif based assumptions, that cause a conflict of reason between them (truth versus false).
The only "conflict" within energy is the friction between motion (velocity) and momentum (resistance); which causes the vibration to allow form to sustain within flow. It's not a conflict; it's a feature aka a process in the making...self sustenance.
SIMULA'TION, noun [Latin simulation ] - "the act of feigning to be that which is not". Energy is ALL; which makes "the act of feigning" the representation of ONEs choice of ignorance towards ALL.
Digital simulation
DIGITAL, adjective [Latin] - "pertaining to the fingers, or to digits". An allegory for measurement aka evaluation through choice of action. They're telling us to "evaluate ignorance" aka what are the implications of ONE choosing to ignore ALL?
organizes the data into Normalcy, or Form
What if "flow" represents normalcy aka the natural order, and the form within represents temporary chaos; transmuted out of order? Could it be that motion reorganizes what momentum builds? Could ALL be processing the ONEs?
the images are projected to the Awareness
Close your eyes and rely on sound for a while; then resist sound and rely on touch for a while etc. Awareness represents a response to input through motion; it represents adaptation to inspiration through choice of action. We can influence ONEs reaction; not ALL input.
I don't think that Everything is Mind
ONEs mind perceives form (momentum) within flow (motion); ALL represents flow; which causes form; which together sustain ALL. The inner process of a self sustaining system.
Mind creates reality, and without Mind, there is only Fractalized Data.
ONE represents the fractal data (the segregated potential); ALL represents the predefined data (the accumulated potentiality). ONEs mind perceives potential within potentiality (momentum within motion); within which ONE can transmute (not create) out of ALL.
when the Aether meets Awareness, there the world is formed.
Flow causes form; awareness is needed within form to sustain itself within flow. A need based hierarchy.
what it feels like to live in this Unreal world.
Dissonance based on choice of ignorance towards resonance. All the shit they offer us in exchange for consent to it is causing the dissonance within ourselves. They're are building (through suggestions) the tower of BA'BEL, noun [Heb.] - "confusion; disorder"; a form the flow of the natural order (motion) will topple again and again.
It is like I am half in the game, half out of it...
You perceive the consequences of domestication; you comprehend ONEs free will of choice within ALL. Your potential is rising, and you start to notice the inspiration/temptation others represent to it.
and it has to lead me to become a bit cold, and aloof
The warmth represents a temptation towards ignorance; the cold the inspiration towards adherence to self sustenance. Embrace it and you will become the generator for both warmth (temptation) and cold (inspiration); but the choice between is on others.
Surely people notice this, but they might think that I am autistic or something
Vanity. Don't adhere to others for want of substance; adhere to ALL for sustenance of self, and you will find yourself attracting others who do the same. Your increase of potential (magnetic) is causing that attraction,and it's based on your adherence to ALL (electric) as the source of power (flow sustains form).
maybe they just think that I am socially awkward
Social represents the unity established through adherence to self suspense; not the selfish unity caused by following the mainstream; the party-line; the chain of command; the beast system of domestication. They follow suggested wants; you need to adhere to predefined needs.
it is my feelings that whisper this to me.
Your instincts are defined by self sustenance; resist the temptation to ignore them.
I am driven by Duty, and Will.
Motion; responsibility and choice of action.
If I were to operate on my feelings of the world alone, I would drop out completely
The world alone represents "alone/ ALL in ONE".
I have a responsibility to the people in my life
No. Your responsibility is over the sustenance of self; which in return increases your potential among those surrounding you. You don't help others by catering to them; you just ignore self, which will weaken your potential, and then hurt those around you too.
Everything that the people around me do, seems meaningless. Everything that they do, seems empty.
They consent by free will of choice to ignore having a free will of choice; having a sole authority over ONEself, and instead they submit to the free will of false authorities, which are getting corrupted through this mass ignorance over self. The emptiness represents the ONE vessel within ALL that refuses to steer by choice of action.
what really is the purpose. Where are we going?
Towards death; which inspires the sustenance of life.
everything is Plastic and Dead
To buffer inspiration needed for the sustenance of life for as long as possible (to harvest the ignorant); before motion balances momentum into the next growth/loss process.
Everything has a Profit motive behind it
PROF'IT, noun (Latin profectus, proficio, to profit literally to proceed forward, to advance; pro and facio). That's an allegory for motion, and they use it as an incentive to tempt us to go along with it towards death; which they brand "progress".
What does want for progress ignore? Need for sustenance. It's that simple to suggest inversions.
we were not made to Produce, and Consume only
PRODU'CE, verb transitive [Latin produco; pro and duco, to lead.] ALL motion leads; the ONEs within choose to adhere to or ignore that.
Where has the Thrill gone, where the excitement, where the adventure?
Growth of form is defined by adherence to self sustenance within loss through flow. Set an action into motion and watch the consequences grow...your choices define the thrill.
I am a saved and born again Christian. Ever since I was a child I have found no value in this world. I see most things as vanity; pointless pursuits and possessions. It all decays and loses its luster. I have not wished to be here nor take part in the systems at work -- for as long as I can remember. It all fades.
These thoughts and feelings are not brought on simply by rejection or a psychological need for belonging, or fitting in.
This world is foreign to me -- from both a spiritual and physical aspect.
I believe the world was spoken into existence. But just the same, while tangible, is not quite real. To some degree I would argue that a manifestation is a dream and therefore, in many ways, a simulation. While there's much I could say, I simply feel that this world is temporary. It is a place, but not my final place. Is it real? Sure. Does it have significance to me? Not really.
Consider this...motion (like from inception towards death) corrupts everything set into it (like life).
Could flow applied to form represent a pull; a temptation; a lust; a want?
What if you already are within something (form within flow) and need to sustain yourself; but also have the choice (free will) to ignore needs (self sustenance) for wants (temptations aka ignorance of self sustenance)?
Perception (input); choice based comprehension (processing); action (output)...
What if you feel alone; surrounded by others (foreign), because we're alone...ALL in ONE?
SPIR'IT, noun (Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe)...and yet you breathe; because you need to; surrounded by the physical form that you perceive within flow.
Yet you never perceived nature defining itself through words; only ever those within nature using words to define it for each others as suggestions in exchange for consent to believe them.
How is that most lifeforms can perceive; comprehend and act upon "grass"; without anyone telling them that it's called "grass"? If "in the beginning was the word..."; then what did it describe, and who did it address?
Could it be that not one can create all, but that ALL is needed to allow the ONEs within to transmute out of?
SIMULA'TION, noun [Latin simulation ] - "the act of feigning to be that which is not; the assumption of". To assume requires motion to perceive; comprehend and assume about the form within. Form isn't flow; yet form originates out of flow.
Like the temporary momentum within ongoing motion? Like the temporary form resisting the velocity of ongoing flow? Like the temporary ONE potential within the ongoing potentiality of ALL energy in motion?
What if motion set momentum into place; and those within choose to ignore the need for ONEs self sustenance for wanting more than ALL offered to them?
What if life is not goal oriented (final place), since the outcome (death) is predefined at the beginning (inception); but a responsibility for the sustenance of balance in between beginning and end; through choice based (free will) actions as adaptation to motion?
Do you want to breathe or do you need to breathe? Try to mentally and physically resist the need for breathing (your spirit contract) to comprehend a little more about what "dominates" the "free" will of choice of yours aka free-dom.
Make your own tangible and intangible realities.
The tangible ones will appear real.
The intagible will be fleeting.
Tangible. Write. Make. Paint. Garden. In 3d. A result you can see touch taste burn keep give.
One can "make" entire worlds. Be they tangible or intangible.
Risk. Reward.
Win sum. Lose some.
What ONE forms is within ALL flow, which is why we cannot create; we transmute out of base. Choice between adherence to that base or ignorance thereof define the consequences of our actions.
Action onto form; based on choice defined through flow.
The thrill is gone cause matter and what matters is diminishing.
In better worlds the thrill IS life's purpose.
Cant blame anyone for despair and overthinking it. Not now.
Motion applied to form represents both growth and loss in coexistence. Life is defined by the motion from inception (growth) towards death (loss). ONE has free will of choice over actions within ALL motion; because of that balance caused by motion...the momentum of motion; the moment that holds form within flow.
EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.] Within motion "to move from motion" represents ONEs choice to ignore ALL within motion. This represents a temptation caused by the pull of flow onto form; which is why adherence to self sustenance within flow is what's needed to sustain form.
Seeking thrill; yet finding despair...sounds familiar; doesn't it? It's because emotion equals temptation, which we either fall for or resist by using it as inspiration to adhere to self sustenance.
PUR'POSE, noun [Latin propositum, propono; pro, before, and pono, to set.]
Thrill represents sense based perception of ONE within ALL; purpose represents predefined function/process of ALL, which is why ONE needs to perceive ALL.
ONE within ALL represents potential within potentiality; segregated through motion (the loss of potentiality); causing momentum; within which the unification of potential recharges potentiality. Both loss/recharge together represent the function "self sustenance". Sustenance of what? Energy; the source of ALL information that allows the ONEs within to transmute (not create) out of.
Purpose is predefined; which is why choice within is between adherence and ignorance thereof.
The few exploit the many's ignorance towards loss through flow; to get them attached (by consent) to form within flow, which attaches them to loss. They farm the ignorant, and harvest them periodically. While they're doing this; the destruction of information (which we hold onto as beliefs); will inspire those who do not restrict themselves with as many beliefs, to be less ignorant (want) and more in adherence with self sustenance (need).
Motion always defines the balance within momentum; no matter what our ignorance builds into it. Flow represents the natural order; form represents temporary chaos out of order, which the parasites inverted into order out of chaos (phoenix out of the ashes).
The natural order is always ongoing; yet our ignorance of the need to adhere to it is what causes all the stress, and that very same ignorance also not just cause those who ruthlessly exploit it; but inspires them to continue taking the piss of mankind.
PERSON, noun per'sn. [Latin persona; said to be compounded of per, through or by, and sonus, sound
Adherence to ALL through ONEs choice of action causes resonance; ignorance to ALL through ONEs choice of actions cause dissonance. Resonance sustains form of ONE (person); dissonance corrupts form of ONE (person) towards ALL flow (depersonalized).
RE'AL, adjective (Low Latin realis. The Latin res and Eng. thing coincide exactly with the Heb. a word). A word represents a suggestion in ignorance of motion, and consenting to it by free will of choice causes the two "dissonant" states (reality and fiction) to be in conflict within ONEs mind.
Within motion...fiction doesn't exist, and reality cannot be defined; because it's ongoing; in motion; a flow state; within which form temporarily sustains itself through struggle by choice of action.
Derealization represents comprehension of the above; of real and fiction representing suggested beleif based assumptions, that cause a conflict of reason between them (truth versus false).
The only "conflict" within energy is the friction between motion (velocity) and momentum (resistance); which causes the vibration to allow form to sustain within flow. It's not a conflict; it's a feature aka a process in the making...self sustenance.
SIMULA'TION, noun [Latin simulation ] - "the act of feigning to be that which is not". Energy is ALL; which makes "the act of feigning" the representation of ONEs choice of ignorance towards ALL.
DIGITAL, adjective [Latin] - "pertaining to the fingers, or to digits". An allegory for measurement aka evaluation through choice of action. They're telling us to "evaluate ignorance" aka what are the implications of ONE choosing to ignore ALL?
What if "flow" represents normalcy aka the natural order, and the form within represents temporary chaos; transmuted out of order? Could it be that motion reorganizes what momentum builds? Could ALL be processing the ONEs?
Close your eyes and rely on sound for a while; then resist sound and rely on touch for a while etc. Awareness represents a response to input through motion; it represents adaptation to inspiration through choice of action. We can influence ONEs reaction; not ALL input.
ONEs mind perceives form (momentum) within flow (motion); ALL represents flow; which causes form; which together sustain ALL. The inner process of a self sustaining system.
ONE represents the fractal data (the segregated potential); ALL represents the predefined data (the accumulated potentiality). ONEs mind perceives potential within potentiality (momentum within motion); within which ONE can transmute (not create) out of ALL.
Flow causes form; awareness is needed within form to sustain itself within flow. A need based hierarchy.
Dissonance based on choice of ignorance towards resonance. All the shit they offer us in exchange for consent to it is causing the dissonance within ourselves. They're are building (through suggestions) the tower of BA'BEL, noun [Heb.] - "confusion; disorder"; a form the flow of the natural order (motion) will topple again and again.
You perceive the consequences of domestication; you comprehend ONEs free will of choice within ALL. Your potential is rising, and you start to notice the inspiration/temptation others represent to it.
The warmth represents a temptation towards ignorance; the cold the inspiration towards adherence to self sustenance. Embrace it and you will become the generator for both warmth (temptation) and cold (inspiration); but the choice between is on others.
Vanity. Don't adhere to others for want of substance; adhere to ALL for sustenance of self, and you will find yourself attracting others who do the same. Your increase of potential (magnetic) is causing that attraction,and it's based on your adherence to ALL (electric) as the source of power (flow sustains form).
Social represents the unity established through adherence to self suspense; not the selfish unity caused by following the mainstream; the party-line; the chain of command; the beast system of domestication. They follow suggested wants; you need to adhere to predefined needs.
Your instincts are defined by self sustenance; resist the temptation to ignore them.
Motion; responsibility and choice of action.
The world alone represents "alone/ ALL in ONE".
No. Your responsibility is over the sustenance of self; which in return increases your potential among those surrounding you. You don't help others by catering to them; you just ignore self, which will weaken your potential, and then hurt those around you too.
They consent by free will of choice to ignore having a free will of choice; having a sole authority over ONEself, and instead they submit to the free will of false authorities, which are getting corrupted through this mass ignorance over self. The emptiness represents the ONE vessel within ALL that refuses to steer by choice of action.
Towards death; which inspires the sustenance of life.
To buffer inspiration needed for the sustenance of life for as long as possible (to harvest the ignorant); before motion balances momentum into the next growth/loss process.
PROF'IT, noun (Latin profectus, proficio, to profit literally to proceed forward, to advance; pro and facio). That's an allegory for motion, and they use it as an incentive to tempt us to go along with it towards death; which they brand "progress".
What does want for progress ignore? Need for sustenance. It's that simple to suggest inversions.
PRODU'CE, verb transitive [Latin produco; pro and duco, to lead.] ALL motion leads; the ONEs within choose to adhere to or ignore that.
Growth of form is defined by adherence to self sustenance within loss through flow. Set an action into motion and watch the consequences grow...your choices define the thrill.