Motion applied to form represents both growth and loss in coexistence. Life is defined by the motion from inception (growth) towards death (loss). ONE has free will of choice over actions within ALL motion; because of that balance caused by motion...the momentum of motion; the moment that holds form within flow.
thrill and despair
EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.] Within motion "to move from motion" represents ONEs choice to ignore ALL within motion. This represents a temptation caused by the pull of flow onto form; which is why adherence to self sustenance within flow is what's needed to sustain form.
Seeking thrill; yet finding despair...sounds familiar; doesn't it? It's because emotion equals temptation, which we either fall for or resist by using it as inspiration to adhere to self sustenance.
the thrill IS life's purpose.
PUR'POSE, noun [Latin propositum, propono; pro, before, and pono, to set.]
Thrill represents sense based perception of ONE within ALL; purpose represents predefined function/process of ALL, which is why ONE needs to perceive ALL.
ONE within ALL represents potential within potentiality; segregated through motion (the loss of potentiality); causing momentum; within which the unification of potential recharges potentiality. Both loss/recharge together represent the function "self sustenance". Sustenance of what? Energy; the source of ALL information that allows the ONEs within to transmute (not create) out of.
Purpose is predefined; which is why choice within is between adherence and ignorance thereof.
Cant blame anyone for despair and overthinking it. Not now.
The few exploit the many's ignorance towards loss through flow; to get them attached (by consent) to form within flow, which attaches them to loss. They farm the ignorant, and harvest them periodically. While they're doing this; the destruction of information (which we hold onto as beliefs); will inspire those who do not restrict themselves with as many beliefs, to be less ignorant (want) and more in adherence with self sustenance (need).
Motion always defines the balance within momentum; no matter what our ignorance builds into it. Flow represents the natural order; form represents temporary chaos out of order, which the parasites inverted into order out of chaos (phoenix out of the ashes).
The natural order is always ongoing; yet our ignorance of the need to adhere to it is what causes all the stress, and that very same ignorance also not just cause those who ruthlessly exploit it; but inspires them to continue taking the piss of mankind.
Motion applied to form represents both growth and loss in coexistence. Life is defined by the motion from inception (growth) towards death (loss). ONE has free will of choice over actions within ALL motion; because of that balance caused by motion...the momentum of motion; the moment that holds form within flow.
EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.] Within motion "to move from motion" represents ONEs choice to ignore ALL within motion. This represents a temptation caused by the pull of flow onto form; which is why adherence to self sustenance within flow is what's needed to sustain form.
Seeking thrill; yet finding despair...sounds familiar; doesn't it? It's because emotion equals temptation, which we either fall for or resist by using it as inspiration to adhere to self sustenance.
PUR'POSE, noun [Latin propositum, propono; pro, before, and pono, to set.]
Thrill represents sense based perception of ONE within ALL; purpose represents predefined function/process of ALL, which is why ONE needs to perceive ALL.
ONE within ALL represents potential within potentiality; segregated through motion (the loss of potentiality); causing momentum; within which the unification of potential recharges potentiality. Both loss/recharge together represent the function "self sustenance". Sustenance of what? Energy; the source of ALL information that allows the ONEs within to transmute (not create) out of.
Purpose is predefined; which is why choice within is between adherence and ignorance thereof.
The few exploit the many's ignorance towards loss through flow; to get them attached (by consent) to form within flow, which attaches them to loss. They farm the ignorant, and harvest them periodically. While they're doing this; the destruction of information (which we hold onto as beliefs); will inspire those who do not restrict themselves with as many beliefs, to be less ignorant (want) and more in adherence with self sustenance (need).
Motion always defines the balance within momentum; no matter what our ignorance builds into it. Flow represents the natural order; form represents temporary chaos out of order, which the parasites inverted into order out of chaos (phoenix out of the ashes).
The natural order is always ongoing; yet our ignorance of the need to adhere to it is what causes all the stress, and that very same ignorance also not just cause those who ruthlessly exploit it; but inspires them to continue taking the piss of mankind.