Oh wow. I just read an article that said he ODed and that caused a heart attack. I keep searching to find what drug he ODed on but no where is that specified... usually it’s specified like when Demi Lavato ODed.
Damn, he was slated to play at the Wildcatter in Katy TX in May. Just saw Mr. cocain country dancing Paul Cauthen 2 weeks ago there. Was laughed at for asking about mask reqs. "This ain't Harris co". Great show.
Suddenly people are dying from heart attacks again instead of coronavirus. How nostalgic.
He over dosed on mRNA.
Oh wow. I just read an article that said he ODed and that caused a heart attack. I keep searching to find what drug he ODed on but no where is that specified... usually it’s specified like when Demi Lavato ODed.
He OD'ed on Covid vaccine.
Can't spell Covid vaccine without cocaine. I mean, I can't spell properly without cocaine.
What’s a Demi Lavato?
Sounds similar to a dirty sanchez
Sure is a lot of celebs dying from the vax.
In only a few months way more celebs have died of vaccines than from covid.
If your family has to say no drugs, there were lots of drugs
Damn, he was slated to play at the Wildcatter in Katy TX in May. Just saw Mr. cocain country dancing Paul Cauthen 2 weeks ago there. Was laughed at for asking about mask reqs. "This ain't Harris co". Great show.