While we disregard it, at the same time, we should actively publicize all hypocrisy that comes forward. Otherwise, you are trapped by those that react. We have to plant seeds in reactionaries. It works, it just takes time per-each individual. This is where fliers on windshields in parking-lots plays best against algorithms by authoritarians that seek to obfuscate.
It's going to happen. It actually must happen as humanity has a lesson to learn.
It's unfortunate, but it's time. Humanity is soft, and in its softness has forgot about balance.
Humanity has tipped the scales of ecological balance between man and nature, and in doing so is destroying its own habitat.
Now, nature will balance us out, regardless of what the richers do.
What comes after; will humanity learn from this massive oversight and negligence?
The continued lockdowns are only to get people depressed and remove themselves, and/or others with them. This is not going to stop any time soon unless people get rowdy. And interestingly, look how less police there are around corporate infrastructure and the autocratic richers estates who own and operate them through tax and labor exploitation.
Thankfully, none of my family has been expressive anti-Trump. We have a purview of not letting political differences get in the way. And we keep who we vote for to ourselves, even though I will always tell anyone 'I don't vote for any person that looks corporate sponsored'. Alas, people being people, many, regardless of pol-affil will typically go with the path of least resistance. Passive thinking I guess could be seen as sheepish. People being people, understanding an individual will give clues as to what words can be used to trigger various responses in a person. Humor always seems the best way to relay depressing information.
Though, by the time I'm able to curate a good joke, the ones I wanted to hear it have submitted. And now the jokes come from nervousness.
More than a month ago I asked all family that have been vaxxed to get a blood immunology test on their next doctor's visit and submit the findings to VAERS. I have found that several family members are having what seem like normal issues of age have gone to the doctor and not got a blood workup. So they legit don't know what is going on in their blood, even though they are that close to the tools to know and maybe make changes to combat genetic and environmental health dispositions.
Link this video to any video posted that shows the 60M leafblower