by pkvi
weAreStillHere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Something from linked me into here and I didn’t realize I was on a different “site.”

I’m rather taken aback that a site that was created for Trump supporters seems to have spawned another site that is creating theories that paint Trump as another nefarious actor.

But if you guys are following your suspicions in an effort to arrive at the truth then I don’t want to try to wreck that. That’s exactly how I became a Trump supporter.

by pkvi
weAreStillHere 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know I can’t prove it. But I understand your position. You’ve got to follow your suspicions wherever they lead.

I was trying to do the same when I became a Trump supporter after not voting for him in 2016.

by pkvi
weAreStillHere 2 points ago +4 / -2

Your conspiracy theories are making you look like a fucking retard, faggot.

by pkvi
weAreStillHere 1 point ago +3 / -2

This is a website for Trump supporters, because he’s earned our support. And every time someone tries to tell me otherwise I end up learning that they were wrong about Trump. If you’re not a Trump supporter then why are you here?

by pkvi
weAreStillHere 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yep. Everything you linked is correct. But if you look a little deeper you’ll see that what you’re talking about is how the threat of the virus was way over-amplified.

It was just real enough to let them get away with this. And Trump knew that he couldn’t stop them until the virus was no longer a threat, at all.

You don’t have bodies on pallets being loaded by forklifts into trucks in NYC if the virus isn’t real. You don’t find bodies in the back of a uhaul in NYC if the virus isn’t real.

My brother wouldn’t be dead if this virus wasn’t real. His immune system had been severely weakened after winning a battle against lymphoma. But he was working full time and on his feet all day. And what he died of was not influenza. He died exactly the same way that everyone else who died of this virus died.

The virus is not a threat to most people, but you’ve got the wrong picture. Trump was fighting a real battle. Trump is not a bad guy in this picture. Not by a long shot.

by pkvi
weAreStillHere 1 point ago +4 / -3

Interesting question from someone who doesn’t seem to know his ass from his head.

by pkvi
weAreStillHere -2 points ago +2 / -4

Trump wanted the vaccines so that this covid shit would all be behind us. He put a lot of effort into that and he’s proud of it. And he should be.

And, yes. The virus is real. And your statements to the contrary immediately discredit your opine.

by pkvi
weAreStillHere -7 points ago +2 / -9

Quit fucking trying to link Trump to some vaccine scandal!

The virus was very real. We had a genius for President who realized very early that the only way to get out from under it and the Draconian crap that was coming along with it was with a vaccine.

The only problem we have now are people wanting to make the vaccine mandatory and push for vaccine passports, and I don’t see any evidence that Trump is one of them.

weAreStillHere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Much appreciated. Thank you so much, pede.

weAreStillHere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m not totally naive. I had to take two courses on religions at the university I attended. I chose western religions and eastern religions, as opposed to Native American and other less popular religions.

One of the assignments was to write an essay on the holocaust. The previous assignment was to read the Battles of Jericho in the Old Testament, basically the Jewish bible as I understand it. That text has God telling his people to go into the village and kill every man, woman and child because they don’t worship the one true God. So, instead of the traditional take on the holocaust, I wrote my essay stating that the Jewish people were no better than the Nazis.

It was a very risky paper to write. The professor was a Catholic priest who had a Jewish grandfather that lived in Germany during the holocaust. But I stated my points well and was given an A+ on the essay with the professor exclaiming “This took some development of ideas!”

But I can’t get on board with portraying this entire population as a threat today. Being suspicious of an individual’s motives is all good and well and if they have bad motives because of their religion then I’m all for calling it as it is. We need to be worried about strongly orthodox Muslims as well, because of their religion. That religion grew out of the old testament just like Christianity did. Except I think it preserved too much of the Old Testament, where Christianity, not without it’s own problems, took a different tack.

I think it is not wise to carry on like the people that we’ve identified as a threat. I can’t believe that is the right path forward. Christianity evolved to where most of its followers no longer advocate annihilating those who do not follow it. I believe there are a lot of Jews and Muslims who have evolved to this point as well. If we go forward hating an entire group then we will just perpetuate a vicious cycle of hatred. The better way, I think, is to isolate the bad ones in the group and get the good ones in the group to start rejecting them and to start calling them out. I realize that is difficult to the point of sounding like a fantasy, but I believe that has to be the way forward.

weAreStillHere 1 point ago +5 / -4

I can only speak for myself. I’m not worshipping or protecting “Jews.” I reject categorizing an entire vast population of people based on the actions of individuals within that population. Call out the bad people, not everyone who happens to share the same religion, or skin color, or ethnicity. I can tell you that we’ve got a hell of a lot of other bad people threatening us who are not Jews. If you want to call out the bad people, join the club. If you want to call out “Jews” you’re on the wrong forum.

And your post below sounds like you just graduated from the Hitler youth program. We have this very same kind of program going on in this country against Christians, white males, Trump supporters. There’s no way in hell I’m getting on board with that kind of program myself.

weAreStillHere 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is good. This is great actually. When I was campaigning for Trump I had handprinted about 1,000 3x5 cards with I actually put them right on people’s doorsteps along with the Trump flyers. But I also left them on shelves in supermarkets and other stores. If 100 more people around me would do the same we could actually start gaining ground. People can no longer say they don’t know what to do when they can do this.

weAreStillHere 3 points ago +3 / -0

We saw that kind of thing happen a lot. I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, but people like that are like dangerously sick animals that need to be put down before they hurt somebody, or everybody.

Edit: No I’m not advocating that we “put them down.” What this store owner and others like him are doing is inviting and encouraging this kind of violent crime. Your place or my place might be the next target. I’m advocating that we remove them from society because they have a dangerous mental illness that makes them a very real and serious threat to all of us.

weAreStillHere 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Justice League?

weAreStillHere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, that’s certainly the case now. Without a military that wants to fight it, any such ideas are probably moot, anyway.

weAreStillHere 5 points ago +5 / -0

It’s a brilliant weapon that’s been thrown against us. But it has to have been studied by defense organizations. Everything that’s happening because of it is predictable in a military scenario. Someone has to have played out scenarios and came up with ideas to fight it. Your comment had me wondering, where are those ideas?

weAreStillHere 2 points ago +2 / -0

So you’re suggesting that the covid vaccines are leaky. Is there any literature on that? This is a legitimate concern. It’s exactly the same concern the medical profession has with antibiotics.